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M&S is coming!!

Guest Filiz Mustafa

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According to www.lordshiplane.co.uk, Marks and Spencers is coming to Lordship Lane. The builders at Wash Glazing have confirmed the it will be turned into a M&S food hall.

What great news, if it is good enough for Woolworth Road it is certanly good enough for Lordship Lane.


Hope this has put everyones mind at rest

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HHP are the advertisers of the propoerty for sales and the quote on the advert says, it is 3 seperate shops, however the vendor would be willing to merge into 1 large one, perhaps they have merged 2 for M&S and the other for the White Stuff.....Just a thought..http://www.ukpropertyshop.co.uk/estate-agents/hindwoods-hunter-payne-2462.shtml
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It's much more likely that the M&S rumour is spurious. I notice that the report on the Lordshiplane.co.uk site that Feliz mentions was actually started by him in the first place.
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  • Administrator

Father Christmas, we spotted that the original reference was to a posting by Filiz too, that's why there was a request to change the text of the original post from 'according to..." to 'apparently'.

Edited - Ooops, we were misinformed about the validity of the news, it is mentioned on the website, so Filiz's original posting is back in its original state. Apologies for that, the elf who told us has been downsized to an imp.

ps Please can we have snow in East Dulwich this Christmas?

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Thanks for pointing that out. After re-reading Filiz's ammended post I started to wonder if I was going mad and had imagined the reference to lordshiplane.co.uk.

I'm sure you can appreciate this is a very busy time of year for me, but considering all you East Dulwich Forumers have been good little boys and girls, I'll see what I can do r.e snow.

Except for you, EDKiwi - you can expect a lump of coal and no supper ;-)

Ho ho ho etc etc...

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You're going senile in your old age Father. I've already got my prezzy's from "Santa" sitting under my tree, and there's lots of them! Enclosed is also a thank you card from Santa telling what a good boy I've been, especially for sharing my somewhat objective views on the East Dulwich Forum.

I will admit though, one of them was labelled "DANGER: Flammable, smokeless, slow burning, environmentally friendly substance enclosed". Maybe you're right about the coal. As for no supper; I'll just drink the supper I was going to leave out for you Santa!

Merry Christmas! :)-D

Oh and in the interest of keeping this post "on the subject at hand": Marks & Spencer. There you go.

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Father Christmas Wrote:


> It's much more likely that the M&S rumour is

> spurious. I notice that the report on the

> Lordshiplane.co.uk site that Feliz mentions was

> actually started by him in the first place.

Actually i am a she and secondly you have spelt my name wrong, even though in fornt of you.

I did not start the rumor, if u had bothered to read the site properly, you would have read that someone else had stated that M&S was opening in Lordship Lane, (look under local news), i do not appreciate libellous claims being made in my name


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Didn't we actually have someone on here before from the leasing agents confirming that White Stuff had signed the contracts for two of the Walsh units?

Incidentally I quite like White Stuff clothes and I'm confused how I could find them dull unless I were a Vivienne Westwood / Bjork hybrid - don't most people wear jeans and t-shirts most of the time? Is that what's dull?

It seems to me that we're projecting a particular kind of customer on them against whom we have a deep-seated and rather unpleasant prejudice. In practice I'd bet we'd find a remarkable cross-over between M&S and WS customers. If any brand was to reflect dull middle-class snobbery I think M&S would be in the running. However, I like them too - they do great food.

Is there going to be a store underneath those new flats opposite the station?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I emailed M&S Customer Service to ask if they had acquired a site in ED. Here's the response...

Thank you for your email.

I have checked our records and at the present we have no record of a

store opening in this area.

I am sorry if this is disappointing for you.

Thank you again.

Kind Regards.

Steven Collinson

Retail Customer Services

So, at the moment, it doesn't look like we're getting one! Shame.

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Rumour has it that the Goose Green roundabout is to be replaced by a Harvey Nichols food hall designed by the Swiss architects behind Tate Modern.
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There have been rumours about an M&S coming to Dulwich for YEARS!!!! Thing is, would it really be worth it for them? They would only realisticly be able to put an M&S food store there, and they really tend to put those in places where there is a large workforce (lots of offices around), so they can flog loads of sandwiches.

Someone earlier mentioned that Walworth Road has one... This is because there are loads of Southwark council buildings around there, and they all go there. I work for Greenwich, based in Woolwich (for my sins), and it's exactly the same.

I don't think Lordship Lane would be what they're looking for at all...... Of course I could be wrong.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm - just why is it a shame we we aren't getting one? I for one am delighted. Don't we have plenty of half decent, indy nosh stores round here? And don't we also now have enough naff chains Costa, GBK etc. LL will soon look just like Croydon if this 'orrible trend continues.


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