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Everything posted by thebeard

  1. Has anyone else noticed that the EDT customers are struggling to keep on the pavement soon they will be drinking on the roundabout? There seems to be a punch-up every other time I go past. Right rough lot. Lordship lane is beginning to attract the wrong type I knew that would happen when White Stuff opened up.!
  2. AllforNun Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > When these decisions are taken to grant, there > only seems to be a couple of local councillors and > a council officer (architect or whatever) in > sitting. Yet when a road is completely turned into > flats the impact on the social environment can be > huge, parking, short term tenants, loss of > community etc. Victorian houses were never meant > to be used in this way and were never constructed > with regard to sound and insulation in mind > anyway. it seems that guide lines and wants drawn > up by the higher powers for new build flats are > completely transferable to older properties, which > in reality are mostly pretty unsuited. - surely > there should be a limit per street or someone > really clued up about the social effects, sitting > on these hearings. It is amazing to read how many > of these proposals are objected to by > locals/neighbours in the roads in question and are > then still given the go-ahead ! it's a kind of > borrow now pay later system, sound crunchingly > familiar ? It's all part of our ?political planning system? a system that is not geared towards environmental sustainable housing but political positioning keeping local politicians busy and local planners in work. It?s a job creation system. And a political tool. Do NOT believe for one minute the system is there for our benefit or that the rules and guidelines are going to be followed because that would not benefit the powers at the council. In the 70s many projects were intentionally planned to keep Labour supporters in their place in order for them to continue to vote Labour. (Poor quality housing = poorer quality of life which = more Labour votes) We are still suffering from this today it is not an accident that housing in this country is expensive and in short supply. There are government rules in place but the elected council members do as they please and those rules and rights mean nothing. That is? Until the government inspectors are involved and then the rights are imposed in the mean time neighbours suffer anxiety and stress often over plans that will not affect them anywhere as much as they think and it?s often worst for them than if they had gone along with the planners in the first place. Compulsory purchases blighting entire neighbourhoods town centre redevelopments flat conversions etc etc. Just look at all the road works! They are spending our money on new traffic management islands speed ramps etc etc or other unnecessary carbuncles practically every other week. All that costs us tax payers millions and millions every year. The council maintenance costs for the council housing they maintain is also double and we the tax payer foot the bill for this disgraceful waste but why would the council care the workers are probably on a back hander from the contractor and we pay for it is corrupt! The council get a budget and they need to spend it because if they don?t spend it they will end up not getting the budget the following year so we they spend on unnecessary projects most of which the council pay double for which is often illegal and also criminal at one level or another. All Projects we don?t need! The whole planning system is a disgrace it serves only the political powers and the planning specialists. It does not serve our neighbours and it does not serve us. As a result what ?the politicians? want us to have and what we end up with are often a very poor and very expensive compromise substandard, which cause us all unnecessary anxiety and stress. Little better than being in a 3rd world country! I?m for a system, which is transparent and does not involve politicians. A system which sets out standards and intensity and uses the brownfield capacity a system which benefits the local people. We have little hope of this! Because of the empty headed NIMBY masses.
  3. B) I don't think that'll happen, could never get that low or lucky. B)
  4. dc Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not bothered by most of it but: "we live in such > shit surrounded by scum" demonstrates a certain > lack of respect for... well... everything and > everybody. Your Upside down world dc. Or mine? I respect our right to decent housing which should not be kept down by envy or greed or a planning system which serve?s to keep incompetent architects, local politicians, bad/incompetent builders and otherwise unnecessary planning specialist employed. A system which fails to provide us all with good quality housing, a system which keeps prices excessively high. I respect our right NOT to have to live next-door to drug dealing/using music blaring thugs strutting about spitting and swearing with no respect for anyone not even themselves. Is there something fundamentally wrong there? Simply we do live in a very oppressive unfriendly place where punch-ups are a regular occurrence outside the local bars and pubs and drug use is rife. The quality of housing and the failures of the education system are IMO fundamental to our poor quality of life. One might have more RESPECT if one was to correct/guide others behaviour rather than allow them to twist respect and carry on behaving in a way which is anything but respectful towards others? But what do I know. The same big BRAINS who caused the Credit Crunch are obviously behind our social system too?
  5. I know what you mean joke wise almost as bad as the Cafe in the Park. B)
  6. As far as I'm aware they don't sell topic in the cafe pity. TOPICs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Topic_(chocolate_bar).jpg
  7. louisiana Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You are right Asset. > Though it might be that this particular beard is a > merkin :) merkin LOL very very good! I'd love to be miranda kerr's mirkin.
  8. Not sure about that I though a woman married to a gay man to cover up his gayness was a fag hag? Only married to one. Isn?t there something about rugs and munching linked to the gay theme you mention? I duno. I always thought a beard was like a fungal growth on one?s face only hairy, blasted thing just keeps growing and growing. I'd quite like Katie Holmes on my face tho.
  9. "remarkably agitated, angry, about nothing much in particular." Are you kidding? How much is your house worth? What brand of car do you drive? Are your kids in private school or state educated? Have you seen the colour your neighbours have painted their front door! Yes I have a problem it's "idiots asking stupid questions and making potty statements and others sticking their noses etc etc. . . . . Right that?s it where's my psychiatrist phone number? A woman with a BEARD? LOL
  10. Sherwick Maybe you never had it? So no knead too bee deep pressed their ;)
  11. Run by complete Muppets! The place is DIRTY too the hot food is nasty poor quality. Staff Painfully SLOW painfully THICK! Can?t add or subtract and you have to tell them everything twice. Don?t deserve to be in any business let alone one where they deal directly with the public. I guess they pay the staff in peanuts. If they were any slower they?d be going backwards. We now take our own snacks and drinks and AVOID the IT at ALL Costs!
  12. Apparently it?s built to withstand bombs so not going to be knocked down easily. Would make a fantastic night club! Sound proof too.
  13. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > *shakes head sadly* Did it rattle?
  14. benjaminty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > longer (don't anyone dare mention the "Mag") then > I head to the Montpelier in hope of a comfortable > booth. Might not be the best use of space though. Yea nice booths with curtains like in the red light district in Paris. Gettin upto some fun!!!! Defo need the loud music then!
  15. zephyr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Me thinks 'thebeard' is after a wordy fight. > > You don't happen to live there do you? Or are > connected with it in some other way. You are > protesting rather a lot about this particular > thread. > > I still think the owners are trying to cash in on > the blue plaque thingy. > > Oh..... and 'thebeard', I am allowed an opinion > aren't I? Opinions are Like ?*&?$ holes everyone has one, last time I looked we live?d in a free ish society. I do not live there or have any contact with the property what so ever. Since when was cashing in on something a bad thing? I?m not sure they will benefit from the plaque. I?d probably avoid any house with a blue plaque on the wall it would put off quite a few buyers IMO. It?s not about the House I don?t give a damn; it?s the attitude of the comments the shallowness the simple thought process the lack of balance which I find distasteful. My opinion is good luck to them and let?s minds our own business. If the planning system was any good, we?d all be living in decent housing, but it?s not so the majority of us have to make do with pokey second-rate homes. The main reason property prices are high (still high even after the C.C.) is that there are not enough homes to meet the demand. The NIMBYs are our major problem. Plenty of opportunity to build decent homes but the planners politicians and NIMBYs get in the way. And then they all complain that we don?t have decent housing and wow look at the price of that house its nonsense! This house is one of a few decent sized houses we don?t build them that size now nor are we likely to in the future.
  16. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm sure you're old enough to recognise the > difference between talking about 'margins' and > calling me a thick xxxx. You then follow up in > that post with another direct attack associating > me with female genitalia. > > Your language is aggressive, offensive and > unnecessary. Quite out of proportion with the > context. > > I have no problem with you disagreeing with me, > nor teasing me as I have you. More power to you. > > You should however be ashamed that you feel free > to behave in such an unpleasant manner. > > I once more suggest that you go back and edit > those two posts, as they say more about you than > they do me. HugueNOT Lets get something very clear! I swore back after you started the swearing at me. Admin have now edited the thread ????.. Up until then no $?%$?%%???$^$^??^?$ way would I start to engaged in 4 letter words. Didn?t you didn?t realise this was a kids forum you?ve been on here far longer than me?
  17. post removed because it contained rude words - The Administrator
  18. Darling? Scintillating thread? Are you taking the pixx. Such a Polite bunch of superior Twats and so familiar too. Guess it?s ok to pry and get busy and get familiar and condescending too. If we were French we?d be blabbing on about building our next new house and burning sheep in the road outside. If we were Italian we?d be voicing the merits of one door design and colour over another. If we were German we?d be making the most technically advanced housing possible. But as we are East Dulwich we are wondering how someone else has the audacity to ask X price for their shack and oh dear have you seen the state of their cheap furniture. It?s only because we put up with such shallow shite that we live in such shit surrounded by scum. This is about as scintillating as it could possibly get, don?t you think?
  19. What about 20mtr fencing along all pavements to stop pedestrians getting to the roads this would also be a great way of keeping numbhead well separated from east dulwich by stopping any walk ways over said fencing into each area this would keep the scum from peckham out too. Why oh why does Southwark not look at common sense idea like that instead of faffing about with speed bumps and cameras. On a more important note WHY do the parking attendants rapidly attach tickets to cars with one wheel on the pavement yet avoid ticketing the numerous cars parked dangerously on zig zag lines at zebra crossings.
  20. Why doesn?t the GOV just make it law that all cars be fitted with a GPS Speed limiters would stop all this bullshxt. For those who don?t understand how GpS speed limiters would work VIA GPS the CAR speed is LIMITED derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr So the whole of Southwark becomes a 20mph zone say between the hours of 7am and 8pm From 8pm to 7 am it goes back to 30 mph or more yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee This would also be great revenue for retro fit to all cars say after 1990. Great where do I get my franchise to fit these systems? If the GOV had any bollox they?d implement this ASAP. BUT they don?t so we?re stuck with cars that do 155mph and a speed limit of 70 mph and soon to be 20mph in town. And dead kids. Mind you the revenue they?ll get from speeding fines will make em happy. Nonsense!
  21. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, of course, there are. > > Out of around 150,000 posts on the forum (10,000 > by erm...), only 3,000 are property related. > > So arguably for other people there are plenty more > interesting subjects to read (98%), but none that > interest you. QED you regard property as the only > interesting subject. > > Since they are by your definition 'stupid > questions and idiotic views', then that's what you > find interesting. > > Ergo, your compulsion to redress is ill-advised. > You'll only remove the only subject you find > interesting. You don't half write a load of boxxocks! Just exactly why are you standing up for people who stick their noses into the price of someone else?s house? Or worst. I don?t go round looking at what other people have spent on their cars or clothes and ridicule them or question their spending. As I stated early on what anyone asks for his or her house flat or shxit hole is his or her business. The market will decide the price! I find it particularly idiotic. Like 98% of the other boxxocks on here. The 3,000 properties related posts are mostly bollocks too. WHY stick your nose into other peoples business? Methinks the lady doth protest too much! What R U some kind of thick xxxx?
  22. dungdag Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I've been asked to help the owner of Mon Petit > Chou on Lordship Lane to come up with some > suggestions for redesigning Mon Petit Chou now > that it has been granted an A3 restaurant and > alcohol license. > > I'm very interested to hear the opinions of locals > as to how it could improve or what you would like > to see on Lordship Lane in the way of eateries. > > I think it's a fantastic coffee shop, but how do > we turn that into a great evening venue? What > would make you come for a coffee or a glass of > wine if you don't already do so? > > All views are welcome! > > Ellie at Dulwich Design Ltd Is there any room for a glass floored dance floor with flashing lights etc and disco ball? Maybe a pole in the middle for the odd dancer? (Plenty of them oddn?s in the area by all accounts). What about making it mirrored on every surface? Ie ceiling walls and floors or Ummmmm What about painting the whole place fluorescent yellow a la cyclists now obligatory yellow jacket that way the cyclists would blend into the background make them feel like they have somewhere special for them organic tea too. What do we get paid if you use our Ideas? Why do you not have any Ideas? Are you getting paid for these Ideas? What about employing topless Russian teens to serve behind the counter? Now I?m running out of ideas and it?s getting silly?..
  23. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Chuckle. > > thebeard... you've only posted nineteen times on > the forum, twelve of which have been on housing > threads. That means 63% of what you have to say is > about housing. > > Without a doubt, you're the most housing obsessed > person on this forum. By a f*cking HUGE margin. > > It is therefore, with much irony..... etc. etc. As a Beard and not a Bird. I?ve found property a rather more interesting subject on the forums threads than cafe culture, organic bull turd and baby nappies. Also rather difficult to get excited about robbery and dog?s poo on the pavements. Time is limited I?m amazed I?ve posted anything. How the busy NIMBY bodies busy themselves on here with their stupid questions and idiotic views. I felt (idiotically) compelled to redress the balance more fool me! I guess. I Chuckle sadly at the nonsense of it all and wish there were more interesting subjects to read.
  24. zephyr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Back to the original house. Do you think the price > reflect (partly) that it now has a blue plaque on > it as Percy Lane Oliver used to live and work > there. The place is missing on the original > picture of the front of the house but is there on > a second. I noticed it when I was running past > yesterday. Hence why it is called Oliver House. So what are they trying to get blood out of bricks and mortar? Blimey I still really do have too much time on my hands! I've joined the thread "4 those with too much time on our hands lets ask some incredible stupid questions about the price of a house thread". Can the thread title be changed? I can think of even more suitable titles. Mostly including swear words tho.
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