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I am due to find out which secondary school my child has been allocated tomorrow. But how does it happen? I applied online - will I be sent an email / do I have to log-in?

I keep hearing all sorts of playground rumours re the site crashing etc.

I want to know from those with experience what realistic time and the best way to find out.

Anxious - not me, not much!

Hi - going from last years mess I couldn't log onto the online site (too busy so crashed) we all found out via e-mail which one smart cookie checked and we all followed...so do both...but def e-mail came first.....horrid time you have my sympathy.....but please be reninded that there is a LOT of movement shortly after....

One other thing - southwark were disgustingly poor in letting me know where we were on waiting lists - Lewisham gave me details the next day and we had letters confirming this within days - we rejected the school we were "given" as it wasn't a good option for us but we still received a "welcome to our school" from that school - southwark need to up their game (rant over - can you tell how traumatised I was!!!)

Our experience two years ago (and that of friends last year) was that the system crashed and we received electronic notification that we had nothing three days after the letter arrived! We live in LB Croydon and their system seemed to be that even if you had applied online they still sent you a letter in the post and that did arrive on the 1 March.

But as bibimax has said there is a lot of movement and in our case our son had been offered a place on our list by 31 March. Last year it seemed to be the same; any of our friends children who didn't get a place on 1 March were offered one on their list by the end of the month.

It's such a scary time. I've started to physically sick waiting for the news. Yes, the system will definitely crash. If you want something to do while you're waiting read and comment on this Guardian blog! http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/mar/01/school-admissions-policy

Good luck!!!!! I'm wondering if I'm going to get a text actually as I signed up for the text alerts on eadmissions. Now that will be a weird text to get...

The headlines of what will be released at 5pm online and sent earleir today by first class post:

* All Southwark secondary school applicants have been offered a place for September 2012

* Total of 2,436 applications were received, 85 less applicants than last year

* 1,362 (55.9%) received a first preference school a 3.4% increase on last year's figures 1,322 (52.5%)

* 2,213 (90.8%) received one of their preferences - 2% increase on last year

* 195 (8%) families without a preference and offered an alternative school fewer than last year - 243 (9.6%)

* The number of online applications has remained at the same level as last year

Two attachments - one SPA Leaflet details drop in session if you're not happy and need advice, other is QA info pack.

Do contact your local councillor if you need further support.

Well let me be the first to register as a parent unhappy with the outcome.

My twins have been offered separate schools - one at Harris Boys and the other Peckham Academy (which wasn't an option on either list)- I dare not even tell my Aspergers son he's been offered a school that he's never even seen as it will send him into a complete panic - I'm going to need to tell him there's been a mistake with his application.

heber jumble queen, that is terrible. How can they allocate twins different schools? I hope that you will win an appeal.

Surely the sibling rule should apply as soon as one child is allocated a place.

Harris Boys must be very over subscribed if only one of yours got in.

Good luck.

I think there is some special agency that advises parents of twins on schools appeals, but I cannot remember it's name.

Oh dear Heber Jumble Queen and Tatty Mum - good luck with your appeals.

We got our realistic 2nd choice and are happy. Our first choice was Charter and we are right on the edge if not over the edge of the usual catchment area with /without the walk through consideration but gave it a go whilst always imaging we would get our second choice.

Heber Jumble Queen, the reason this is likely to have happened is that Harris Boy's school allocates on band and distance. If your twins were in the same band, than one got the last place offered and the other is the top boy for the waiting list for that band. If they fell into different bands, than one was within the last place offered distance for his band, while your other son was in a band where the last place offered distance was smaller. The sibling not offered a place at Harris boys should as a sibling move up to the top of the waiting list. Therefore do not panic!

Tatty Mum, please contact me. Something to do is to find out the place your son is on the waiting lists for the schools you applied for. Did you apply for 6?

I am attending a meeting at ED Community Centre, Darrell RD tonight from 8-9pm. This is an informal meeting so if anyone wants to speak to me tonight, I am happy to leave the meeting to talk to them. I have posted on the other thread that I have a surgery at ED Community Centre on the 10th at 10-11am. One of my ward colleague, Victoria Mills or Gavin Edwards is doing a Surgery tomorrow night at The Rye Hill Tenants and Residents Hall at 6.30-7.30pm. I have posted the contact details of Liam White the School Preference Advisor and the Drop-In Sessions he is running for parents.


Hello everyone, hello jumble queen, I know who you are!! Well I wasn't offered my realistic choice - Harris ED which I live less than ten minutes amble away from. I was offered Deptford Green, which I bunged on the form at number six to make up the numbers (I don't like blank spaces) - because I couldn't think of another school to put. I actually nearly fainted when I saw that we'd got it. I know a lovely mum whose son goes there, but it's so far away and we've never even visited it. I know not everyone can get the school they want - I wanted Kingsdale and will stay on the waiting list for that - but how can I have not got a school that's so close to me. Do people think there's something wrong with the system here? Renata can you help? I'm so upset, I know there's movement after offer day but this feels so serious. My son is so upset. It's very hard to explain to a ten year old that they are not a failure after they've done the visits, the tests, the auditions and then don't get in to a school they've even heard of. Kids feel like a success for getting into the school they wanted, and of course they'll be basking in that and excited about that at school today - it's going to be very tough on the kids like my son who didn't get in. I've tried to explain that it's just a computer making these decisions. But my son said, why didn't the computer pick me? It's a very cruel system. Does anyone know the stats of how many people end up getting a school they want even if they are offered one they don't on offer day? Also should I accept the school I don't want? confused about how it works. Renata maybe you can help?

Emily - I know who you and your son are (saw your guardian picture/post)

Just to say I know exactly what you are going through as this time last year I had to reassure a very upset 11year old!

St Johns where brilliant in dealing with this too...lots of time in the butterfly room etc

You will automaically get on the waiting list for any school above your allocated school (so all your other choices) You will find out in a few days exactly where you are (last year kingsdale was very slow...but ED Harris should be better)...we found out the next day we were 5th on our 3rd choice (I use the word choice loosely) but that was a lewisham school....deep breaths but have hope there is a lot of movement in the next few weeks so once you know your place on the waiting list you can start breathing (hopefully) a little better....so sorry though the system is extremely cruel for the kids who dont get a school of their choice

Emily, just to add to bibimax's post. Two years ago, this was my son. We were offered none of our six choices but instead offered a school that was a three hour round trip involving two buses each way. My son really did think he was a failure, as did the ten other boys in his year at school. Not helped by the fact that he was being bullied at the time as well so the whole secondary school thing just added to his general feelings of uselessness.

A month later we were able to tell him he was going to Kingsdale which was on our list. His sense of relief was palpable. All of the children in the same boat as him were also offered places within a month too. Interestingly, one of the boys was offered a place that his parents hadn't considered but where, two years later, he is thriving academically and socially.

Last year was the same in our primary school and, again, within a month all those not offered a place parents were happy with were offered a place they were happy with within a month. In at least one case I know of a boy was offered places from each of the top three on his list within a month as each school operates their own waiting list.

I'm sure that right now it feels terrible but these things do come to an end and it will be alright.

Emilydrab, acceptance is automatic this year unless you tell them otherwise. Advice is to not reject the school offered before the 'shakedown'.

We got our third choice - Harris ED which is only 3 streets away but son wants Kingsdale or Charter (for social reasons). I think he is lucky and has a great school - what do we do if we are offered either of these schools in the next round?!

I am confused.

It says acceptance is automatic but there was still a link on my offer email to accept / decline.

I have accepted but it was our second choice. Will we automatically go on the list for our top choice?

Ha ha just sussed it, automatically on waiting list but phoned them and nos 227!

hello Emily (you must secretly reveal yourself to me, as I haven't guessed who you are!) - both my boys were in a terrible state last night, couldn't eat their tea they were so upset - they're so worried they won't be able to go to school together. "This is the worst birthday present ever" (it's their birthday tomorrow) I haven't in any way got my head round what I need to do, and how to appeal, and what's the best outcome to aim for (as it looks like our best option to go for Harris Boys - which is obviously an outstanding school but certainly not the best environment for my ASD son and neither of my boys like the idea of being at an all boys school).

All this when all I'm looking for is a local, co-ed, non-faith school. It's a disgrace. If anyone dares to mention an application for a free school today....

I believe you do still have to accept the place. I would suggest doing so and calling your higher choices to confirm you are still on the waiting list. I think it is supposed to be automatic that you are placed on the waiting list but can't imagine it will do any harm to check.

Charter says on their website that they won't know ranking of waiting list until March 17th though.

We were fortunate in that we got a place at our 2nd choice although our son is upset that none of his friends have

Hi, my daughter also got 3rd choice but what i cant understand is her first two choices were closer and easy to get to but the council have offered her a school nr Westminster. They have offered the first two choices to other children who live further than us. Can the council explain this?

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