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I'm not normally one to tell tales but I've just been approached by a man and woman asking for cash.

I wouldn't have been that bothered but the man (dark hair, mid-40s, bit the worse for wear) said he needed money to call his psychiatric nurse "Sheryl" (I mean to make a phone call, not name her "Sheryl"!)

We were walking past the Lordship Lane surgery. I suggested he go in there and call her using the surgery's phone but he said it was alright, "how about some money to quench my thirst".

Drunks asking for money doesn't normally bother me, but playing the mental health patient card might unsettle some people.

Just thought I'd warn people. I've not come across this scam before.

Drew, not very clever, mate.

I have a close relative who is in the care of the local community mental health team so I know from personal experience how overstretched their resources are. I also know how freaked out some people get by mental health patients. So the more people know about this bloke, the better.

I was once asked for money from a guy who claimed to have been mugged in Finsbury Park. He said he was a charity worker helping vulnerable families and he needed ?20 to get home. I was completely taken in and even when he took my number on his phone to contact me and return the money later on I didnt click and handed over the cash. 50 yards later I was 'doh!'

Learnt my lesson and I never help people any more. Not even a tiny bit.

gavster Wrote:


> apart from three years at university when I met lots of people like you.

And you call me patronising??

The "I don't know how long you've lived in London" was not supposed to be patronising, just stating surprise that anyone living in London would be shocked by this half-arsed attempt at begging.

I don?t think P*** heads are operating to the same moral framework as the rest of us gavster

You?ll be giving out about their personal hygene next

Besides they may be evolving from p***heads to proper mental health patients in a few years by the sound of it

gavster Wrote:


> Jeremy, thanks for the patronising message, I've

> lived round here all my life - apart from three

> years at university when I met lots of people like

> you.

Do you think Jeremy was the sort to steal food from other students? I've a thread elsewhere and just wondered!

I'm with DJKilla on that, I will give sustenance but not cash.

I once worked at a rather lovely bakers and left work in the afternoon with some decent sandwiches and incredible pastries, I was stopped by some homeless chaps asking for money but when I offered the produce to them they told me to leave immediately and they were quite rude. They reckoned they could not get p!ssed on croissants and I could not argue !

Narnia Wrote:


> gavster Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Jeremy, thanks for the patronising message,

> I've

> > lived round here all my life - apart from three

> > years at university when I met lots of people

> like

> > you.


> Do you think Jeremy was the sort to steal food

> from other students? I've a thread elsewhere and

> just wondered!

Declan - are you trying to make all the threads the same?

I was totally sucked in by a guy at London Bridge station the other night who had crutches and was saying he just needed another ?1 to make up enough money for a meal.. I wasn't sure at first so said I'd buy him a hamburger but he said no, he wanted a meal. STUPIDLY (I don't normally do it, but thought I would go against my preconceptions for once) gave him the ?1 and sure enough he loitered around asking other people for money as well, same line (didn't realise I was still watching him). I went up to him and said I didn't mind helping people if they really need money - which some people do - but to be lied to is what puts people off helping anyone who's asking for money, real-deal or otherwise. All he said was "i'll give you your money back then", like I was in a shop and refunds were just an inevitable part of his trade... NEVER AGAIN!!!!
On a kind of related note I get into London Bridge at 11pm most Thursday nights nowadays, sober... and it makes you realise how spectacularly pissed 90% of the people wandering around are at 11pm...I mean really pissed, shoutty too loud, hysterical screech laughing, staggering, wobbling, eyes in opposite directions...made me realise that I traditionally have very rarely been out and about sober at that time myself. Gawd knows what visitors to these shores make of it.

???? Wrote:


> On a kind of related note I get into London Bridge

> at 11pm most Thursday nights nowadays, sober...

> and it makes you realise how spectacularly pissed

> 90% of the people wandering around are at 11pm...I

> mean really pissed, shoutty too loud, hysterical

> screech laughing, staggering, wobbling, eyes in

> opposite directions...made me realise that I

> traditionally have very rarely been out and about

> sober at that time myself. Gawd knows what

> visitors to these shores make of it.

I noticed that recently whilst having a break from the booze. My answer to to start drinking again. If you can't beat them...

Narnia Wrote:


> Do you think Jeremy was the sort to steal food

> from other students? I've a thread elsewhere and

> just wondered!

Actually I did steal food from the fridge once, but only in retaliation. Unfortunately things escalated rather badly from there, and it got to the point where everyone basically gave up using the fridge.

Anyway, back to the original subject... I rarely give to beggars these days. I have done so in the past, only for the begger to ask for more money, and get aggressive. Unfortunately I think the genuine cases are in the minority.

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