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Everything posted by thebeard

  1. Yes I've lived in a CPZ and it was easy I rarely had a problem finding a parking space there were always spaces available for friends I just gave them a day permit. I?m not on about the money to the council for parking it?s about the ?60 ticket fines. I?m happy to pay a ?2 to park. One parking fine equals 20-30 times on a pay space only a fool would risk the fine. Many cars in and around ED are effectively parked for storage or by shop workers and not used. A CPZ would free those spaces up. Meters would mean that parking was self-controlled as you pay and then you get back to avoid ticket the present 20min limit is not long enough and gets abused when some park for hours. What we have does not work, every time I look to park I struggle even though I?m happy to park a long way away and walk rather than get a ticket. Every system is open to abuse by the Council enforcement! $$! ?$! ?$Ts they are the money grabbers! I?m happy to pay for the right to park at least I?ll get a space. I visited Le Touquet last year a fabulous car friendly place unlike Brighton or Weston or Camber or any other UK seaside area the parking was fabulous, and in the town they had these timed sensor bollards, which counted down the time you had to stay fantastic system. Also don?t forget that WE individual users DON?T own the roads and parking spaces!
  2. How about 1. East Dulwich Lordship Lane flyover. As Found In Tokyo 2. Underground car park beneath Goose Green. As Found in Park Lane 3. 30minute sensor parking meters. As found in Le Touquet Northern France. 4. Pedestrian Car shared use Pavement / Road. As found in Sloane Square. All the solutions are out there. Why try and reinvent the wheel.
  3. RosieH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yeah, bastard councils, deliberately trapping us > into parking illegally. THEY'RE the > criminals!!!!!!! LOL I'm NOT saying you shouldn't get a ticket. Don't twist what I have written I'm the first to pay when I get one! What I'm saying is they Southwark should make every effort to make full use and give us every available parking space in the Borough. THEY are NOT! You're very funny but not too clever or you?re a poor reader.
  4. If Southwark had their way we?d be burnt in a few car tires, South African style for parking offences in the borough. Mind they are not as bad as Lambeth where you are caught on CCTV for rubbish and driving offences at intentionally unclear junctions. I used to get annoyed by the human rights lot but now I can see their argument. Appeal an unjust parking ticket! What happens if every one is given a parking ticket regardless? We?d all have to appeal. But lots of us would not! Why do we not get a guaranteed ?100 + costs ie ?50 per letter ?200 per day off work etc etc if we win a ticket appeal there is little impact on Southwark if anything they justify a department who handle the appeals so yet another Southwark salary paid for by us! I am more and more disgusted by the way we are treated by our council a council which we fun who are supposed to work for us. All they do is stress us out and spend our money in ever more idiotic ways. Parking in the borough is unreasonably restricted look at lordship lane there is plenty of room for parking and why are there no meters? Meters would stop all day parking! Or maybe Southwark should move to a Westminster automated telephone parking system. Every road off of LL should have residents parking. It is impossible to park on the street in Peckham WHY??? Disgusting manipulation for ZERO benefit to the community by SOUTHWARK yet again!
  5. A neighbour used his services and he damaged their front door. Delivery cost ?50 Stained-glass panel ?300 And whom do you think PAID? Look like scum behave like scum me thinks. BEWARE!
  6. pearcesa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks Unkle_Paulie for the write-up of your > meeting with the Manager. > > I was in Sainsburys today around 2pm and was > disappointed to find they had completely sold out > of fresh whole chickens and when I asked someone > whether they had anymore, I was told no and the > reason for this was that they had a very low > delivery yesterday, which to me appears ludicrous > when Saturday afternoon/Sunday surely must be the > busiest time for them? > > I appreciate they maybe serving up to 11,500 > customers, but really today's visit was a joke, > not only was there no whole fresh chickens, there > were no red chillies, no parsnips, no fresh peas > and a limited selection of bagged salad! > > If I had more time, I would definitely be doing my > shopping along Lordship Lane, using the SMBS shop, > Moxons, William Rose and the other small > independent retailers. > > Sainsburys ..... (td) (td) Wake up and smell the Coffee Folks Sainsbury?s Do this Intentionally! If they have large of stock of chicken legs and breasts they intentionally place a low order of whole chickens, so that customers are forced to buy the legs and or breasts or other meats. Its all part of their computer programmed ordering system. Every Sainsbury?s in the country is the same. Also when they stop stocking a particular product it is to direct us towards either their own brand ?bigger profit margin? or other overstocked near to expiry products. They ?Sainsbury?s? know EXACTLY what they are doing. We are just like Chickens cooped up in their aisles we are cooped up in Sainsbury?s aisles just being fed what they want us to eat! Go to most quality French Spanish or Italian supermarket and you will find them well stocked with more varied products, even in supermarkets which are quarter of the size. We are just one step away from US style idiot markets with just one proper brand product and just one another made for the supermarket. What annoys me most it the flavourless fruit! Even in the US the tomatoes apples pears etc have flavour. If I had the time to park up elsewhere I?d never set foot in Sainsbury?s! Mr David Leach like all of us is just a pawn in the great Sainsbury?s empire. Supermarkets are an example of much that is wrong with this country. They do NOTHING for Customers ?As they reduce quality and choice and force us like lemmings into their stores? Employees ?By reducing the number of jobs generally and the jobs they do have are generally basic low paid positions? Local Community ?Faceless organisations they give little back? Planning ?Forcing through construction of supermarkets initially small then they grow like fungus sucks from the local high street East Dulwich being the Exception? but then again Peckham has died a death. But for the Government it is a move towards heaven, their aim is to have not small businesses If the Government had its way they would have just 4 or 5 supermarkets selling everything. Why? Because tax collection from just 4 or 5 supermarkets is far easier than collecting from thousands of small businesses.
  7. Couldn't resist this lot! Real Women
  8. Are we moving towards an asexual human race? Fewer real men and real women, more convergence. Don?t know if it?s a good or bad thing. Probably doesn?t make the majority of us happier. Is the ever-lower male sperm count a sign of this? As men and women are forced from playing to their strengths aren?t we now pretty much just incompetently unhappily struggling along? What about a statue of Adam and Eve, to remind us of how we humans once were? What happened to REAL reality?
  9. woofmarkthedog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WOW > > > I have a picture of moses parting a sea of rubble > in my mind, cement bags & dust blowing > everywhere..."YOU WILL LISTEN TOOOOOO MEEEEEEE" > sounds out over the wind and noise..."YOU, YOU, > YOU" > > > W**F > > *it's an epic biblical story of morality in the > making.......no really it is* Very funny hehehehe... lol
  10. LegalEagle-ish Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Deep breath, Mr Beard. More of a, big SMILE really.
  11. Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > firstmate being reasonable and thebeard in abusive > personal post related to property shocker. > > Please stop attacking people, it's embarrassing. > Really. I take it people have seen the > 'internet+anonymity=idiot' cartoon? Surely? How > old? > > It would take a spectacular lack of intellect to > find this behaviour impressive. > > If people aren't sure how to tell if their post is > being personally abusive, the word 'YOU' is a dead > giveaway. > > I pity the torrent of abuse that's likely to > follow. Reasonable ??? You?re a fine one to call me abusive when you have previously started swearing at me on another thread? Intellect of an unknown type me thinks? OK OK STOP all BUILDING work because of the dust? That?s impressive is it? When someone abuses the intellect of others by posting nonsense? What exactly does your post add to the thread? YOU you YoU Ramble on ME ME ME aka (Huguenot). internet+anonymity=idiot' cartoon or internet+anonymity=free speech and removes the bull turd well maybe not in all cases!
  12. *Bob* Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Loft conversions are like bicycle helmets. > > A great idea, everybody should have one.. but they > look crap. They only look crap because the planning system allows them to all be built to different sizes and styles and constructed with various material finishes. If Southwark planning set out clear standards then they could be made to look far nicer full width brick built sides rather than tiles or lead wouldn?t take much to standardise the construction style and keep them a good size in Islington I believe they have set standard styles which lean back mansard style and look far nicer.
  13. first mate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Skips, skips everywhere. Ditto loft conversions > and other extensions. Massive inconvenience for > others who have to negotiate huge pallets of sand > and other sundry building materials left around on > road and pavement, not to mention building dust > that regularly smothers one's home, car and > bronchial tracts. I won't even get into the > light-stealing, aesthetic-smack-in-the-eye > impositions of loft conversions. > > I don't know what this skip is for but spare a > thought for neighbours who have to endure your > building work. first NIMBY mate WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Have you never had building work carried out? Don?t YOU live in a house or flat, which was built? Are YOU suggesting that we all live in open fields and don?t build or extend and improve homes? Loft conversions are by far the greenest most environmentally friendly way of extending a house or flat which at the same time increase insulation, the addition of another bedroom using sustainable materials mostly timber make for a far more environmentally efficient use of what is otherwise a dead damp un-insulated space above many houses and flats. I cannot fathom the mentality of hate towards loft conversions. Would YOU rather millions of tons of Co2 were pumped into the atmosphere to create new foundations and make new bricks to build new homes where a simple extension on the rear of a existing house or the addition of a loft conversion would increase the use of the existing housing stock? I despair with the lack of though and the NAIVE mentality that some like YOU apply to environment and the poor inefficient use of the housing stock. Utter nonsense which PEOPLE like YOU spout. (light-stealing, aesthetic-smack-in-the-eye.) That?s Living in London regardless. If anything the government should encourage all homes in london to have loft conversions and standardise the design and materials for the type of property. You are obviously keen for us to live in dark pokey holes which were build a hundred years ago, oh I forgot we already DO. first NIMBY mate YOU ARE TALKING UTTER UTTER NONSENSE!
  14. EmmaG Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Let's hope someone buys it who wants to turn it > into a B&B. Still hoping that will happen one > day. Funny that there's a plethora of hotels in > Crystal Palace but nothing round here Any B&B will end up full of foreigners dysfunctional families and drug dealers on council housing waiting lists all being paid for by our council tax payments to Southwark. I lived next door to such a B&B in Clapham it was hell, drug central eventually it was closed down but we suffered 3 years of torture lambeth were paying as much as ?1000 a month per room absolutly criminal. NO B&B?s please.
  15. Cover it with ?12 tarpaulin or your ?200 skip will be filled faster than you can say mattressssss and sofasss. B)
  16. For London dating the best site is run by timeout magazine http://dating.timeout.com Don?t bother with match.con its rubbish.
  17. cate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > PR are you saying that you are a motorcycle taxi? Yes I agreed motorcycle taxi is fastest is you have only small luggage or drop the luggage day before.
  18. KalamityKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > :o are you insulting all of ED or anyone in > particular? I'm certainly not clueless or > headless tyvm! Naa possibly not you, but probably 83.56786565% of the rest of the local population. The mums with buggies probably have the edge as their brain cells are depleted so they park 1/2 way across two parking spaces and moan about the lack of parking in the area. Then there are the city gents strutting up the road intently heading very importantly home whilst almost knocking over children walking alongside mum and buggy. Then there?s the chavs with their child killing dogs sat outside the EDT or other quality pubs. Not sure if the parking attendant 616 lives locally but he rides around with his indicators on one side or the other like a headless chicken looking to ticket anyone with one wheel on the pavement or one inch over a disabled kerb crossing or parked in bus lane at 1 second past 4pm? But somehow rarely tickets anyone on zigzag lines at crossings. Too many examples to list.
  19. candj Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How can someone "love the place, but mostly hate > the people?" Are they not one in the same? I > find that to be a fascinating predicament to be > in. It's nice to walk down the street and think > that someone (who doesn't know me) hates me, but > loves the broken, cracked pavement I'm walking on. > Nice. > > Where is the new Sean when you need him? > > Best, > -C What on earth are you talking about? The place / area has nothing to do with the people. The social mix has nothing to do with the pavements of buildings. You?re a fine example of the people who live locally clueless headless in the clouds and or cloud cuckoo land. Carry on walking on the cracks?
  20. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Havne't seen a fight in there in more than 20 > years. georgia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >Have never seen a fight at the EDT. What a stupid thread. >From a right rough EDT customer. The fighting I?ve see has been outside on the pavement NOT inside some poor chap getting a kicking on the pavement and two blokes wrestling big daddy style also on the pavement. Maybe I just got lucky!
  21. Mick Mac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why does not "thebeard" look elsewhere for > somewhere to live if its so bad. Probably does not > even live in ED. I say I does do live in ED. In mi mansion with such lovely surroundings who would want to live anywhere else except possibly I?d consider monaco the cayman islands boston ummmm chelsea fulham chiswick so many other places just not enough money, so I be stuck in ED but I do have a love hate relationship love the place but mostly hate the people. But that?s true of almost all cities the people are rude aggressive like caged angry animals. We live like animals and the animals live free to like kings on organic farms only thing is we end up eating the poor things. Guess it?s just the nature of City life. That?s it I?m off to live on a Farm?????????????.. n get mi nose in a trough. Bit like the local politicians, only not just for the weekend. Only joking.
  22. KalamityKel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sounds to me thebeard, from many of your other > posts around this joint, that you generally don't > have very good experiences or opinions of places > in ED... unlucky? No way though...... I'm not sure that many of these places should licensed by Southwark. East Dulwich is beginning to attract aggressive drunken revellers who would otherwise be going to areas more suited to large numbers of drunken louts. Like the Old Kent road. East Dulwich is turning into a mini Croydon town centre next there?ll be hen and stag parties roaming up and down lordship lane. Every other shop entrance will be splattered with vomit, luckily most residents have children and are will be quite used to the stench. Hey that?s what we?re all about anyhow; it?s the up and coming area we have all decided we want to live in FAB we?re so Lucky!
  23. Without doubt the fastest way is chauffer driven car to London heliport where you charter a helicopter to heathrow. No question the fastest route. http://www.londonheliport.co.uk/
  24. The whole place is a toilet they've got a right cheek. Full of nutters! The Staff are the biggest nutters in the place so it does not surprise me what happened one bit. They're doing you a favour serving you a drink. Steer WELL clear there are so many other good drinking spots well not the EDT.
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