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Cafe Nero is trading without Planning Permission!


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Cafe Nero is trading without Planning Permission!

On the 1st March East Dulwich Planning Committee decided to NOT grant them a change of use permission. What does this mean? well it means that they have been operating illegally for over 6 months. Legal Action has been enforced through the Council but, to date no enforcement.

The Unitary Development Plan (the document by which the long term vision for the area is formalised) states that the mix of shops, restaurants, bars etc. on Lordship Lane should be of a certain proportion. This is to ensure that it does not become overrun by bars etc. Currently any new application for a change of use (in the case of Cafe Nero this is change of use from retail (it was formerly an electrician) to cafe/bar) to will break this mix.

Cafe Nero has a long history of doing this in the UK. Flexing their might against the local planning departments. They did not even send a representative to the hearing ? merely a folder where they have done this previously, arrogance?

We shall see how East Dulwich fares! If it is not enforced it sets a precedent and we can soon be expecting McDonalds and other multi nationals to disregard the planning process and open regardless of the Council..............steam rollered by the big boys, where do we go from here! Just thought you should be aware.

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This is just what they do!

They do not have planning permission and a legal notice has apparently been served. They will continue to trade regardless! I know it sounds crazy but there you go. I guess they bank on the fact that local planning departments are slow and do not like conflict. In this case I believe they will continue to trade until Southwark Enforcement ?get around to it?.

All the local Councillors were at the planning hearing and know the situation!

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I would assume that Cafe Nero are going to appeal the refusal and they probably have a very good chance of winning. The planning officer's report stated that the mix of shops/restaurants would not fall below the percentage set out in the UDP and recommended acceptance.

I believe enforcement notices were in place re the change of use and the fans at the back of the building. Obviously the change of use enforcement is on hold until the result of the appeal.

The planning officer's report is available on the Southwark website, if a bit hard to find, and will be good evidence for Cafe Nero!

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101 southwark council stated 2 years ago that they would not issue any A3 or as we now know it A5 licenses beacuse of the ratio of resturants in ED.As i believe caffe nero only serve hot drinks and heat up food which they are allowed to do within their licence which is A1.I know this because a trader on LL was trying to apply for an A3/A5 licence and was not granted it because of the high proportions of eating places on LL.
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Please before divulging WRONG informations about Cafe Nero "legal status" INFORM yourself. Monica is right and Cafe Nero is operating legally...like it or not :))

I have done my home work last year before their opening, as several people were smearing Cafe Nero on a national forum.

Thank you and keep well

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So the campaign against Cafe Nero continues - but is anyone going to campaign against Foxton's???

They were outed in a documentary as part of the Whistleblowers series on the beeb as having the most dodgy practices ever - they steamroll into areas and use unethical practices (even by the standards of estate agents). Do we need another Estate Agent on Lordship Lane? Surely planning should be consulted as yet another estate agent on Lordship Lane isn't going to add to the diversity of the area.

But then again, as someone else mentioned in the forum, people seem quite happy with chains that could potentially make money for them - and prefer to concentrate their anger on chains which actually a wide cross-section of the population use.

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I'm with everyone on this - don't want them (Foxtons), but don't know how to stop them. Planning laws can only stop them based on class of use, but if they move into a premises already classed as they need it to be then there's nothing to stop them (on that basis).

Really I think we need to be giving our support to the like of the Sustainable Communities Bill to provide locals with more choice as to how their local area develops and how local money is spent.

More details here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6496261.stm

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