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Hi Pebs,

I've met council officers several times to work out how East Dulwich Grove/Lordship Lane junction can become pedestrian friendly. The obvious thing would be to signalise it. But to enable that car parking would'nt be allowed for 100m in either direction along Lordship Lane which would make it a dual carriageway and no a local high street.

We've considered a zebra crossings, raised entry treatments as well and they have other problems.

I've not given up on this but we've yet to find a technically acceptable solution that doesn't kill the bus timetables.

Hi macroban,

Traffic planning specialisrs have done the calculations.

If the junction of East Dulwich Grove and Lordship Lane were signalised then southbound Lordship Lane would require a right turning lane and a straight ahead lane. Two lanes where currently one exists and a lane of parked cars.

Northbound Lordship Lane would need a left turning lane into East Dulwich Grove and a straight ahead lane. Now 7-10am bus lane means that wo lanes for some of the day but two lanes all day would mean a loss of parking.

Faling to provide two lanes each way would result in huge tailbacks which would include blocking Goose Green roundabout.

If it didn't need two lanes each way the junction would have been signalised two years ago.

Hi macroban.

I've not stated a 100m "law". At the East Dulwich Grove/Lordshipl ane with the traffic flows involved its around 100m.

The Lordship Lane/Barry Road/Eynella junction each arm is differently controlled. The main 3 arms all have two lanes of traffic. QED.

Let's say traffic lights were set up to facilitate a crossing, and traffic allowed (as it is now) to turn left and right into ED Grove. If you retain the parking, the councillor is right that this will make this junction a single lane in both directions on LL. Southbound traffic especially will surely grind to a halt, as it waits behind traffic turning right into EDG.

I'm not sure if it's a law or not, but it surely makes sense to say that if you put signals in at that point, you would have to do something about freeing up a second lane.


if you come round with Liberal democrat surveys which say "fill out and we'll be back in an hour to collect", can you please at least have the decency to come back to collect them!!!!.

If however, you are busy sorting a new crossing mid LL and on then roundabout then please continue...

Hi will dex,

I'm sorry if we've taken longer to pop back to collect complete surveys. We try and stick religiously to being back 60-90 minutes after talking to residents. We laos offer an on-line version and a freepost reply.

But eitherway, please let me know which road and when in East Dulwich and we'll work out who was on collecting duty that day and highlight this mistake.

regards james.


Thanks for posting the various ideas - I can see that there is not an easy solution.

Can I throw another issue into the hat (or maybe restate it if it has already been mentioned).

Is there any way in which cars travelling South and turning R into ED Grove can be forced to slow down. I was crossing the ED Grove walking southwards and a car skirted round and almost hit me from behind.

Hi OutofFocus,

Options as I understand them are phyiscally building humps. This is usually last resort on busier roads and junctions such as this as not only does it affect all vehicles but the emergency services are affected as well as buses. The emergency services and buses would object.

We've consistantly been arguing for average speed cameras in Southwark and as East Dulwich cllrs in East Dulwich. Unfortunately the government seems incapable of issing regulations that allow us to deploy them. Theirs even a law to say Southwark isn't allowed to deploy them as all such cameras london wide have to be decided by the London Safety Camera Partnership. This body has to wait until a requisite number of deaths and serious injuries occur before they act.

Best chance of resolving this junction is a serious amount of funding from Transport for London.

The document for applying annually for such money is called the Local Implimentation Plan and we're lobbying hard for Lordship Lane and this junction to be included.

But the earliest we'd have funding is 10/11.

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