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Everything posted by heartblock

  1. There is a constant high pitch noise coming from St.Bartholmews close or whatever that gated community is called - day 20 now. Like an almost ultrasonic teenager deterrent... driving me slightly mad 😠
  2. Garden party next door right now.....lots of visitors ... very loud and very drunk in EDG.
  3. Back of East Dulwich Grove near School? Alarm going since Sunday.... any clues?
  4. Stay 2 metres apart, that is not a huge inconvenience for people. My friends who are health workers have a higher risk of catching and dying of Covid-19, so stop being selfish and do the right thing. On a more positive note.. if you do know a health worker, please cook them a meal to safely pick up in a cleaned plastic tub to microwave. They will appreciate the support.
  5. Come on East Dulwich Grove... get out and clap for the NHS at 8:00pm every night and this Sunday in memory or Tessa Jowell....hopefully the centre will still open soon.
  6. I no longer work clinically, but I have friends that do, aged 40 - 60, working in respiratory and cardiology. I?m lucky and can work from home, but they are going in and working long hours. They are scared as they know a high viral load will endanger them. To stop their units being overwhelmed everyone must try and stay home, with as little social contact as possible. People are not doing this, so there will be avoidable deaths. This includes the ?normal? pathology. For example, if critical care beds are full and someone in there teens or twenties catches meningitis or has a head injury they may be denied a bed and a ventilator because beds are full of Covid-19 victims, so the two young patient?s risk of death is higher. The government was too slow and even now London needs to lockdown to stop the Italian pattern. So please tell friends and family to avoid social contact to save lives.
  7. Yes...I?m not sure why there are different responses. I would assume that the lights are much the same. The one I objected to was on a very tall post, so had the effect of a stadium light. Maybe on a lower post they constitute a lower level of light pollution?
  8. If you complain you may get the same response I did Penguin68 - and here is my evidence I have a response to your query about the lighting. The night scout was performed 20/02/2020 by the principal lighting engineer, who took light readings on site. They have reported back that there was some intrusive light. Following this the entire road will be set on a dimming profile which means at 10:00pm the lights will dim considerably meaning the level of light will also dim considerably. We will also be fitting front and rear blinds to the lantern to stop from light intrustion.
  9. Hey Kid.. leave it. You are right, but don?t poke.. you never know what someone has gone through.ok.. over and out.
  10. Exactly JohnL, most people are not a danger to other people, but unfortunately in today?s society people have a heightened sense of harm, danger and risk. As someone pointed out family members and family friends are far more likely to abuse children. I was abused by a family member as a child and have been involved in research in this area, it estimated that family abuse is unreported by around 90%, ?Stranger danger? is mostly in the mind. If you do think someone is a danger to children family member or stranger - please report to the police.
  11. Personal opinion. So ok if the guy is there for terrible reasons that none of us want to contemplate, then yes - bad. There are other reasons why a single man without a child may be sitting on a seat. Did anyone ask him? I worked in a paediatric unit for 10 years, so as you can imagine, people were challenged in a polite way if they were not known family, not staff. I suppose the saddest reason for a single man coming to the unit was that he had lost his child and his wife within weeks of each other. His child died in our unit. Despite a lot of therapy he still was depressed years later. He thought that coming back and being in the place where his child had died would help. So scruffy, slightly drunk, 30 year old man, making a fuss and trying to get into the unit. Handled with sensitivity by the senior nurse manager. Ok - I know this is different, I would also have wondered why this man was sitting in a children?s play area, but sometimes there are reasons for what appears to be strange behaviour that are innocent, sad or complicated. I do feel for men in this day and age. I have told my other half to never walk in any of the parks round here without me or the dog, despite me wanting him to get a bit fitter. Because he is used to being a first responder, so if a child fell over or was hurt he would go and help as trained... I fear that a 50+ Male, on his own, beardy type would be ?classed? as a danger to someone?s child in this day and age.
  12. Local councillor plus MP... get a few neighbours to also complain. Otherwise the whole of ED will be lit up like a stadium!
  13. Just complain by email, letter and phone. If there is a large response then they will do something. A joint letter from several neighbors gets them worried. Photos of the glare helps too.
  14. New one outside our house.... I thought the police were doing a raid across the road. So pleased my bedroom is at the back. Terrible for birds and for anyone trying to sleep roadside. Is it worth complaining? Nothing has been done about a road hump despite being told that it would be ?looked at?, so any thoughts?
  15. Sending you and your family love and support from an EDG resident.
  16. Peckham Rye was the best bread around, but it went downhill as they baked it for less time in the last year. I ate there once, but I couldn?t hear any of my friends above the nursery. I think the bread was great until they took their eye off the ball. The second lease was a mistake. In the end, amazing bread that went downhill, terrible business plan. Don?t get me wrong, I would happily contribute to a community bread shop with the Brick House team being the bakers and continuing as an ?independent?, but with a business model that didn?t depend on the buggy brigade and the one coffee thanks for the free internet during the day, it was never going to make enough money.
  17. Labour will have another Brexit poll, so it?s not a done deal of out or in if you vote Labour. Brexit will take years anyway, so ?Get Brexit done? is just brainless. Personally issues such as the NHS, social care and Windrush/Grenfell have more impact on my voting choices. The EU is a failing institution and the USA is just crazy. In or out of the EU... I vote remain, but now I don?t care, but I don?t want a Tory Government for 5 more years... there has already been too many deaths caused by this uncaring bunch.
  18. It?s strange...sometimes it is great, then next time a bit poor.
  19. Happens on ED Grove, council will not do anything about vibration from traffic speed bumps, but they might fix potholes. I had a lengthy discourse about 3 years ago with them. 4K of acoustic glass has helped the noise, but skips going over speed bumps sound like an explosion 💥
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