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Everything posted by DovertheRoad

  1. Poor JoeLeg...the only one on this thread who knows his onions. Restaurants are a shed load of work with high risk and modest returns. Perhaps a minority of 5% that buck that trend...but they're not in East Dulwich.
  2. Several PM's already from some kindly people so think we're sorted for now. Huge thanks again to those who replied...really appreciate the power of this forum.
  3. ...this weekend? Looking to buy back carriers for hiking for 18 month old twins and before investing it would be great to try a few out. If anyone would be able to lend us one this weekend we can collect tomorrow, Thursday and will return promptly on Sunday evening... and would be happy to repay in nice wine :-) If you think you can help ,please PM for quick reply. Thanks a lot!
  4. You pay for food on Norwegian at least short haul but that doesn't bother me when most plane food is horrible anyway. Funny how it still sways people though when considering value.
  5. Norwegian Air? They're really good...kind of a premium notch up from Easyjet. What impressed me most apart from their price was the free WiFi at 35000 feet. They've had it for at least five years...makes you wonder why our airlines can't do the same.
  6. Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > DovertheRoad Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Whatever you think of Green I don't think he > > bought BHS to kill it. Like Austin Reid it was > a > > classic example of a business that failed to > move > > and change with the times...and by the time > they > > realised they'd lost most of the brand goodwill > > and alienated the younger generation, it was > too > > late. > > > > But it had been crap and totally out of touch for > years ..... how can they not have realised? You'd think. But you'd be surprised. HMV, Woolworths, Nokia, Blackberry...the business world is littered with examples of once great companies that failed to look out and spot the world changing in sufficient time to re-engineer their business models.
  7. The ED hotel will be coverted to private houses then sold for a few hundred grand profit for the developer. Ratty - you're right about this. My missus bought her old ex council flat in Wapping in 2005 from a council tenant who had bought it under Thatchers right to buy. Last month she received a letter from Tower Hamlets Council about their "Buy back' scheme for ex-council properties. At tippy market rates and with a quick sale. There are so many absurdities to this....
  8. Whatever you think of Green I don't think he bought BHS to kill it. Like Austin Reid it was a classic example of a business that failed to move and change with the times...and by the time they realised they'd lost most of the brand goodwill and alienated the younger generation, it was too late.
  9. Agree with you Jah....looks like 5-6 months more work at least to me. Feck knows who's managing the works but i've seen projects of this scale move a lot quicker....
  10. Buying in 2013-14...that was a mad time and terrible to buy. Buy in a market when everyone else is shitting themselves and prices have dipped. Like 2010-11 for example.
  11. It sold for ?1.65M I believe...wont be the easiest of sales because of the sellers circumstances so doesn't surprise me if it has dragged out. I'd strongly bet on conversion back to houses over a hostel but you never know...
  12. I understand your pain but truth is there is always another house and quite often better than the one you were set on. The emotional pull of a new home quite often colours others rational buying behaviour but easy to understand why. We went to sealed bids back in 2011 as buyers, great house, close to village and all the original tiled mosaics yadda yadda. Four of us all over the asking price. Ours was second best bid but we were still outbid by a whopping ?70k. Two days later we found our current place, bargain price, great street and we were the only interested party...saw it in the morning and had offer accepted by 5pm. Point being that if you keep at it will work out in the end and often for the better.
  13. In for EU. Out for ED. Probably for Vancouver to keep the missus happy.
  14. Surely we've all wangled expenses with the mini bar at some point in time. Couldn't ever bring myself to do the pay per view adult channel though...
  15. Lose majority over some pringles,a cheeky Toblerone and a G&T? And handover to the well organised machine that is Labour under Corbyn? Lol.
  16. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > DovertheRoad Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > 5% within the next 10 years? Unthinkable. Unthinkable? Really? Millions would have said about 15% in 1992 (ERM...Europe anyone?). And it's a refusal to accept the eminently possible amongst millions of hocked home owners that is a concern. First time buyer millenials who know no different especially.
  17. Just making the earth shattering, tentative suggestion that base rates will revert to their 100 year average at some point in the next decade RD. And that wage inflation is unlikely to compensate or support a gentle deleveraging of household debt. Many of the evil remnants of 2008 are still deep within the global economy and the next one wont bring down the banks...more likely the people. Total mess at the moment. If you had a spare ?100k hard to know where you'd invest it without taking a hit or barely keeping up with inflation....
  18. enjoy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://m.roybrooks.co.uk/property/choumert-road-pe > ckham-se15/royb-007400/1 > > This one hasn't too many room for clutter but an > ambitious price... Nice period building and with a workshop in the back. But when you see stuff like this with only 1300 sq ft internal living space max going for ?1.2M...in Peckham. You know you're firmly in massive bubble / future implosion territory. Although someone hocked to the eyeballs themselves...and not geared up for a 5% + mortgage rate will now vociferously claim otherwise. Time to get the glasses on, fix your rate for 5 years and ride out the coming recession...
  19. I'm always partial to a 1980's font can of WD40..
  20. Pass the Ferrero Rocher to Michael will you Andrew?
  21. That's great...thanks for posting Jah
  22. No 10 completely messed up the handling of the revelations. They've pretty much admitted they've fumbled the PR and DC has carried the can. I agree with Loz it would still have been big. It might whiff for other reasons but technically (in a legal tax sense) no evidence suggests DC has broken the law. And I'm no Tory...
  23. Rah - once again, read above, I didn't once say "everyone is at it". But with 80% of home owners admitting paying cash to avoid vat or get a better deal with their builder (same thing really) and it all thought to cost ?2B + per year it grates that many of those people are up in arms on twitter etc about Cameron's IHT planning. That's the public declaration vs private action hypocrisy...
  24. I thought my points were clear but basically: - There is massive hypocrisy in all of this generally when it comes to the "moral" argument. Well written law is clear but issues of morality are often a grey area which in this case has society failing to arrive at a consensus. - Many people whose tax affairs comprise a solely salary with a PAYEE deduction each month don't understand legitimate options in personal finance that allow for choices as to how and when you pay tax. - On the subject of paying tradesmen etc cash and pleading ignorance I disagree with you that this absolves the purchaser from any moral hazard. It's down with a wink and a nudge and everyone knows it's unlikely to be fully declared to HMRC. Morally I view that as worse than legitimate tax planning for IHT as it is outright evasion.
  25. Not what I said though is it Rah...and whilst in theory you are right HMRC now have powers to hit cash payers if it looks like they are complicit (knowing) in the fraud. "I didn't know...not my problem" now doesn't wash so well...
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