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Davina Boutique - 82 Lordship Lane


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M&S clothes have been at least a size bigger than everyone else's for as long as I can remember ( a long, long time :)) )

I've always thought it's to make you think you're a size 10 when actually you're nearer a size 14 :)):)):)) and you're so pleased you can fit into a 10 you buy whatever it is :)):)):))

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Cassius Wrote:


The White Stuff

> is not really vile, but safe and rather

> unimaginative,

A lot of us like to wear clothes that are safe and unimaginative. If I started walking around dressed like Gok Wan I'd look and feel like a right tool!

Saw the signage of this Davina place yesterday and it looks mighty Gaudy, as does that new Curry place (Jaflong?).

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OMG whilst sitting outside the Palmerston last night I noticed their sign for the first time .....

Is it supposed to be ironic in some way?

Is it intended to relate to the style of the shoes?


I never thought I'd wish for that "art" shop to come back .....


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Sugar is good, Petals cant afford, *hite Stuff not my bag.....and now Davina Shoes.

Sweet baby Jesus now I'm depressed. My feet would leap up and punch me in the mouth if I dared to wear. Right I'm going to watch the Euro horror Vision to cheer myself up.

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I'm sticking up for White Stuff! It's just basic daytime clothing, perhaps not very exciting, but it's in keeping with a lot of what you see people wearing up and down LL.

Wore a WS top myself last weekend - pleasing combination of slightly boho with serious cleavage - and didn't notice anyone complaining.

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Not liking the cllothes in the White Stuff is merely an opinion - I don't like it but at least I am not hoping that it closes down. I don't like Gap or Marks & Spencer either but doubt my opinion matters to their shareholders.
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On topic - we do not need another shoe shop. We definitely do not need any more Estate Agencies. We do not need any more over priced 'tat for the home' shops, and no more 'baby tat' shops either.

In truth I'd have preferred a Gap or M&S instead of White Stuff' - at least the clothes in the aforementioned are reasonably affordable. And if you're going to go bland then why pay over inflated prices for it?

Still, most of these shops seem to survive in ED, even though they are largely empty during the week. They would go bust in surrounding areas like Forest Hill, Honor Oak and Sydenham. What does that tell you!?

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Because white stuff have a good record with regards to sourcing clothes from non-sweat shop suppliers perhaps?

There is a counter-argument that expensive shops also use sweat-shops and pocket the difference but White Stuff seem to get the thumbs up from the independent organisations which police these things

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I'm so excited - gaudy tat in East Dulwich. how did they get past the style police?

i haven't seen it yet - is it just shoes, or did the boutique really extend into other (perhaps more boudoir-themed?) items?

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In pride of place in the window is a teddy bear sitting on top of what appears to be a pile of rolled-up disposable nappies, complete with pink bow.


If you had just had a baby, would you want to be given a present reminding you that you were in for several years of nappy changing??


Edited to add: I'm not even going to comment on the aesthetic aspect - ooops, I did


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