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East Dulwich CPZ

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  • 3 months later...
So the CPZ comes into force on Monday 14th Sept. I moved into the zone recently so missed the maps that show the different sub-zones and therefore where I can park with my permit. I can't find a map on the Southwark website - does anyone know where I can find one?
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Businesses can buy permits and there are not many located within the CPZ, Lordship Lane & nearly all surrounding side roads are still free for all parking.

eastdulwichhenry Wrote:


> So they made these zones 8:30am to 6:30pm did

> they? I thought the plan was for a shorter 2-hour

> zone to prevent commuters using the station, while

> not disrupting businesses which need cars to park

> for picking up heavy items etc.

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People kept saying that apocalyptic predictions were overblown. And yet GG, EDR and LL are now at a near permanent standstill. I can't park within 5 streets of my house unless I do it at midnight, and the vicious hell the council saw fit to visit upon us people on the east side of LL has come to pass.

And just for good measure, they close Melbourne Gv. As if people there weren't rich enough they now get a council-sponsored quiet neighbourhood which should be good for ?100k. After me, 'All in this together' 😀

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roywj Wrote:


> Lots of tickets issued today

I just walked along East Dulwich Grove towards Lordship Lane and every other car parked there has a ticket - bumper bonus day for the traffic wardens and council. Very little signage on the section of EDG in front of the old hospital to tell you it is permit only which might explain why so many people are falling foul of it.

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That's fair, plenty of warning for those use to parking there and much better than getting a fine.

ED_moots Wrote:


> Someone I know spoke to wardens today and they're

> issuing warnings today (which look like tickets).


> Small comfort.

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For any frustrated residents in East Dulwich who are disappointed that their street is NOT included in the new controlled parking zones, and who struggle to find a parking space near their home please let the council know here:


If the link doesn't work, it's the Parking section: Request a Parking Zone Consultation. Thank you.

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I live in the new CPZ zone, neighbours and I are already very happy with the effect it has had. However I can understand people in other areas being unhappy with the knock on effect, we suffered the same here when neighbouring zones were introduced.

Abe_froeman Wrote:


> Can we request the removal of a parking zone to

> put things back to how they were? That would be

> far better.

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roywj Wrote:


> I live in the new CPZ zone, neighbours and I are

> already very happy with the effect it has had.

> However I can understand people in other areas

> being unhappy with the knock on effect, we

> suffered the same here when neighbouring zones

> were introduced.



> Abe_froeman Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Can we request the removal of a parking zone to

> > put things back to how they were? That would be

> > far better.

This is the inevitability of CPZs - they dislocate traffic and make you realise just how many people who aren't residents are parking in some areas. I suspect many areas that voted 'no' for a CPZ will soon rue the day this happened.

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Yes, but the commuter parking issue, arguably an inevitable and entirely forseeable side effect of choosing to live close to a train station, could have been mitigated by time limited CPZ, which could have meant those living by the station would have had a solution and other nearby streets would not have been made to suffer displacement to the same degree. However, this reasonable and even-handed option was rejected.
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The train station is not the only source of parking, there are the schools and health centre nearby so the longer hours are much more suitable. Given that we would be paying the same price for either scheme I see it as a no-brainer having the longer coverage.

first mate Wrote:


> Yes, but the commuter parking issue, arguably an

> inevitable and entirely forseeable side effect of

> choosing to live close to a train station, could

> have been mitigated by time limited CPZ, which

> could have meant those living by the station would

> have had a solution and other nearby streets would

> not have been made to suffer displacement to the

> same degree. However, this reasonable and

> even-handed option was rejected.

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Yes, well you might but it was always argued that commuter parking was the central issue, this could have been dealt with by the time limited option. Goodness, we had tales of commuter stalkers in cars harassing householders and all sorts. The health centre and schools were never mentioned. The all day CPZ has facilitated CPZ creep in a way that was never necessary.
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