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Nunhead post - removed.


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  • Administrator

Yes you could say that Nunhead is on the periphery of East Dulwich however there is a Nunhead forum which covers that area.

Sharon, if you live in East Dulwich and want to promote your husband's business please do, just follow the rules but mention you are East Dulwich residents.

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My Dearest Admin - I'm not having a go at you - just saying: since the ED and Nunhead Fora are both owned by the same party, it could be argued that the owner has a vested interest in re-directing users to the sparsely used Nunhead Forum in order to increase its advertising revenue - therefore is it not possible that a potential conflict of interests may be perceived when confronted with a case such as that of the OP?
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For goodness sake Hal - these sites are run on a voluntary basis. Even with the new advertising, I doubt very much Admin will be able to draw a salary and retire from his daily job.

I think this is a superb local resource (speaking as a fuzzy-fringe member). If there were a viable Peckham alternative, no doubt I would be on there, but as it is, I am using and enjoying this forum.

Since there is a dedicated Nunhead Forum, it's not unreasonable for Admin to direct Nunhead users/suppliers to that one. If anything, that would dilute the number of users on this site and decrease the potential for revenue from advertisers. Nunhead Forum doesn't carry any banner advertising so there is nothing to be gained.

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I'm merely trying to bring a little depth to this discussion - on a hypothetical basis, of course.

It cannot have escaped the attention of business-minded observers that media moguls have often acquired popular networking sites with a well-defined geographic and demographic profile for astronomical sums.

The EDF and its sister sites could be worth millions to the right buyer - the owner(s) must surely be aware of that?

Therefore, I make the point that the rigorous pursuit of 'focus' could be seen as self-interested protection and/or enhancement of potentially valuable assets rather than merely a compulsive desire to keep the place tidy?

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In that case would it not also be of an interest for admin to allow advertising from across the world, from all "kinds" of businesses on this site? Just think of all that potential revenue that could be made! There wouldn't have to be anything specific in nature to a local forum at all! Yes I can picture the ? signs flashing up in those concerned eyes.

HAL don't be so silly.

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IIRC, the Nunhead forum only exists because Nunhead residents kept pestering Admin to set one up - so despite the overhead he did that for them - not his fault if nobody uses it

So that leaves this particular thread - which is no way constitues a reasonable discussion about where that border should and shouldn't lay - it's mostly the deranged outpourings of a lonely individual

And hadenuff

Most people, when they suspect they are borderline EDF either contact Admin directly or respond to any actions with grace. But even the title of this thread says plenty about the OP - why anyone feels the need to give Admin a hard time about it is beyond me

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It never ceases to amaze me that peeps nowadays just refuse to take 'no' for an answer, we are all aware of the rules when we join this forum. Admin set the rules and imo they work. The OP asked Admin a question, Admin answered him and then he got personal and went on and on and on?why do people always have to question Admin?s rules, as if they haven?t got enough to do already without having to defend themselves.
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Fecking Admin in thrall to the Mighty Murdoch - he's had us all for mugs he has, sucking us in with drinks and badminton and hemp sacking, then selling us down the river for piles of filthy lucre. What a cunt!

Cate, you should definitely sign up for hall monitor. This place would be much better off if people were informed in a polite and timely manner when they were taking the piss.

As for hadenuff - grade A mental. Comedy gold.

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Hi, I thought I'd say something as the 'owner' of the site.

The forum's always been East Dulwich centric which has been hard to keep on track, and that's peeved a few people off on the way, but it seems to work, having said that we do always listen to people's suggestions and take them on board. Take the Family Room section for example, a few people requested that and we were hesitant to set that up, mainly because I thought it would dilute the forum and spread the users too thinly, but it worked and has created it's own very popular little monster.

I can see what you're saying HAL, but the forum's not been run as a business but I do like your idea that the site(s) could be worth millions. As I have always said on the About the Forum/Terms of use page "This forum is intended to be for use by people who live in, drive through, have an interest in or just want more information about London's East Dulwich". It's where I live and it's where most of you live and keeping it focused on the local area helps keep it friendly and neighbourly. If the area it covers gets bigger and bigger then I think it may loose that intimate, some say cliquey, feel, I don't want that and I don't think the majority do either.

And I know Admin sometimes get things wrong, they're human and they put their hands up to their mistakes. Anyway it's usually an edge case like this one that causes the most kerfuffle, but it brings issues to light, which although frustrating does help us keep us on our toes.

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Oh, and just to add that Admin disabled hadenuff's account, not because he was critical of Admin (s/he's used to that), it was because he was posting ranting messages across the forum and the West Dulwich Forum despite being asked not to, and because he created multiple accounts to deceive people. The final straw was him trying to locate me personally, as 'the owner' of the forum, in the real world, at that point it's beyond discussion.
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