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Location, Location, Location - Thurs 5th Sept - East Dulwich

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Thought we'd let you know that our beloved East Dulwich is being featured on Kirsty and Phil's LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION on Thursday the 5th September, 8pm, channel 4

We had the pleasure of having some filming done in the pub so fingers crossed we will make the final cut.

A heads up, we will be running a competition on twitter on Friday 6th for those that tune in and have an eagle eye paired with an impeccable memory......or bbc iplayer!

The prize will be a bottomless Saturday brunch for two with unlimited hot drinks, a top notch brunch and as much toast and brunch cocktails as you fancy.

With love and excitement

The Great Exhibition

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I hope they don't show Sydenham as an affordable alternative. The less people looking to buy here the slower the prices will go up, and I need them to not go up too much between now and next year.

That and the fact I don't want people who's target was East Dulwich to be my neighbours!

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I think it may feature what was my home.

The lovely Kirsty was trying to film a closing shot on the corner of Marmora & Scutari with the Shard in the background as I was arriving home. Belatedly recognising her, and as she was standing almost under our "for sale" sign I asked if she would find us a buyer. That didn't happen but I did invite her and the crew to film from our roof terrace where the view of the Shard was better.

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I've always thought it seemed like an incredibly pointless show... especially at the moment when there is so little to choose from on the market. And the way prices have been going, the last thing we need is extra publicity! Still, I suppose it's fun to see your area on TV.
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dc Wrote:


> So, Marmora Man, what's your new forum name going

> to be given that your current, now out of date,

> one was determined by your location, location,

> location?

Giving it some thought - WhickerMan perhaps to reflect the new West Country location

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TheGreatExhibition Wrote:


> Thought we'd let you know that our beloved East

> Dulwich is being featured on Kirsty and Phil's

> LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION on Thursday the 5th

> September, 8pm, channel 4


> We had the pleasure of having some filming done in

> the pub so fingers crossed we will make the final

> cut.


> A heads up, we will be running a competition on

> twitter on Friday 6th for those that tune in and

> have an eagle eye paired with an impeccable

> memory......or bbc iplayer!


> The prize will be a bottomless Saturday brunch for

> two with unlimited hot drinks, a top notch brunch

> and as much toast and brunch cocktails as you

> fancy.


> With love and excitement


> The Great Exhibition

Can you get channel 4 on bbc iplayer now?!

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I'm not anti East Dulwich at all, I'm from there.

I am anti stupid TV Shows like this telling the world "if you can't afford East Dulwich, try these surrounding areas". I'm from East Dulwich, and I can't afford to live there. Fine, I accept that's the way the world works. I am hoping however to buy somewhere next year, and I have really fallen for Sydenham (been here 6 years now). A show like this can start a rush for the area for those who can't manage ED Prices (who the Hell can), and I don't want that.

I have nothing against the average Joe who lives in ED. If I won the lottery this weekend though, I'd buy in Sydenham not ED. More for my money and nicer housing stock.

Having said all that, if they're looking for the types of houses on Marmora Road, they're way out of the sort of price range I'd be looking at anyway. Those houses are beautiful!

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Hey Marmora Man,

Have looked longingly at the roof terraces as per your soon to be 'ex-home' ...any chance of getting a look see at the view from your terrace before you depart???

I'm no celeb, but love living on Marmora Road, would be interesting to see it from a different perspective other than my garden flat view!!


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OD Wrote:


> Hey Marmora Man,


> Have looked longingly at the roof terraces as per

> your soon to be 'ex-home' ...any chance of getting

> a look see at the view from your terrace before

> you depart???


> I'm no celeb, but love living on Marmora Road,

> would be interesting to see it from a different

> perspective other than my garden flat view!!


> OD

Seconded! I currently have a view of speeding 63 buses and my garden. Go on, please?

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