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craft beer


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HA berloved of hipsters and hippies no less!!

"[Andy Rowland, one of the six brewers from the Brockley Brewing Ccompany (BBC)] said the brewery has so far been getting fantastic reactions from the community. Local artists and designers offered to help with their marketing, and pubs and shops in the area are showing interest in stocking their upcoming bottled ales. They have also teamed up with the local allotment group who are using their spent grain as composting material."

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No doubt that there's been a bubble, and if some "craft beers" are excellent then some are pisspoor imitations being launched onto the market by people with a week's training behind them.

In that sense, the label "craft beer" doesn't mean anything (either in a negative or positive sense, in terms of quality) which is probably what Malumbu was driving at.

On the other hand, would I rather London had a "scene" that could populate a web page this busy (As per Annette's link http://www.londonbrewers.org), or was in the hands of the Pride/Chiswick generic Brown Booze pump? I know the answer, even if some of these beers will disappoint.

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Or, as a wise man said on about post 3 of this thread

"Craft Beer is all about experimentation and breaking with accepted traditions.

Like anything some of it works some of it doesn't, but the world's a better place for the trying."


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Piss off, Mr Brevity.

El Pibe Wrote:


> Or, as a wise man said on about post 3 of this

> thread


> "Craft Beer is all about experimentation and

> breaking with accepted traditions.

> Like anything some of it works some of it doesn't,

> but the world's a better place for the trying."


> ;)

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I guess there is some truth in the "emporer's new clothes" comment, I think it's just a new/Americanised term for microwbrew, which has been around for quite a while.

I think it's quite distinct from the whole real ale thing though - I lost any enthusiasm for that whole scene after getting through several pints of samey, lukewarm, flat and fairly unpleasant bitter at the Earl's Court beer festival thing a few years back. Hoping in vain that I'd come across something at least semi drinkable.

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Yep, I remember a real ale festival in the Plinston Hall a few years back. I went to the pub for eggy Greene King after the 6th glass of mouldy carrot and stale acrpet.

THe microbrewery thing was actually rebooted in the US in the seventies and we've followed suit I'm afraid. (not that it didn't exist before it just wasn't called that and didn't make it more than ten miles).

I'm actually thinking about doing it in Ireland which is about 30 years behind here. I'm not expecting many takers.

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Well I had Brockley beer out of a cask. Is that craft ale? I am not particularly fond on the term real ale but that is convenient as a loose description. If Brockley describe it as craft ale to get more ED Yuppies to drink it good on them.

My view of craft ale was that is was keg, or bottled after being killed first. OK in small quantitities (sic) but not as a regular tipple. People are talking out of their arses about how wonderful Punk IPA is hence my knee jerk reaction.

Not sure how anyone can talk about John Smiths in any sensible thread. Greene King, Bombadier and others have gone or are going that way. Doom bar....... ugh.

Annette dear, you are still flirting with me. I am truly flattered. I was trying to talk to my friends in Lordship Lane Carpets last weekend about our conversations but couldn't find any sales people. Sadly the latter was true.

Oh and I have just had a couple of pints of Wherry in a cental London pub. That was wherry wherry nice.

Now flowery beer. Fine first or second time then yuk.

And as for beer festivals never enjoyed the GBBF in Earls Court/Olympia but the Dulwich one last month was most excellent.

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El Pibe Wrote:


> I'm actually thinking about doing it in Ireland

> which is about 30 years behind here. I'm not

> expecting many takers.

Do it! I have met so many one man and his dog 'craft' (sorry) beer brewers around Suffolk/Norfolk. It's amazing to see what people can achieve.

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araucaria Wrote:


> I recently found out that there is a new

> microbrewery - Brick Brewery - opening in Peckham

> next month.


> http://www.brickbrewery.co.uk/


> It's half way between Bar Story and the

> Refreshment Rooms, which could make for a great

> Saturday afternoon crawlette if we ever see the

> sunshine again.


> a


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Popped back into the draft house early evening yesterday and had a good burger (smoke burger) and the missus had a cheeseburger. Both were decent, fries were excellent and were included in price. Had a couple of pints of the Camden Wheat beer , which was lovely. Staff were also excellent. Happy to be proved wrong.
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Went to the pop up bar Beer Rebellion opposite Gipsy Hill station on Sunday (as recommended earlier in this thread by Voyageur) Marvellous selection of ales straight out of the barrel, cider too and over 50 different bottled beers. At ?3.20 a pint it is well worth the trip (via East Dulwich station). Be quick though. They may have to close in a couple of week unless they can renew the lease.


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