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Are there any single (hot) men in ED?


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My flatmate and I love the area, we love the pubs, we love the delis, we love the community vibe..etc etc...however every man appears to have yummy mummy wife and buggy in tow (good on you ladies). Do single men come to graze at this oasis? Or have we simply moved here a little early in life?
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Post your pic Vona (I did) on the thread mentioned and some (hot) single men may well get in touch....I am a (yummy) mummy but single now so there must be my male equivalents out there ....i.e. single again and looking to meet someone else.
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LegalEagle-ish Wrote:


> Brum why isn't your pic up there? You are hot and

> single too!

Why, thank you Legal! I'm very flattered. Actually I am seeing someone at the moment, so I won't partake.

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brum Wrote:


> LegalEagle-ish Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Brum why isn't your pic up there? You are hot...

...and you haven't seen him in his French Fireman's uniform....or have you?....Brum?!!!

(*dials Brum's number*)

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Brum: Hello?

LM: You dirty merde de chien! How dare you share that photo with anyone! I kill you!!

Brum: Oh, hi LadyM. Is there a problem?

LM: You bet there's a problem, mister Fancy French Pants! You lied to me. Liar!

Brum: But, mon petit filous, you know its you I really want don't you?

LM: Don't 'mon petit filous' me! It won't work. Not this time, buster.

Brum: She forced me to do it. I couldn't resist. She gave me a Court Order, for heaven's sake!

LM: A Court Order? Is THAT what you call it these days? Pull the other one!

Brum: Its true. Look, you can't be angry with me forever, can you? Eh? Mon petit pois...

LM: Look. (*pause*) Just swear that you will never, ever share that photo with ANYONE else. Compris, Poubelle?

Brum: Of course. It was just a stupid mistake. Am I forgiven? ...I promise I'll buy you that jug you've always wanted..

LM: Oh you big oaf. You know I forgive you. Sing to me now.

Brum: (*Clears throat*) Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques......

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brum Wrote:


> Brum: Hello?


> LM: You dirty merde de chien! How dare you

> share that photo with anyone! I kill you!!


> Brum: Oh, hi LadyM. Is there a problem?


> LM: You bet there's a problem, mister Fancy

> French Pants! You lied to me. Liar!


> Brum: But, mon petit filous, you know its you I

> really want don't you?


> LM: Don't 'mon petit filous' me! It won't work.

> Not this time, buster.


> Brum: She forced me to do it. I couldn't resist.

> She gave me a Court Order, for heaven's sake!


> LM: A Court Order? Is THAT what you call it

> these days? Pull the other one!


> Brum: Its true. Look, you can't be angry with me

> forever, can you? Eh? Mon petit pois...


> LM: Look. (*pause*) Just swear that you will

> never, ever share that photo with ANYONE else.

> Compris, Poubelle?


> Brum: Of course. It was just a stupid mistake. Am

> I forgiven? ...I promise I'll buy you that jug

> you've always wanted..


> LM: Oh you big oaf. You know I forgive you.

> Sing to me now.


> Brum: (*Clears throat*) Frere Jacques, Frere

> Jacques......


*on floor, tits up, pisses herself laughing* - again

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lOL LM your tits must be rolling on the floor by now. I know quite a few hot men and if I were single, boy one in particular would be in trouble. What pubs do you go to in Dulwich? Most of the hotmen hang out in the Bishop(owned by a very hot man) and the East Dulwich Tavern. How would I know as a married woman? I pass in my car every so often after a night with my family I see all the hotties stumble and crawl out. OOH to be single again :)-D
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monica Wrote:


> lOL LM your tits must be rolling on the floor by

> now. I know quite a few hot men and if I were

> single, boy one in particular would be in trouble.

> What pubs do you go to in Dulwich? Most of the

> hotmen hang out in the Bishop(owned by a very hot

> man) and the East Dulwich Tavern. How would I know

> as a married woman? I pass in my car every so

> often after a night with my family I see all the

> hotties stumble and crawl out. OOH to be single

> again :)-D

You know wot to do woman! ;-)

I am quite intrigued with the idea of all these hot males in the area... Where are you?!!! lol

Must my curiousity get the better of me to view "the thread"...

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daizie Wrote:


> I need to be hunted, caught, teased and ravished

> Ladymuck ;-)

Oh I know that Daizie (I mean, it all goes without saying)...but, its what happens after you've been "hunted, caught, teased and ravished" that concerns me...I saw the state of Brum's jeans after such an encounter - what was left of them...Oh Lawdy Lawdy...


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