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Pathetic old racist fart on Frogley road (Lounged)


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A fair bit of racism goes on in ED, one of the reasons I always pick up the wife whenever possible, and why we don't go out locally at night due to the moth like effect the pubs have on idiots. Over the years we have experienced racism from pretty much every racial group you can imagine in London, and a fair bit in ED and Forest Hill.

Today was really pathetic though, a damn shame I wasn't around as I'm fed up of this kind of shite.

So the wife was walking home, and this white (are we allowed to say a persons colour in a description on the forum any more? White myself incidentally, so hope the PC collective don't jump down my neck here..) bloke walked out of the alley behind Moo-too, he was around 45-50 and shouted after her "Oi! Sushi!"...

I mean, wow, incredible the xxxx managed to guess where she comes from, but, really, WTF? Just what is up with that shite?

This kind of shite makes me so angry. Seeing as she is an expert chef, maybe we should open up a Japanese restaurant, if you are reading this mr white trash, there'll be no fooking sushi for you though!

PS Sorry for a messy post, am just pretty angry.

(xxxx - rude word removed - The Administrator)

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I decided not to post the rest of what was said.

Anyway, would you shout "rice and peas" after a black person walked by? "Chicken tikka" after an asian person?

Why not try that in the USA, you would soon find yourself on the end of some attitude adjustment.

Funnily enough, in my experience, women tend to be more racist than men in the UK.

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The english call the french 'frog' all the time. Likewise, when i'm in france i get called 'ros bif' quite a lot, usually by in-laws and friends of theirs. I know context has a lot to do with it and that sushi, as a call to your lady was probably not meant in a jovial way. Or perhaps the guy thought he was being really funny. What really matters is how the person on the recieving end feels. In this case it was offensive.
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No I would not shout out any type of meal to anyone regardless of their ethnic origin, as it is just plain daft. I don't know why you're getting your knickers in a twist either. I find your use of the xxxx word far, far more offensive frankly.

And your point about more women being racist than men in the UK? That is your opinion, of course, as you could not state for sure that that is fact, could you?

(xxxx - rude word removed - The Administrator)

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I know it's pathetic and upsetting, but you really do have to remember that these people are idiots and unfortunately they're not likely to grow a brain or any social skills anytime soon - certainly not an excuse, and personally I don't care whether people think its racist or not, its unwanted abuse (lets not kid ourselves that the tw*t was being anything but abusive). I'd like to say people like that don't warrant any response, but then I'm not on the receiving end of cr*p like that.....


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Its just so sad, how many centuries of civilisation and people still can't see beyond the colour of someone's skin?

Oh, and I thought ros bif was a term of endearment as the French came over here to learn how to cook it? And yes, it was offensive, along with the rest. Thankfully the wife loves English cinema and drama, so has quite a good knowledge of effective cursing.

Also, I don't know anyone who would call a French person a "frog", thank god. Funnily enough, our new neighbour is French and is absolutely lovely!

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he should've said Yo Sushi...but that might've been too obvious.

I'm sorry that 'the wife', lest she have a name, suffered this indignation and i hope it didn't upset her too much.

Still he was an old fart, so luckily ageism is still fair game.

'ism's are fun

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LOL myrmidon and, the OP, Shu.Kurimu.Sensei, obviously still thinks it is OK to use the C word. Personally I would rather be called 'bangers and mash' than the C word. But that is just my preference. Actually, I'd prefer someone yelled out 'Thai green curry' at me.
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Bon3yard - i just spat my tea all over the place at your post - 'porridge wog'? what the hell is that? i can only imagine it's a cheeky cockney knees up way of saying that you're an Italian that has done some stir - with seemingly unintentional use of such a racist term as 'wog'. If you were going to go for it, would you mention their time inside? and if you did, would you call it porridge?

Poor Ronnie Barker and the post watershed plans he had

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just for the record, why is the 'c' word forbidden? I can only assume that if one says it or writes it in public domain, that some hell-beast will leap from our monitors and enslave the human race in bondage (and not the sexy type of bondage you Kelmore Grove dark horses)
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myrmidon Wrote:


> Bon3yard - i just spat my tea all over the place

> at your post - 'porridge wog'? what the hell is

> that? i can only imagine it's a cheeky cockney

> knees up way of saying that you're an Italian that

> has done some stir - with seemingly unintentional

> use of such a racist term as 'wog'. If you were

> going to go for it, would you mention their time

> inside? and if you did, would you call it

> porridge?


> Poor Ronnie Barker and the post watershed plans he

> had

See I assumed that Bon3yard was at the receiving end of the 'porridge wog' epithet because he may be Scot.

I don't know if he is or not, but that would have been my assumption.

And indeed my intention if I had hurled the phrase at him.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a porridge wog of course...

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hanloochieB- is that right? every day is a school day. Where does the 'wog' aspect come from then?

fuck - i just completely misread the original post and confused 'wog' for 'wop' - tut, how could i confuse my racism terminology

Anyway, I am curious about the origin of porridge wog - i don't understand it at all, and clearly i was fumbling in the dark, misguided by a short life of mal-education.

The origin of words, phrases and slang is something i relish. Hit me

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xxxx is a word that hates women...as for Porridge wog, the knucklehead who bellowed it at me was under the impression I was a Scot...it must have been the fact I was carrying a set of bagpipes and just enough change for a small bottle of stout.

(xxxx - rude word removed - The Administrator)

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  • Administrator

Message sent to NatashaD:

You have been told about this before. The original poster has stated that they have been racially abused yet you refuse to understand that they feel abused and therefore, with a lack of understanding, you abuse them further. Do not do it again.


The Administrator

This is in reference to this posting previously where a user stated they felt racially abused http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,140553,142242#msg-142242 and were told to "get over it" by NatashaD. This behaviour, whether it is done because of an enjoyment of causing offence or thinking it is amusing to stir up personal anguish is wrong. Being controversial is fine however being controversial for controversy's sake at other people's expense is not something I wish to see and encourage on the the forum so please stop it.

I hope you understand.

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It's the intent with which the term "sushi" was used that deems it racist and in this case it was meant to be ugly and harmful and derogatory. Sensei, sorry your poor wife had this experience as no one deserves this, she should have flung her pack of twelve global knives at him!;-)

And if your wife does open up a sushi restaurant (which I hope she does!) just make sure this tosser is served Fugu puffer fish - I hear the female ovaries are especially good! (6)

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