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Southwark Recycling Centre - is it open?

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Not really sure of the point of your post EDCAM. Some of the local authorities are opening their tips with appropriate safeguards. 'safe' is a relative term. Please don't post unless you have something useful to say. All my posts are of course extremely valuable, and I have been presented with many community awards. I am the peoples' poet.

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It reopens on 14 May.https://www.southwark.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling/recycling/recycling-centres/reuse-and-recycling-centre?

It should only be used if you can't store the item at home. A free permit will need to be applied for in advance. Full details on the website.

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if you go online southwark recycling devon road, you fill small form in, giving vehicle number plate, what items you intend to bring, and print off permit.

then you get an hour slot, in about 10 days.

Plus you need ID to prove you reside in borough

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You need to download and print your permit and put that and a recent utility bill on your dashboard - you also need a photocard driving licence. As you drive towards the recycling centre there is an initial holding point before the roundabout where you stop and they check your number plate, look at your permit and utility bill through the windscreen and then they look at your driving licence through the (closed) car window. If you are early for your time slot you then wait there but I was within the time slot so was waved through. As you enter the facility they stop you again, check your number plate against their records and then radio ahead and wave you through. At the top of the ramp they stop you again to tell you which bay to go to. The bays are bigger than usual and each bay has easy access to the different categories of waste so you don't have to go near anyone.
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Rockets Wrote:


> You need to download and print your permit and put

> that and a recent utility bill on your dashboard -

> you also need a photocard driving licence. As you

> drive towards the recycling centre there is an

> initial holding point before the roundabout where

> you stop and they check your number plate, look at

> your permit and utility bill through the

> windscreen and then they look at your driving

> licence through the (closed) car window. If you

> are early for your time slot you then wait there

> but I was within the time slot so was waved

> through. As you enter the facility they stop you

> again, check your number plate against their

> records and then radio ahead and wave you through.

> At the top of the ramp they stop you again to tell

> you which bay to go to. The bays are bigger than

> usual and each bay has easy access to the

> different categories of waste so you don't have to

> go near anyone.

What a load of nonsense. I?ve visited communist countries that were easier to get into.

The place is as big as an aircraft hangar. Get a grip Southwark.

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Au Contraire keano77. Not nonsense at all.

It is well organised and sequenced, with plenty space between cars (about 4 at a time allowed in there I reckon).

They have doubled-up on the sections for dumping household waste, garden waste, etc. so that each visitor has a choice of two possible sections to use, to help achieve distancing between visitors.

Good for them for figuring a regime that keeps the dump open whilst supporting distancing.

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Call me old fashioned but Permits, identity cards and checkpoints are not my idea of a free society, especially at a tip.

Could be worse I suppose. I?m waiting for the directive where you can only take what you can fit on the back of a bicycle.

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Don't harbour dark thoughts.

It's just some controls in place to ensure residents are spread out through the day, able to maintain distance on the site, site workers are protected while the service is kept available for Southwark.

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