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Everything posted by LuvPeckham

  1. crispy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well a note to single men , most " yummy mummies" > tend not to go out to the pub much ( my friends > don't) so chances are, if you see a girl/ woman > you fancy out at night,she probably aint no > mummy!, at the risk of sounding like a dating > website emc, what sort of age group are you > looking for? I have to dispute this... what about that mysterious institution called 'Baby Sitters' (or the 'Ex') giving young (or older) Mums the opportunity to go out and have an evening out... Gentlemen, it could well be dangerous advice, treat it with Caution (unless of course you have already utilised it this weekend and are now trying to work out why some bloke hit you!!)
  2. Interesting views so far, and yes the Rising Bollards scheme did have a slight drawback - it didn't work in Peckham (rumour has it that the scheme was visited in Oxford and was deemed to be a good idea for Peckham, which is a different type of town centre and community) Still interested in people's views as we want to turn the town centre away from "what do you expect, this is Peckham" to "THIS is Peckham?" (as in a nice surprise to visitors)
  3. Interesting Not a peep out of EMC or Crispy for a couple of days, can one conclude that they have indeed found that nice man they were both looking for (the two-timing b'stard dating them both at once)
  4. Best of all. you can pine for East Dulwich and the Forum whilst you are away!!!
  5. Ultimatly Rye Lane suffers with a bad traffic problems, being too narrow for Buses, Deliveries and Cars, hence why something was implemented in the first place (The No Entry section at the Southern end) - and as most of the shops don't have rear access roads then the concept for banning delivery lorries isn't a viable or sustainable one for the business community. Obviously the scheme needs to be reviewed as the delivery lorries tend to bunch up in large clusters (causing traffic flow problems) and some cars need to access the lane to collect bulky goods. This is made worse by the Bendy Buses at the moment which take up twice the road space as a normal bus. The Peckham Town Centre Management Group (PTCMG) would be interested in your thoughts on this matter as we have the same comments from our business members and we want to present a paper to the council in the new year to express realistic concepts for improving the traffic and parking situation down Rye Lane (and in the town centre in general) Many thanks in advance
  6. The scheme was implemented to stop people driving down Rye Lane (by making it harder to exit at either end) and I guess the question to anyone who has been caught by it, is why were you driving along Rye Lane in the first place? It would be interesting to know if people use Rye Lane as a short cut or have to use it for other reasons.
  7. I hope somewhere is open, after all where else can you play that festive game of 'spot the Christmas Jumper?'
  8. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > So stop being picky - shag around until you're > bored with it, and then marry someone at work. What the F...... someone has made a serious post here and raised the bar on the discussion.... So the advice my father gave me "Shag around at work an then marry someone because you are bored" is in contridiction to what Huguenot said, scary I also disagree that nice men don't exist, I for example know of many a nice man - you know the ones, who get told by the girls "you are really nice, it's nothing personal I just don't want to go out with anyone at the moment" as they swan off with their Gym Instructor (or similar ilk)
  9. Sorry belle, but your skirt is so short tonight that ... never mind !!!! Keef are you my Mummy ???
  10. Shit KnuckleDusters I'm out of here YELLS FROM A DISTANCE (well Peckham at least) "It's all tru about HonaloochieB and Mr Moos" Runs like crazy - hides behind Mummy
  11. Are you my Mummy ? (removes Gas mask and puts on bakers overalls) I think your decision NOT to google any more is a wise one, I have only seen one of the aforementioned masks in 'Pulp Fiction' and that scarred me for life The bakery section is closed today due to something Crispy did last night (aparently Crispy and her cheese fetish had all the bakers up all night and they didn't come in today !)
  12. To make matters worse, Jesus was actually (if you believe the bible) born in the summer anyway... so who's birthday is it anyway, that Satan blokes ???
  13. I was, but I thought it was the Can of worms I open and not a tin of beans that I spilt Must have had far too much blood loose recently as I am finding it hard to remember things !!!
  14. Hello Just been kicked out of Bar Mitzvah by your less violent twin sister Not sure I actually want to drink in here as it looks kind of rough, even the spit and sawdust has an attitude !! Hey, I would like a BabyCham !!!
  15. Are you my Mummy ? (removes Gas mask and puts Gimp mask on)
  16. WHAT !!! Kicked out already and it has only just turned midday Damn, I thought I was doing okay today and was going to make it to 1 before getting barred again.... HB, Is this revenge for me telling everyone about you and Mr Moo's ??? now the cat is out of the bag it won't go back in (what on earth am I talking about now, best get coat and leave I think...)
  17. I thought this was a new drinking den in ED, but then I discovered that they only sell Special Brew !! As for Santa, why is that an Anagram for SATAN ? is there something we need to tell all little boys and girls that the man in the red suit, who offers you gifts if you keep quiet, is really an evil man and they should scream their heads off if they see him (and I bet the B'stard also eats all the Carrots as well)
  18. It must have been, HonaloochieB also punched me in my nose as well.... for pointing the obvious out about Mr Moos Violent person !!!! (6)
  19. Belle, please stop trying to shove whole packets of peas up my noses, it is making the situation worse and on top of that the checkout girl wants to know who is paying for them ? Does lead me to ask "do Eskimos have frozen peas?" I can't believe how violent the ladies of ED are at the moment, punched twice for pointing out the bleeding obvious (and bleeding as a result) and then the mother instinct takes over on others who try and stem the bleeding by peeing on my nose before pouncing on you in the frozen fish fingers section ... I think I will go home to Mother where the men are men and so are the women - it is a lot safer then around here. Now did anyone pick up my car keys from the lounge last night!!!
  20. Dats deasy for dou to say dou havd'nt god dwo bloody doses !!!
  21. These warnings always confuse me If the ICSTIS, the Trading Standards people and the Royal Mail are aware of this going on, then why on earth has no one moved to have the premium rate number disconnected so that no one can call it or be billed ? I am sure that ICSTIS will have details of the number and have the ability to cancel it if this is the case Please enlighten me to why this hasn't happened ?
  22. HonaloochieB Stop trying to distract people from what you and Mr Moos have been up to "said through a bloody nose"
  23. Oi Belle, can you and bloke use a different room as this lounge is already far too full what with Moos and HonaloochieB hiding behind he sofa giving Crispy advice about all sorts of things Cheese related and Keef outside the door in case a drunk woman comes out... it is getting a mite crowded in here, and I have to say that someone is standing in front of the telly so I can't watch anything at the moment (Oi, is your ar5e made of Glass ... no I didn't think so) I understand the bedroom is free at the moment, but you may also find Mr Moo's in it all shagged out (so to speak)
  24. EH Mr Moo's seems to be married to Moos and HonaloochieB (or am I reading in more then I should) Lucky B'stard Also what on earth are you two talking about, Fingering Season Local Apples, when was the last time the green grocer let you squeeze his plumbs or examine some melons to see if they were juicy and ready to sink your teeth into ? Never I expect as there is the little sign saying "Please do not squeeze or damage the fruit" (sid Eat your heart out with these Innuendos) I spoke with my Mummy this morning, and she has confirmed to me what I always feared, Women are scary things and should not be engaged in conversation at any cost less they bewitch you and steal you house, money and life (and what my Mummy says is always right) Crispy One, not sure that beer is the way to connect to me, it doesn't quite ring of 'Swiss Finishing School' more 'Peckham Acadamy Truancy' (sorry, I say it as I see it) Especially as it was Special Brew - Now Leffe may have been a different story (but that always gets me very very drunk so maybe not) Moos and HonaloochieB - I do detect a small amount of Stirring going on between you two....
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