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Phone snatched from me on No.12 bus


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I think it is worth being cautious i was walking the kids back from peckham rye park turned off barry rd onto upland rd and noticed a young man cycling closely but slowly next to me i was on my iphone at the time. I finished the call but as i got further down the road the phone rang again i answered it a woman walking towards me gave me an alarmed look looking behind me. I turned round to see the same young man who was on the bike off his bike with his hand lunged towards my phone i slipped it straight into the front pocket of my jeans and he just stormed straight past me but i felt very lucky to still have my phone. It is worth being cautious at any time of day.
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I also hate the 12, had a horrendous journey a few years ago when me and two friends were traveling into Regent Street at about 9pm and were suddenly surrounded by a huge gang of teenagers who spent the entire journey from Rye Lane (where they got on) to Elephant and Castle (where they got off) making incendiary remarks and genuinely intimidating us, poured chocolate milkshake on my friend's coat etc to see if they'd get a reaction (they didn't). We were powerless to do anything and had sat right at the back of the bus so the driver was oblivious, not that he could/would have done anything anyway as there were about 20 of them and they were truly vile. We were so frightened and the journey went on for ever.

Then as we got to E&C one of the boys (6 foot 17 year old) weirdly moved from my seat (where he had sat with his legs so wide that I had been squashed against the window) to sit down next to a young woman in front of me and i knew he was up to something. As the doors opened he thumped her across the chest with one fist and grabbed her Ipod with the other and ran off the bus with all his mates... she got up and gave chase but she couldn't really do much.. we tried to help her but they'd all scattered... I felt so awful for her.

As I consequence I go to great lengths to avoid the 12 now... it's just that stretch from Rye Lane to Elephant and Castle... at certain times of the evening, it feels like a war zone.

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E-dealer - any chance you could give some more details about the Nokia scheme you mentioned?

OP - so sorry about what happened. I travel on buses ALL the time and to be honest never even think about someone nicking my phone on a not-empty bus in the daytime. Horrific. Hope you're OK.

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Sorry to hear what happened this sort of thing is just opportunistic - but difficult to live your life in a paranoid state just because you may have the misfortune to run in to one of these idiots. I think the boys on bikes stealing iPhones have moved over to the park near sainsburys too. On Sunday I was walking through the park with my phone out and frankly not paying much attention when a boy on a bike (16 or so / White) tried to grab it out of my hand. He didnt get it and the just sat there on his bike and said it was 'just a joke' when I shouted very loudly 'what are you doing. He then rode off after his friend. Take care out there.
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  • 1 month later...
Agree on the not scaremongering or living life in a paranoid state but just to update everyone that the same thing happened to me on the No.12 last week. Kid came up from behind and snatched my ipad out of my hands (yes, I know, using it on the bus not the brightest idea, but you don't anticipate someone timing the move for when the bus gets to their stop!) Possibly the same person, I think he just saw an opportunity and took it. Apart from being a bit shaken I'm fine so feel pretty lucky as it could have been much worse. I think just be aware of your surroundings when you're on phones/ipads/ipods etc.
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Agreed.....I boarded the number 12 at Whitehall for the first time ever last week (and it was only 7.30pm on a Tuesday night) and it was madness. 2 different kick offs and a proper fisty cuff fight all between Elephant and Castle and Lordship Lane. I'll never to it again. Thank heavens for trains.
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Hopefully things will calm down on the 12 next month when it turns back into a double decker and people can't use it as a free service. The ratio of seats to standing on bendy buses (something like 150 capacity but only 50 seats) really isnt suitable for long journeys and busy routes.
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I sympathise with your plight, I really do.... however, you bought the thing to be a mobile device, so how was using it on the bus stupid....If the only place you are prepared to use it is in the safety of your own home, why buy it in the first place?

Yes it is bad when it happens, but seriously... if you are afraid to use it in a public place, what is the point... this stuff happens, and granted it is not nice, but keep your wits about you... dont sit near the door, etc, and avoid this kind of thing....

Dont let these bastards win....

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Mines only WIFI - so only home, work and pubs for me.

I don't flash it, but will use it if I take it out.

Sammo Wrote:


> I sympathise with your plight, I really do....

> however, you bought the thing to be a mobile

> device, so how was using it on the bus

> stupid....If the only place you are prepared to

> use it is in the safety of your own home, why buy

> it in the first place?


> Yes it is bad when it happens, but seriously... if

> you are afraid to use it in a public place, what

> is the point... this stuff happens, and granted it

> is not nice, but keep your wits about you... dont

> sit near the door, etc, and avoid this kind of

> thing....


> Dont let these bastards win....

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SO sorry to hear of your experience and those of others on this topic. I have been in similar situations and it is a shock to get over.

The number 12 has a hit crime rate due to the fact others can travel for free and therefore there is no record of who is getting on or off the bus. This is proven when the tickets inspectors come out and a mass escape operation happens as the bus approaches the stop and the criminals (which is what the fare dodgers are) nitcie a penalty is in sight.

CCTV I have no faith in for these things. The thing to remember is these people are opportunists. I find it very hard to sit back and watch this crime and examples of intimidation take place against me and those around me and when I have confronted these people they are surprised and 90% of the time give it up as they are expecting an easy snatch. The other 10% I have been prepared to fight my corner and will win! My point - next time it happens to any of you pray for someone with my morals to be on that bus/street with you and you will get your posessions back! Sit back and crime multiplies as the word spreads just how easy it can be.

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Whoa that really sucks, I am sorry for your trouble. Some thoughts for helpful suggestions in the future, and I will heed them myself; buy or make a phone case with a wrist strap, and try to refrain from using your phone on the bus or when walking along the street, as it sounds like a particular target and leaves you unaware of what is around you. 'pull over' near a shop door, and take the time to make a call when you are in a position to do so, and always try to be aware what's around you. Good Luck and all the best, I hope you find those perps.
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