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Charlie Sheen


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Yeah MP, I too would enjoy his refusal to be a role model, and if he really made those comments above then he's a drug addled genius.

But the wife-beating thing is what makes him a cunt in my book. A lesser son of greater sires.

His dad's awesome, and was just about the hottest thing I've ever seen in Badlands. I'm cheering for the clean-living (well, relatively I guess) brother and father Estevez combo in whatever their film's called.

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Ridgley Wrote:


> I think MP too old for the wild man of Hollywood

> Act

But you're only as old as the woman you feel. I don't subscribe to the notion that you should stop being "wild" (read "a twat on drugs") just because you reach a certain age. Plenty of us are twats at times without the drugs and more power to our arthritic elbows, and more power to theirs.

And frankly, without the twats, just think of all the Closer / Heat / Grazia / OK Hot Stars / When Bad Things Happen to Famous People journalists that would be looking for a job. We just can't afford to have that many more people on JSA.

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Instead of the boring predictability of being a total fricking rock star from Mars I chose to follow my heart and pursue an uncompromising life of office based mediocrity.

Of course the world I have chosen to inhabit does not contain as many groupies and involve as much liberal drug use as a reasonable man would reasonably expect but there is cake. A lot can be said for having a satisfactory amount of cake.

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RosieH Wrote:


> But the wife-beating thing is what makes him a @#$%& in my book.

Quite. I don't understand why everyone is choosing to ignore this, painting him as some sort of loveable rogue, or harmless hedonist. He's not. He's a fucking prick.

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Brendan Wrote:


> There are much worse things than drug addled

> megalomania. Like piles and cabbage.

Cabbage sadly does not receive the reverence it so rightly deserves. There ought to be an appreciation society. Or at least a thread dedicated to the damn stuff. Or something.

Back on topic, Charlie Sheen once starred in a film (yes, film. NOT movie) about cabbage.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> I'd go ever further than that, and say he is a

> @#$%& @#$%&.

Well obviously.

I just can?t bring myself to give a shit about these sort of people enough to actually have opinions about them. Actors, pop singers etc. they?re just dancing monkeys really.

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Rosie I don?t agree with you, I think at some point in life you have to grow up not saying you have to wear pipe and sleepers and cardigans because you are a certain age but yes you do have to grow up this guy has children what example is he setting that is ok to hit women get rat arse and be very abusive.

Further more we all see what happens to stars like Charlie Sheen loss of respectability and creditability.

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Ridgley - hitting women has nothing whatsoever to do with being grown up or otherwise. Don't conflate the arguments.

Everyone's entitled to be Peter Pan should they so choose. Everyone is not entitled to cause harm to another person, in whatever form.

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Ya Charlie was born to this megastar dad and followed in of his megastar dad (not hard to do) into acting init. But had his dad been a pit man would lil' ole' charlie been able to afford the easy escapist philadering route of drugs...........

The guy is LAZY LAZY LAZY and like all lazy people will take the easiest route out (just that his attracts media headlines by association and oh he doesn't have to steal to support it).

Don't even get me started on women beating..................

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