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Everything posted by thebeard

  1. Was this him he's a absolute MARE !!! The worst kind GREEN party MARE! http://i.thisislondon.co.uk/i/pix/2008/07/jenny-jones-injured-cyclist2-415x275.jpg
  2. bigbadwolf Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Looks more like some sort of factory reject dildo. This is a rejected dildo LOL http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iLSmTPwJGZY/SR7yUndIggI/AAAAAAAACNE/NsAMwCaoEkc/s320/9.jpg
  3. That aint no Hooter thats a banana! http://www.partydomain.co.uk/d-commerce/media/main/2/22445.jpg Getting the horn ? http://www.organicjewelry.com/CowHorn.jpg
  4. Just to refresh you all especially those who are so anti SnS?s How many stop and searches have you seen in the last 12 months. A. On Lordship during the day? B. Anywhere else in East Dulwich during the day? C. Anywhere else London during the day? D. Anywhere else in the UK during the day? E. On a council estate during a Police raid? F. Following an incident outside Night Club or similar at night. OR go with Peckhamgatecrasher g. never ever seen a stop and search.
  5. Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > g. never g. Wasn?t an option but .......... hey ho Probably the one I should have added. Use of stop and search maybe an urban myth? Invented to make liberals revolt about something that hardly ever happens. So Peckhamgatecrasher How about your daughter any info on the reasons for the stabbings or is she keeping mum mum?
  6. Emilia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >I've > heard that traffic control measures are shortly > being undertaken in Court Lane so it may make the > road less busy? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh There goes another couple of ?100k of the local budget, which could be spent, on refurbishment of something more important. I doubt it will help make it less busy. I have friends who live on court lane and the existing speed bumps have caused an increase in noise all day and all night vans lorries and cars thump and bang up and down them and rev their engines. One reason why Woodward is the nicer road IMO.
  7. I believe all of Court Lane is in the ?Dulwich Estate? as is most of Woodward rd some of the top end away from the village near the plough is not. Both roads are in the Southwark conservation area scheme. BE WARNED! If the house you buy is on the Dulwich Estate and you are thinking of extending you will need planning permission from the Estate as well as Southwark for even the most minor changes. Many owners have gone through many years of planning grief expect to spend many thousands on architects and lawyers it?s a very costly minefield expect to get planning for nothing that way you won?t be disappointed. I have friends who went through hell for years spent thousands and got nowhere. Woodward over Court Lane IMO unless you?ve got the money for one of the monster house near park the gates with off street parking for several cars. edit Estate houses are now 99% Freehold.
  8. Susan Emmett is apparently aka "Thrush"... . Any idea why? lol
  9. batgirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > About two/three weeks ago my stereo was stolen, > then this jerk smashes my wing mirror almost > shoving me into parked cars. > Thought you said no serious damage? Wind mirror these days ?300 - ?500 to replace + fitting. That?s worth persuing! You probably need independent witness if you want to get your insurance excess back and avoid it showing up as a fault claim tho.
  10. What LOZ said? Totally. I see so many pedestrians who don?t even bother looking. Arrogant Footers? Or death wish Footers? Or followers of the Matthew123 school of walking? ? It?s bleedin annoying. When I walk across junctions I look I wait for the cars I?m in no hurry to end up in hospital. I?ve noticed pedestrians are getting more and more arrogant. I see pedestrian rage every day at crossings they try to cross on the red man and then get annoyed when you drive through on a green light. Rush Rush Rush Pedestrians who are rushing for WHAT? An accident? Idiotic ARROGANCE. Edit Forgot to add "STUPID FOOTERS"!
  11. This thread is about the Concrete house. Nothing to say about the subject says it ALL.
  12. woofmarkthedog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > -------------------------------------------------- > ---------- > > Ladies & Gentleman..........thebeard > > Our very own "Escoffier" of the rant! > And Ladies & Gentleman.......... woofmarkthedog Our very own " " of the forum!
  13. STOP and SEARCH Poll (Pity there?s no start a poll option in this forum) How many stop and searches have you seen in the last 12 months. A. On Lordship during the day? B. Anywhere else in East Dulwich during the day? C. Anywhere else London during the day? D. Anywhere else in the UK during the day? E. On a council estate during a Police raid? F. Following an incident outside Night Club or similar at night. My answers A. 0 B. 0 C. 0 D. 0 E. 0 F. 0 The last stop and search I saw was 3-4 years ago in Brixton. My suspicion is that the Police figures are NOT what we are lead to believe I believe the great majority of stop and searches are in the categories E and F.
  14. jimmy two times Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone really think that having a teenage > mother, or having no father present when growing > up, or lack of opportunities blah blah blah blah > blah forces a person to pick up a knife and thrust > it into another person's body? It is less likely that the child of a post teen parent with the Father present and with opportunities to discover their strengths and abilities and pursue them in their lives. Probably far far less likely to knife anyone. But there will always be exceptions. What should worry all of us is that you or anyone would in all seriousness ask such a question. And I though these kids were poorly educated and lacking in common?
  15. legalbeagle Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- northlondoner Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- trouble? Hold on before we start legal proceedings, and I?m sure the lawyers a gagging to get going on this. Is there any actual paint damage? What does BG mean by there?s no serious damage? Could this be like a 1mph bump, bumper to bumper? Like a parking bump resulting in no actual damage? BG?
  16. not only can you NOT read you?re a bleedin comedian? too Unfair? What? Like the Bully?s mum n dad who turn up at the school with the ?our little Jimmy wouldn?t harm a fly he?s a good kid and actually he?s the one getting bullied line?? Twisted? They are bleedin comedians? too I?m dying to hear what the stabbed kids were stabbed for drug money probably? Peckhamgatecrasher looks to be our best chance. But has gone all quiet v odd? You are trying to tell us that the stabbing was for sitting or walking quietly. LOL
  17. Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My daughter knows one of the boys who has been > injured. He's a local lad, and not in a gang. Any news on what exactly happened? why etc. I heard friends of some of the stabbed boys turned up at the hospital kings and five of them were arrested for carrying knives is that true? Or was that to do with some other stabbing?
  18. northlondoner Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ok Beard you are now officially scaring me - and > not just through the slightly IRRATIONAL use of > CAPITALS. We are all nervous about crime. Many of > us have actually have experienced it ...and not > merely seen it/read about it through > Trainspotting. But to base an entire approach to > law and order on happy smiling youths being being > searched by suave good humoured French police in > Paris is slightly bonkers. Hope that isnt too > LIBERAL for your delicate stomach. FGS Don?t be a tool! Where did I say that there were happy smiling KIDS ??? You are scaring yourself by not reading what I?ve written! I said it looked relaxed passers-by didn?t take a glance at the stop and search and the police were also relaxed smiling no arrogance no bull all appeared part of the everyday fabric of daily life. TWISTING my words I do not base an ENTIRE approach on what I saw in PARIS. It was an OBSERVATION! AND a COMPARISON.
  19. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You are no realist TB, just OTT > It don't work - if you can show me > anywhere in the world or time where it did or does > work I am open for conversion You WHAT ? There are many safe cities in the world. Ah I?m so OTT and Knife carrying thugs are NORMAL? We?re all battling idiocy from every direction. Unless??.. Sean you?re not related to ayatollah khomeini? Could that be a the missing link? Lol
  20. What are you hoping to get out of all your trouble once you?ve tracked the driver down an apology, repairs? I take it you and your kids are not injured? Is the car damaged? Happy to help if you really need it.
  21. citizenED Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, if the likes of theBeard were in power we'd be > in a far more dangerous and scary place. He sees > the world in terms of them and us, when the world > is actually a many-faceted place. No I don?t! I believe in a fair and balanced society and Freedom. Freedom from fear and oppression, from aggressive youth + adults + police + government + neighbours + all of ?them? who over step reasonable levels of behaviour. Others would have it that we should have the Freedom to carry a knife and walk our streets without worry of being caught. UPSIDE DOWN freedom. Freedom is a funny thing. Just look at the democratic Freedom Iranians have. Hysterical? Exactly how much MORE dangerous can it get? As I said in an earlier post these kids will look for different prey in a few years. We all need to fight for our Freedom from FEAR? and Aggression The opportunity of GOOD? EDUCATION HOUSING and FAMILY for ALL = a Decent Society. I won?t be guided by our Ayatollahs. I?m no FASCIST. Just a Practical REALIST.
  22. BBC report on Stop and Search. Interesting ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzzDSW7UY-g Funny Barack Obama arrested by french police ! They are so polite... and they speak english too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8jE_Xg-K8A
  23. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I was stopped and searched at a train station > once, because a police dog got a whiff of my > inhaler! It took half hour for them to go through > my bag, unfold every little bit of paper in my > wallet and all that. Made me very late for an > appointment, and their attitude was shite, so yes, > I think even innocent people would have a problem > with police having this power all the time. > > One of my best mates is a Police Officer, and > whilst he is a decent, sensible chap, I have met a > lot of his colleagues, and a lot of them are just > power hungry bullies, plain and simple. That is > not to say the whole police force is like that, > but it exists, and it's these ones who will be the > first to stop and search someone! From what I saw in Paris those who were being stopped and searched appeared fairly comfortable almost used to having it happen to them. The Police officers were relaxed and pleasant and smiled two carried out the stop and search and another with a dog stood back and watched it was the same format each time. Those being stopped were asked for identity cards and their bags were searched a metal detector was passed over them. The same process each time without anyone taking any real notice. I havn?t see a stop and search in London for years so have no idea what the format is. One Day in Paris and I know exactly how they do it. Pretty much says it all "
  24. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think you are talking absolute garbage, and > trying to make something huge and sinister out of > something that is really just quite sad. > OK I?ve had a WORD ! And got this back ?????.. Kids are being killed on our streets and apparently innocent bystanders are also. Word ??? We spend hundreds of millions to stop road deaths yet we just say how Word ??? When knife carrying outrageous behaviour results in a death every few days. Oh YEA It?s Word ??? THE ONE WORD I?ll NOT be saying for That Word ??? is ? sad ?? Far to wet and weak for what is happening????
  25. There will always be exceptions where the innocent get hurt. But In the great majority of these stabbing cases there are no innocent parties. The reasons for these stabbings are MONEY from DRUGS and Gang location DISRESPECT and other such nonsense. The Police are not going to get any intelligence out of the 10-16 year old boys and girls who used by older men as drug money and knife carriers. I doubt they would be able to infiltrate a 10-year-old police officer and gain such intelligence. I saw over ten Police stop and question and search in one single day in PARIS in and off the Metro this makes me wonder what it is we have to do here in London before the Police are able to do the job we pay them to do! If you are so NA?VE to think leaving things as they are? because you are worried about upsetting these youth?s by stopping and searching them? then YOU ARE A FOOL! This problem will NOT go away it will NOT disappear. This is the start of what could become a far bigger problem for all of us in the future when these IDIOTS get into their 20s who will become the prey? I have heard lots of the kids carrying knives are too young to be stop and searched HOW can that be? The majority of members on this site myself included have little understanding. We live in some sort of parallel life and have little understanding or knowledge of what makes these people tick. If the movie Train Spotting was an eye opener, we probably haven?t a clue about what is going on down the road or next door to us or more so on the local council estate. All you WELL meaning LIBERALS are by proxy allowing knives to be carried and use on our streets and you are as responsible for the deaths of these people as those using the knives. You make me SICK to my Stomach.
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