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Scotland - Independence Referundum

Marmora Man

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Disappointing that Murray pouts late opinion based on his perception of negative 'no' campaign. Bigger picture is not PR savviness surely, moreover the rights and wrongs of independence should/will dictate. hypocritical caveat: hope democracy wins, gut... scotland will regret a yes.
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Louisa Wrote:


> Yes voters have been portrayed as being loud

> anti-English despots, when in fact culturally it's

> not unusual for Scottish people to be fired up by

> pretty much most things, and for it to be politics

> is great for democracy.

That's entirely wishful thinking. Let's see whether or not in six months' time (regardless of the referendum vote) politics with a capital 'P' is firing up Scottish people...

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As an ex-pat Scot married to an English wife now living in New York I came home last night from Madison Square Garden having just watched an 'Eagles' concert,(which was interesting and entertaining) and I was further treated to the BBC coverage of the election details.

I think the whole referendum has shown me how brittle the 'Union' is, but also interesting how the Stock exchange was up 60 points when opened today

Their all making money again- yippee!!!

Well some are!?

Chess and politics?

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well i for one am glad (yeah , i gave up with the coverage, happy i did as youngest started kicking me in the head and demanding peppa pig at about 5am)

But the union is irrevocably change whatever the result, Cameron admitted as much. are we going to move to a federal model?

For all Salmond's awfulness thought he was gracious and reconciliatory in defeat, reminded me of McCain's losers speech.

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Though did like my mate's comment this morning:

""Alex Salmond called for unity"

Er.........why start now ?

divisive little shit.

At least we won't have to put up with so much of his fat smug toad like visage sweating itself out of the television in future.

Can we arrest him for being a traitor?"

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