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Mouse Eradication Day


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And what is the current plan to eradicate Japanese knotweed in the UK?

Why, introduce a foreign parasite that eats aforementioned plant. And what will it eat once the knotweed is gone, or even before then?

This seems absolute folly.

The cane toads that now run riot across certain parts of Australia were introduced as part of a similar idea with disastrous consequences.

But thanks for confirming my story Hugeunot....albeit with some minor clarifications. Much appreciated. Perhaps on this occasion it is a cliche for a reason.

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So should we be killing the mice or not?

No, Ted!

If I've read this thread correctly then killing all the mice would rapidly lead to a massive and disasterous increase in their natural prey, which, I think, is chocolate and peanut butter. So, unless you want your house covered in chocolate and peanut butter, with no way of controlling it, don't kill the mice.

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Just got back and they have finished off the super huge pile of poison I left next to fridge this am. Obviously they are loving it.

I for one still voting for Mouse Extermination project. Am a bit vague on what is place of mouse in food chain but surely it is not Gaia plan for them to live in our houses and keep Cadbury's in business? If they were keeping any pests down they wouldn't need to stuff themselves with chocolate raisins and poison pellets all day long.

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Ergh. What a way to go. Paralysed then drowned. How can you murder a furry animal like this? (and aren't they going to float if attached to impermeable sticky paper?) I think I may have to hand them the keys and walk away.

Does anyone else have demented mice addicted to poison? Thought mice are supposed to be intermittent eaters but this lot are hoovering up poison 3 times a day and even scratching up the kitchen tiles. Unless success in getting rid of previous mice has just made room for rats.

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Count yourselves lucky your mice are earthbound, I went up to the landing last night to find a bat swooping around the house. Quite freaked me out I must say.

I basically opened every window in the house and hoped for the best. Watching the little fella his famed echo location seemed rubbish at finding the open bits of windows.

I still have no idea if he's hiding, exhausted in some nook or cranny or whethe he found a way out. It made watching V for Vendetta very difficult against the noise of the rain

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Try Rentokil mousetraps, you can buy them in Farmers and put chocolate in the bait tray, this seems to work well in my house. I had an infestation and and any poison didnt seem to work = they ate tons of it!. I was catching three or four in the traps everyday and now there is only a mouse once in a while
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snoozequeen1 in reply, i do also have demented mice addicted to the poison. They come they go . They go they come . On and off for years . Tried everything, a number of times . Reckon ive one with a fat behind . Leaves a glistening trail behind it . Unless its a rat . But far too clever to leave any droppings . Just lock all edibles, cat food, dog food, away .
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daizie Wrote:


> snoozequeen1 in reply, i do also have demented

> mice addicted to the poison. They come they go .

> They go they come . On and off for years . Tried

> everything, a number of times . Reckon ive one

> with a fat behind . Leaves a glistening trail

> behind it . Unless its a rat . But far too clever

> to leave any droppings . Just lock all edibles,

> cat food, dog food, away .

Veni, vidi, visi.

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Does anyone think a mouse can make it up a waste pipe and into a bath through the plug hole?

I've been told (by the Southwark exterminators) that mice can get through a hole the size of a pencil. And my last mouse managed to get into the bottom of the bath in what is in effect and brand new and totally sealed bathroom (not a gap anywhere).

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Im not sure , yet in the past, i have found mouse droppings on the top stair! So i assume, naturally, that they must have been making their way up to my bedroom . I have found the Southwark Pest Control Team to be verging on useless . All they do is repeat the failed process. To put down poison ( when they show up). This doesn't get rid of the mice for long, as they come back again . Then they mouse proof the area they suspect the mice are coming from, yet the mice still appear . I even got the feeling the guy from Southwarks finest quite enjoyed the drama of it all, ( smiling, leaving a hysterical woman on a Friday afternoon).
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"I've been told (by the Southwark exterminators) that mice can get through a hole the size of a pencil."

That maybe a little too tight for a mouse (depends on it's age though) but a few nights ago I saw a mouse scurry down the gap in the pipes behing my bathroom sink and I was amazed that it could pass through the gap with such ease. I do on the other hand doubt that your mouse has entered your property via the plug hole in your bath. You've probably just left the door open and it's slipped in.

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Mice.. unless its something else . Looks like trails of glue , sort of shiny, but not sticky . I come across it when ive left the dogs food out by mistake. Too frightened to google it . Please no one tell me its a pregnant rat's waters breaking in my kitchen!
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