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Vastly inflated commercial event in P Rye Park

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Yes... I know people, quite rightly, who live right on the common/park, that the council/ organisers made sure were well informed and that their concerns were met.. residents immediately affected were given a hotline number to ring on the day if they were disturbed, and police were near those properties to deter any trouble when the event closed, which thankfully there wasn't... they even made sure there were extra toilets on site (there really were a lot) to discourage people from using the grounds outside afterwards. I think also the main factor was that the people who attended were in good spirits and chilled, and were having a good time..it was such a good day.
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Sounds a fantastic event! I hope the upcoming events on Brockwell Park are as well managed and peoples concerns are eased. A lot of hype from fellow HH residents, It's actually quite disheartening. Well run events (fingers crossed) in SE London are terrific news.
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Sure the park should be open to other uses, but many people on here have been saying "it's only for one weekend" etc. In fact that large section of the park has been cordoned off for a full week now. The grass has been significantly churned up. That bit of park is very close to a residential area - so loud in my house that my kids couldn't get to sleep until it ended at 10pm.

Yes, none of this is the end of the world, but why should we be even a little bit inconvenienced to support a commercial venture?

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Perhaps because you live in Peckham? Lots of (different) people went and enjoyed themselves and that's what a community is about living in London and what is needed. There was a wide range of people mixing and laughing and yes drinking(and probably some off their heads) but it was a summers day listening to great music and coming together. I love that park and walk my dog 3 times a day there but come on its for everyone . And if you live close enough to hear it . Congrats you must have a massive house so well done !
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Just been in the park and spoke to a very friendly guy dismantling one of the stages.

The grass is no more ?churned up? than my lawn and at present rate of knots they will be clear tomorrow.

Then went off to walk around the other beautiful 80% of the park that shows no evidence of anything untoward having happened this year.

This nimby nonsense does nothing to enhance the local area - ok if they had booked out the whole park for a Royal Tournament or something but this was a friendly low key event, that caused no damage, occupied 20% of the space and actually brought some good outdoor music to our area which meant the park was enjoyed by far more people than usually get in there.

As for noise, presumably nobody is extending their loft, mowing the lawn, raising children in your street?

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These things are part and parcel of living in London, particularly next to public parks. They have been for many years. There are people living in Park Lane who have loud rock concerts in the park next door. You're probably living in the wrong place if you let this sort of thing bother you.

Ladharrbeinn Wrote:


> Sure the park should be open to other uses, but

> many people on here have been saying "it's only

> for one weekend" etc. In fact that large section

> of the park has been cordoned off for a full week

> now. The grass has been significantly churned up.

> That bit of park is very close to a residential

> area - so loud in my house that my kids couldn't

> get to sleep until it ended at 10pm.

> Yes, none of this is the end of the world, but why

> should we be even a little bit inconvenienced to

> support a commercial venture?

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edcam Wrote:


> These things are part and parcel of living in

> London, particularly next to public parks. They

> have been for many years. There are people living

> in Park Lane who have loud rock concerts in the

> park next door. You're probably living in the

> wrong place if you let this sort of thing bother

> you.

Agreed !

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Ladharrbeinn Wrote:

> Yes, none of this is the end of the world, but why

> should we be even a little bit inconvenienced to

> support a commercial venture?

Well at least a commercial venture is keeping some people employed. I was woken up by a group of noisy morris dancers a couple of weeks ago who were performing outside a local pub. I doubt they were being paid and I don't think my reaction would have been any different if they had been. Oh look, silly morris dancers I said to myself, as I got back into bed.

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As far as nimbyism is concerned - although this event wasn't to my taste there are many 'park' events around London which I would be very happy to be on my doorstep - even though I accept they are also disruptive (slightly) to local residents. And I would be happy because I would like to, indeed do, go to them, and if they were on my doorstep it would simply be more convenient. Do remember that such events are not only an imposition on your locale, but also, to some people living there, a boon.

Frankly I would like more of them (The Horniman does have some events I have happily gone to) around here. I prefer living in party to living in a morgue.

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Im very glad it was over that part of the park, as there was trees for shade and even hay bales to sit on. Very well organised. I remember years ago when that part of the park had the bandstand there, and many weekends you had the brass band on stage and that was loud. So glad it was there for us locals who live in the area. X
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Sqiggles Wrote:


> I do not agree with the use of public parks for

> these festivals. The park is paid for by all of

> us and we should all be able to use it on a sunny

> weekend. The screens that have gone up at

> Brockwell effectively block off most of the park -

> and they are up already for a fesitival that is

> not this weekend but next weekend. So in pracice

> the park will be out of acrtion for nearly three

> weeks - once you take into acocunt making good

> afterwards. I also do not think it is appropriate

> to have live music in tents which do nothing to

> dampen the sound for local residents.

I don't know where you get 3 weeks from....went up Wed/Thurs prior Festival, was mostly gone by Friday pm last week. My friends and I have managed to use the park every single day during without incident.

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