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Booster walk ins?

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I think you can more or less count on getting a communication from NHS inviting you to make an appointment at one of the vaccination centres or pharmacies that fall within their part of the organisation. See https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-booster-vaccine/. GPs seem to act separately and make their own decisions, with apparently less involvement than at the start.

On walk-ins specifically, the CCG site https://selondonccg.nhs.uk/what-we-do/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine/pop-up-clinics/ gives details. But it's far from clear to me from that alone, without asking them, which offer boosters as well as primary doses. On our own thread https://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?32,2233605 there's confirmation of a pharmacy offering a third primary dose, and my own mention of getting a walk-in booster at KCH.

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Renata Hamvas Wrote:


> Kristal Pharmacy on Evelina Rd in Nunhead are

> doing them. You need to ring and book a slot

> though.020 7639 2614

When I checked the GRAB-A-JAB website, they were listed as doing shots 1 and 2 but not booster, I'll ring tomorrow thanks

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Many thanks, NHS text arrived today, exactly 6 months to the day from my 2nd, so I'm booked in!

Renata Hamvas Wrote:


> I spoke to Kristals today, they are doing walk-ins

> and for boosters too, if you call you will be able

> to find out when their clinics are.

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Many thanks, NHS text arrived today, exactly 6 months to the day from my 2nd, so I'm booked in!

Renata Hamvas Wrote:


> I spoke to Kristals today, they are doing walk-ins

> and for boosters too, if you call you will be able

> to find out when their clinics are.

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Kings are doing walk ins, it has moved from the Dental School to the far end of the hospital, just follow the signs along to the corner of the "old" car park (being re-developed), turn right, head towards the new buildings and then sort of turn diagonally left and you'll come to a yard with an entrance door. Inside it is bright, but unlike the set up in the Dental School, didn't seem as friendly as the first two vaccinations, don't let that put you off.

You now self time yourself in the rest area post vaccination, before leaving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

malumbu Wrote:


> Tessa Jowell doing walk ins, but don't go there if

> you haven't reached your 6 months and a week,

> although I went next door and had my first ever

> flu jab.... It was 12 for walk ins on the day I

> tried with about a 20 minute wait.

Was that upstairs where the surgery is or at the Day Lewis Pharmacy downstairs? My mother is having her booster at Tessa Jowell upstairs next week through the GP.

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Looked on SELDOC website and it said that booking is required. If Tessa Jowell requires a booking then that doesn't seem to mean "walk-in" as in "got time now, so I'll go along". Same for Lister Health Centre. And Kings requires a letter from a GP. What do you do if you don't have this - even if you have a letter from NHS about needing to get a booster?

Bic Basher Wrote:


> malumbu Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Tessa Jowell doing walk ins, but don't go there

> if

> > you haven't reached your 6 months and a week,

> > although I went next door and had my first ever

> > flu jab.... It was 12 for walk ins on the day

> I

> > tried with about a 20 minute wait.


> Was that upstairs where the surgery is or at the

> Day Lewis Pharmacy downstairs? My mother is

> having her booster at Tessa Jowell upstairs next

> week through the GP.

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I went to Kings as a walk in last Friday around 4.30. 20 minute wait, no GP letter needed, just your NHS number. I was exactly 182 days from 2nd jab and was given the booster. Very efficient. Although the vaccination centre is a long walk from the main entrance so it?s easier to go and leave via Coldharbour lane.
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Thanks for many helpful suggestions - I was about to go to Kings and not worry about a GP letter when I was sent an email invite to book a booster at the Tessa Jowell so got that sorted. Bit of an odd coincidence considering sent in my email to EDF yesterday.

Would like to understand why it was not included on the NHS booking website (or is it governmental?)along with all the others the algorithn considers to be near where you live once you've put in your postcode.

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> Would like to understand why [TJHC] was

> not included on the NHS booking website

Ai more-or-less ui there are different administrative entity types involved: (1) NHS vaccination centres, such as Guys/St Thomas's and KCH. (2) Primary Care Network (groups of GP practices working co-operatively) organised vaccination sites. I think TJHC will be one of these. (3) Community Pharmacies. (4) Conceivably (I don't actually know) individual GP practices. The National Booking Service seems to serve (1) and (3): https://digital.nhs.uk/coronavirus/vaccinations/national-booking-service.

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TJHC is indeed, I believe, an NHS Community Care (GP Consortium) site for Covid vaccinations so wouldn't be on any general NHS vaccination list. It is used just for the GP practices in the consortium, to consolidate Covid vaccinations in one place for that Group of surgeries. Nominally I believe only patients of those practices are called up there.
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