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East Dulwich cloth bags

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I'm a buffoon. On closer inspection of the bag this morning, I see the design is not of a big (acorn) tree but more an explosion of something green and leafy. It could even be a hyacinth seen up close. Either way, it's an enjoyable bag. Don't think I could roll it up and put it in a handbag; it's too sturdy for that.

Incidentally, when ED reopened -a couple of years ago?! - they were giving away cool cloth bags with purchases. Still use it, maybe they would do somethiing again?

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Update on the bags,im about to send the application form back to southwark for funding.There is a scheme called cleaner greener projects,in which Richard Thomas gave me the link too,and Susan kindly downloaded and emailed to me,thanks guys.Richard Thomas can i put your name down as a support on the application?

Can you let me know asap as i want to get the form off asap


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Overpriced? ?15. Blimey. My wife saw a young lady promenading along Lordship Lane with one of these bags and hasn't stopped banging on about them since. Any one know where I could lay my hands on one of these? Please forward contact details as she'll no doubt want to buy the franchise!

Sounds like a good idea, all this eco-cotton bag malarkey. I for one am in favour.

The 'loser' advertising sounds mildly amusing if a tad illegal.

As Mr T. Might say, "I pity the fool who can't smell a great idea."

We should be supporting Local Enterprise. If you can't afford things like these, nobody's forcing you to buy one. Jog along to Iceland. They're free there. They could double as a nice fancy rain hat.

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Has it not occurred to anyone on here that by purchasing and using one of these bags you will basically be advertising the fact that you have more money than sense?

I wouldn't be seen dead with an East Dulwich bag namely because it's inhabitants generally consist of three=wheeler buggy wielding liberal whitey middle class yuppie fools. But never fear, as long as you all stay hearded within the narrow confines of Lordship Lane/Northcross Road I'm sure you'll avoid being human target practice.

Nathan Barley anyone?

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> Nathan Barley anyone?

ummm, that's Hoxton, and I'm sure there's more poignant ways of expressing that you have more money than sense than having a ?15 cloth bag saying you like an area...

how about a Prada bag for ?1200 http://www.neimanmarcus.com/products/mh/NMV00GM_mh.jpg or some Christian Lacroix Satin Slingbacks ?600 http://www.neimanmarcus.com/products/mh/NMX03KE_mh.jpg?

(cue DM)

[edited once]

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Oh.... tinkle tonkle....

I thought we'd been through this

Number of kids is the national average

Number of 3 wheel buggies is 1 in 14

Number of liberals matches number of reasonable people

Number of whites is irrelevant if you call them liberal

Number of middle class includes numpties who think they're not

Number of yuppies is silly when we campaigned so ardently to be non-urban ;-)

Number of people who think 'human target practice' is witty... well...

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Actually as a recent newbie (who it is true got off on the wrong foot) I think there are lots and lots of friendly forumites here...

Think the bag is a great idea - thank you Monica for sorting this out -

I wonder (and perhaps I am getting carried away here) but could the design on the bag come from a competition from local school kids - would be nice to create something which resonates beyond this forum...

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Now that is a good idea!

I was joking about the friendly forumites, it's not a bad bunch on here.... Do feel that Only Chav In ED's post was shot down a bit, especially considering s/he probably hasn't had the time or inclination to read through every thread on here...

Come to think of it, I wonder how long that would take.... :-S

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Do we have to submit a design by July 16th?

I work as a professional fundraiser for my sins .... (not a chugger, a development officer for a charity!) and the school angle would increase chances of success hugely.

Any primary teachers out there?

I am happy to approach schools if you would like.

What do other people think?

ps. Please don't think I am butting in here - it's just an idea, and I am aware lots of hard work has already been put into this.

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Keef I see your point, but as fist posts go, it wasn't the most charming. Admittedly this thread isn't for everyone, it sure as hell isn't my bag (baddam tish), but accusing everyone on it of being Nathan Barley and launching into the old 3-wheeled buggy tirade is akin to wandering into a new pub and farting loudly isn't it?

I should add a big welcome to the only chav in ED. word!

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Keef, I don't believe that I was particularly rude, but I'm not in the business of welcoming people to the forum who regurgitate that kind of bile and then tell me that I'm fit for human target practice.

As a Sydenham resident then you may not have felt the insults were aimed at you, but I believe that your sympathy would be more appropriately directed at the innocent and unwitting victims rather than the nasty streak of infantile prejudice that dreamed up that post.

I'd be pleased if the perpetrator recgonises that the liberalism he despises doesn't stretch to indulging social vandalism.

I reckoned the bags were kinda fun, and a bit over priced, but was willing to indulge that as a reward to the two girls who made the effort to create this little piece of local art.

I recognise that from your earlier posts this make me all manner of tw@t in your eyes, but despite this I'm glad that my world is a fun place to be in. ;-)

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Well I know you not to be a tw@t, and I also agree that the post wasn't exactly the best dripst post. I would also like to point out that no one person is the only chav in ED by any stretch of the imagination. However, I do feel that there is a top order on this forum sometimes, and that if people don't subscribe to the accepted opinion, they can be quickly shouted down.
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The scheme has set a date for applications to be submitted by july,nothing to do with me im afraid,thats why i said may be short on time although its a great idea,Im only talking to the council and the cloth bag makes The edf make the decisions.
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Why not make it an ed wide competition (also publicising the forum?).

If someone can knock up a pdf poster then anyone from the forum could print it out and put it up where they go (cafes, libraries, schools, shops, lamposts etc).

I'm sure you wouldn't have to have the winning design before the application, in fact, it may be a more attractive proposition if you don't and the competition is part of the application (promoting "green" awareness, involving and connecting many parts of the community - businesses, schools, etc).

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Oh my days! I did indeed mean herded....sorry chaps! However I realise you'd all be terribly disapointed if there hadn't been a round of "spot the grammatical error" in there so you could all point, laugh and desperately run under the cover of your private school educated superiority (or perhaps hand woven "ethnic" articles made somewhere far off by its hard working indigenous folk...). Clearly I pay far less attention to the correct terms for large, stupid groups of animals than I should....

Maybe the ?15 I deemed overpriced is relative, although I assure you its possible to get a replica of the (rather more desirable) items Mark cites as more pricey for less than this at one of our charming local markets....dare I mention.....over the border of civilisation in SE15!!!! shock! Horror!

Please don't choke on your fairtrade rice cake, Huguenot!

And I apologise for the smell, mockney piers, although I'd like to point out at this juncture that I've lived here my entire life. Whoever smelt it, dealt it mate!

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I myself do indeed love a bit of spot the grammatical mistake. If you are interested only chav in ED you might try the truly splendid and surreal "Never mind the Full Stops" on BBC4. I fair split my sides yesterday as Stewart Lee and Patricia Hodge trounced the other team.

I am typotastic myself, of course.

I wonder, are you coming here looking for a fight because the Plough is closed refurbishment?

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Back to the subject - I work in a local primary school in East Dulwich so if anyone wants to pm me with something sensible (spot the teacher- sit up at the back there) then I can put it to our school.
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