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tramps on whateley road........

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we need to get them out!!! the local council have been trying to evict them for a while now, they really bring the area down!!!

local residents have complained about them & the police are aware of their antics, guess what they're still there!!!

they are known to hurl abuse at passers by, & guess what???? they & the whistler are buddies!

the only way to get em out is to join forces.........

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What the devil is happening around here lately - even the title of this thread bugs me.

Anti-social they may be, and I've passed them enough times to judge. But that doesn't entitle anyone to start playing the vigilante card or even calling names. If people are going to start acting "superior" it would be preferable if they behaved similarly

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It is such hard work to pass even on the opposite side of the road, they are shouting and calling you names, so now I consider changing my route to avoid any sitings of these loud mouthed yobs.

I sympathise with the neighbours and anyone who unwittingly walks past and is subjected to their disgusting verbal abuse.

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I have every sympathy as well SteveT but have to wonder whether, given two previous threads on this topic have been locked due to the excess aggression shown towards these people whether the forum is a suitable place to discuss the problems.

There seems to be a tendancy to get very militant which leaves a nasty taste in one's mouth.

Edited - see below.

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I can understand the frustration of noisy and anti-social neighbours, but the increasingly agressive, judgemental and even violent tone of the messages posted about these people really bothers me.

The previous, now locked, thread used some very disturbing and sinister language - "practical justice" for example.

I don't live on Whateley, so all I've ever experienced is being shouted at a bit when I walk down the road, but it's never been enough to make me cross over of feel intimidated. I'm willing to believe that there is more of a problem for residents, but if that's the case then the behaviour should be reported to the relevant authorities.

There is no justification for publically insulting individuals on a forum like this and certainly no place for talk of lynching, getting them out or "practical justice".

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seanmlow Wrote:


> annaj -


> When I started a thread on this it was blocked.

> What ever happened to freedom of speech? They

> certainly express theirs daily!

It has nothing to do with freedom of speech Seanmlow, merely civility to others - both those being talked who cannot defend themselves and other users here who find it all a bit unpleasant.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

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sean, I didn't see your original thread before it was censored, so I honestly say what I thought of it, but I do know that it was removed, because a record number other forum users complained about it.

I don't think this is a quesiton of freedom of speech, but of drawing boundries about what is and isn't acceptable on a public forum and thinly veiled references to vigilante justice are not acceptable to me.

Every story has two sides; I have no idea why the people in question behave the way they do, but there is bound to be a reason and it may be more complex than it first appears. Insulting and riduculing them on a public forum just doesn't seem constructive or fair.

Edited for a typo

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"freedom of speech" - that poor, much-maligned and mis-used expression - it gets all the attention whilst it's runt of a cousin - "incitement to public disorder" - is left languishing on the shelf

"I am so outraged by some people breaking the law I'm going to.... break the law"


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Why is it that these people who I presume are being kept on benefits provided by the rest of us, are allowed to display all types of obnoxious behaviour to anyone within hearing distance, can subject decent law abiding citizens to abuse.

I would bet that if someone reacted to them and gave them a bit of a shock, like throw them off their stoop down into the area, the perpetrator of said action would no doubt end up in the cells before anything happened to the riff-raff.

Why should we be abused for being normal decent members of society going about our daily life.

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rather than bang on about free speech and PC, people might be better of reading the forum's terms of use

relevant section quoted:

"Having said that, please don't post anything that you know is wrong, by all means, for example if you have had a bad experience with a local company or service, please tell us all about it, but do not post anything which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening or illegal. If you post something on here you are liable for its consequences. Postings should where possible be based on fact, made in good faith, published without malice and of interest to East Dulwich. "

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AcedOut, it's nothing to do with being "PC".

I could be wrong, but as far as I know the people being discussed live in a house on Whateley, not on the street.

So, the word tramp was being used in a derogatory not descriptive sense, which is what people are objecting to.

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