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Naked Train!


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Has anyone else ever been on a tube train when all of a sudden loads of people get on and get naked?! Because this has now happened to me twice...I kid you not! First time was about two and a half months ago when i was still living in that Norf London....(I know, I know!) I was taking a mate back to Kings X when the train suddenly filled up with about 80 rowdy people, mostly men all dressed in funny costumes (spider man and the like) and started chanting "naked train"...before me and my stunned mate knew it- there were many, many man's bits and bobs hanging freely everywhere we looked. It was hilarious for about the first 5 seconds and then utterly horrifying. The tube is bad enough as it is but this was something else.....A couple of stops on, once the rest of us were suitably traumatised, they calmly dressed and got off. THEN...yesterday...there I am, slightly hungover on my way back to LB, when an almost identical thing occurs (with less people).....once again on that debauched Northern Line. At least this time i wasn't as shocked.....but on this occasion some of the men were even more offensive and I'm sure this is basically flashing! Anyway, as we don't have a tube in ED, I thought i'd let you all know for when you do get it, apparently, getting naked is becoming the thing to do! I'd be interested to hear what the hell it's all about if anyone knows?! Didn't seem organised enough to be a 'flash mob' thing.
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A recent eye-witness to this recent phenomena said :

"There were 50 to 60 people I reckon on the recent Northern Line "Naked Train" though it was just one carriage.

The police got a bit shirty after they got wind of this and they stopped the train and made everyone get off at Moorgate - one stop short of the intended terminus.

It was possibly one of the most bizarre things i've seen since moving to London, but it was definitely FUN FUN FUN!"

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That's Colonials and johnny Foreigners for you. Testing our famous British reserve with their peasant antics, probably a few Celts in the mix as well. If I had my way I'd have them whipped through Whitehall and be requested at gun point to sing "God save the queen".
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Brendan Wrote:


> Heard of her? She cooks my breakfast.

Does she now. Well, I for one sincerely hope that this mistress of Empire does more than beat your eggs in the morning and provide lashings of fresh coffee for you and your fellow belligerent Boers. I bet you feral Dutchmen even push in at the breakfast queue don't you, just like the bally Bosch!

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Sally81 Wrote:


> It is quite amazing! Honestly...it is very hard to

> know where to look! Nope...had not been

> drinking.....but it probably would have helped.

I think that it's quite alarming would've been a more appropriate phrase to describe this literal flash mob Sally. One particarly disturbing quality of this gathering that would certainly drive me to drink is that the majority of participants would undoubtably be a part of the great unwashed. This renegade fringe of society covert body hair like no other and their women folk think it perfectly acceptable to neglect the Topairy of thier lady garden to the point of dereliction. So instead of me nudging one of my fellow passengers and drawing his attention to a well kept chuff I'll instead be forced to cry "Whoa....we meet again Chewy!".

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Ooh, you won't believe this, this happened to me the other day. Me twins Theresa and Franny took me and Mary from the flats up town for the day for me birthday treat, just to John Lewis and the Waitrose it's got on the bottom. We usually go Marble Arch Markses but the toilets ain't so nice in there.

Anyway we was going back to Victoria and just out of Oxford Circus all these fellers only went and took all their clothes off!Just like the lady says, shouting "naked train, naked train!"

Diabolical, I'd call it.

Mary from the flats, she goes and has a minor stroke!

I tried, but I couldn't reach

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