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Chener Books gets a facelift


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John has dug deep and thinks there is enough in the till to fix up the sign. And he'll be putting in an entire new and improved shopfront just as soon in 2010 as the man can come and fit it.

It would obviously be daft to do the shopfront just before Christmas not least because my new book is on display in it and it would be a shame if instead of looking majestic behind glass it was instead concealing its light behind a tarpaulin.

So obviously we owe John our thanks for smartening up the frontage although it's a bit of a shame the old sign couldn't have been preserved for future generations. And we should support him by buying more books than ever, lots of mine and some by other people.

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SteveO should be ashamed of himself, starting a thread about a beloved local institution only to descend into money-grubbing self promotion by the third sentence.

It's just this kind of unregulated opportunism that's got the country into the financial mire we currently find ourselves mired in.

I suggest that every EDFer go and buy a copy of SteveO's new book and insist on paying extra for an unautographed copy.

That'll teach him not to attempt his viral marketing round these parts in the future.

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Isn't it refreeshing to see a thrusting entrepenurial type like SteveO, who isn't shy about getting involved and giving his latest venture the old school hustle.

It's exactly this sort of freewheeling gogetterism that will lift the country out of the financial schtuck we are presently stuck in.

I insist that we all go and buy an autographed copy of SteveO's book, but ask John for a discount because it's got scribble in it.

I mean it's worth a try and SteveO'll understand.

And it'll ensure he makes the EDF his first port of call for any future promotional activities.

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Moos Wrote:


> Hurray, the Honaloochies are back. It must be

> Christmas.


> And hurray for Chener books.

Boooo, that bloody H********** is once more inflicting his vile presence upon us. It must be Bonfire night, burn the warlock say I.

But of course a Christmas Carol on Chener, 'God bless them everyone'.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> Moos Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hurray, the Honaloochies are back. It must be

> > Christmas.

> >

> > And hurray for Chener books.


> Boooo, that bloody H********** is once more

> inflicting his vile presence upon us. It must be

> Bonfire night, burn the warlock say I.


> But of course a Christmas Carol on Chener, 'God

> bless them everyone'.

Once more the bringer of joy (Manfred Mann style) and harbinger of seasonal festivites that is HONALOOCHIEB ie me *points fingers at self* is amongst us.

But as for Chener Books, a Kafka on them, let's see how they like waking up as an insect like the rest of us have done.

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boswell Wrote:


> Really pleased to hear this. It may be an

> institution but a lot of people I know who have

> lived in East Dulwich for years don't even know

> it's there until I tell them because it fades into

> the background so.

So, B you know people what 'ave lived in the ends for years, but not noticed Chener?

Seriously, blud stop associating with crackheads, or WH Smith exuctives as they might be.

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boswell Wrote:


> Really pleased to hear this. It may be an

> institution but a lot of people I know who have

> lived in East Dulwich for years don't even know

> it's there until I tell them because it fades into

> the background so.

So, B you know people what 'ave lived in the ends for years, but not noticed Chener?

Seriously, blud stop associating with crackheads, or WH Smith exuctives as they might be.

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