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Groped whilst running by East Dulwich Station


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Thought I would alert fellow female runners in the area to be vigilant after being groped whilst running on my way home last night. It happened around 8pm on Grove Vale just past the Kwik Fit on the way to the roundabout. A man of Somali appearance around 5?8 ? 6ft tall with an afro pulled back by a headband in a green parker coat ran behind me very close on two occasions (at first I thought he was running to the bus stop). The second time he ran past, he groped me. Despite the shock I shouted at him and chased him a little which startled him before he ran off. Not sure if this was just an opportunistic approach, but regardless it has made me question my safety - we really shouldn?t have to deal with this type of behaviour in 2015 - fellow woman should stay on alert.
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Sorry to hear that Bailey84. Not sure running after him was the wisest thing to do, but shock makes us do unpredictable things. Shouting is always good, especially 'Fire!' which apparently has the most response rate from passers-by.

It is boring, but you should report this to the police, often low-key assaults* lead to greater crimes.

*I'm not belittling your experience - I hope you know what I mean.

You are right that it is appalling that this happened, you can't really do any more than stick to well-lit areas and mentally plan ahead for possible scenarios.

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Yes I agree report it because some years ago a man exposed himself to my young daughter and her friend and the police said that we had done the right thing because if they get away with a crime they invariably escalate (unfortunately there are some people who are still living in the Middle Ages in their tiny minds!)
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Hello Bailey84. Just to let you know the same thing happened to me last night too. I was walking back from Denmark Hill Station (as there were no buses) and it was just after 7pm. As I was walking past the park (just past the Sainsbury's opposite the park along the road where the railings are) on the same side of the road as the Fish and Chip shop, he groped me just beside the railings. This description is exactly the same as the man that did it to me. I was on my phone at the time as my other half just called me and this pest really startled me. He carried on walking and I was really shocked and then shouted after him. He was ahead by this time and just kept looking round and staring. My second instinct was to check my pockets in case this was a scam to pickpocket under the rouse of groping. I'm not sure if it was a scam or just plain indecency to be honest as he didn't hang around.
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That's awful Bailey84. Hope you're OK. I live very near there and the place you describe is a funny little stretch of road. It's very dark for some reason on that side, and gets a bit narrow in parts. I have often made the point of staying on the other side when walking in the dark along there. Do report him (you may well have done already) as it is very true that these types of attacks often spur them on to do others and to go further. But don't stop running and enjoying being outdoors despite your very horrible experience.
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I spotted this on Twitter a few moments ago:


Southwark Police are investigating a series of incidents which have taken place between Saturday 31 January and Thursday 5 February in which a man has approached women in the Denmark Hill/Dog Kennel Hill area.

When approaching them he has made lewd comments and on several occasions he has grabbed hold of them. When challenged he ran away.

None of the women have been injured.

All the offences have taken place between 18:00 and 01:00 hrs.

The man is described as black and in his early 20s.

Police have stepped up extra patrols in the area and urge anyone to report suspicious behaviour by calling 999.

Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact the Metropolitan Police Service on 101 quoting ref 3003256/15.

Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

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Thanks for this James. I have just reported my incident from last night and I added to the description that I think he was quite thin framed and he seemed about 5ft 11 to me. Who knows if this could have turned into somthing more serious if there hadn't suddenly been more people on the ground as I approached East Dulwich Station. And tbh I'm still not sure if it was to disguise some sort of pickpocketing on my person.
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This is really quite horrible, and scary, I'm very sorry to hear it - but t hank you to both posters for coming on and sharing that, it's making me think twice about running around here in the evenings, which I normally do feeling quite safe. That area is pretty well lit/populated and busy, which makes it seem even more shocking somehow. I always assume if I'm out running before say 9pm I'm pretty safe but as I say, I don't feel so sure now. It does sound like a serial offender though, hope the police catch him soon.
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Sorry to those who this happened to, and also to anyone who now feeling worried by reading about it. It's not on.

Does anyone know any good self-defence classes in the area? (I don't want/need to be able to fight fight, and get the 'be aware of your environment/walk confidently, ect' messages)or if not we could group together to organise something? I know it won't help in all circumstances, but we shouldn't be feeling worried about going about our every day (street wise) lives or be ill equipped should anything happen. Good on you Bailey84.

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Hi Bailey84 & KateFord,

I was also unfortunate enough to encounter this horrible man last night around the same time.

The incident made me realise how important it is to report anything (however minor it might seem) to the police to help prevent something more serious happening.

Please help the police find this man by reporting any incidences immediately to 999/101.

Hopefully they will make an arrest tonight but until they do be extra vigilant ladies!

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To the very brave and courageous women that have posted here and reported it! I just want to add my support to you and express my gratitude for highlighting this to the other women of ED and the surrounding areas. Believe it or not, very few women report this level of 'attack', which is actually a form of assault, so well done to you all, as this should enable the police to profile this man, gather intelligence and hopefully prevent any further incidents from happening. Women of ED - lets stay vigilant!
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Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote:


> Sorry to hear that Bailey84. Not sure running

> after him was the wisest thing to do, but shock

> makes us do unpredictable things. Shouting is

> always good, especially 'Fire!' which apparently

> has the most response rate from passers-by.


> It is boring, but you should report this to the

> police, often low-key assaults* lead to greater

> crimes.


> *I'm not belittling your experience - I hope you

> know what I mean.


> You are right that it is appalling that this

> happened, you can't really do any more than stick

> to well-lit areas and mentally plan ahead for

> possible scenarios.

Excuse me Officer - whist looking across the road works.

They won't check if there really is one.

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