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EDF Drinks - 4th Dec - at Boho Bar


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jimmy two times Wrote:


> Who cares who snubbed who...if they even did.

> AnnaJ sounds like she thinks her shit don't stank

> and the people who snubbed this poor lady ought to

> be ashamed of themselves. I guess this is what

> happens when a bunch of cyber geeks meet up in the

> flesh.

Woah jimmy, wtf? Way to pour oil on troubled waters. It seems that Ladymuck and AnnaJ are quite capable of sorting this out themselves and that LM's post was designed to clear things up rather than start name calling in her honour.

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Oh dear.

Ladymuck, as I said in my PM I'm greatly relieved to have heard from you and more than happy to accept this was a misunderstanding. Loud music, nerves, and a bit of alcohol can make the same conversation feel very different from each side and I accept that no snub was intended and I'd like very much to forget all about it.

I posted on here about what happened (or at least what I felt had happened)when I got in that night, not with agenda or intent, but because I was upset. As Huguenot put it (not without a mocking twinkle in his eye, thank you H) it was a hurumph and nothing more. I honestly didn't expect it to become this big a deal and a certainly wasn't setting out to ruin any reputations. As for mentioning it on the night, well, yes, I did tell the forumites that I'm close to about what had happened, I think that's only natural, but I certainly didn't spend my evening stirring up trouble or asking anyone to ignore you.

This is really getting too silly now. I'm so glad you approached me to sort it out and grateful that you wanted to and more than happy to accept that I misread the situation. Can we please move on now?

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Having read through this thread, I must admit that I find it quite childish. In a way it reminds me of kids in the school playground. People on this thread are not kids but, from what I have read, some have failed to become responsible adults. On analysing the thread I believe that Ladymuck is owed an apology because her name has been dragged through the mud on a misunderstanding.
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Keef Wrote:


> tonyw3 are you the sort of person who watches

> fights from a safe distance then tries to keep

> them going after the combatants have shaken hands

> and made up? Just wondering.

No I'm not that type of person actually. But I think in this case a wrong needs to be put right.

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LegalEagle-ish Wrote:


> I thought it had been.

I have seen no apologies yet to ladymuck...therefore, in my view the wrong has not been put right. Ladymuck has indeed apologised to the other person for any misunderstanding. However there have been no apologies coming the other way.

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The opinion here that really matters is daizie's, because she was there, and her very tactfully expressed opinion was this...

I was there and never felt anything untoward at all by either person

So, if a third person who was present felt nothing untoward occured, I'm happy to admit that I misread the situation and for that I am sorry.

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In the interests of harmony:

There are two issues here: the original misunderstanding - which has now been resolved - and the original, unilateral announcement on the forum - which hasn't been addressed, in my view.

AnnaJ has expressed her gratitude that LadyMuck contacted her privately in order to clear up the misunderstanding but that courtesy was not extended to LadyMuck before the allegation was made in public - I feel an apology on that count would lay this matter to rest in a fair and balanced way.

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nice one annaj, i was with daizie and LM alot of the evening as we came together (not in that sense), LM was rather upset afterwards and still, after chatting on the phone, just saying that's all, just to let you know.

Tony is not shit stirring RosieH, he's just looking out for her just as you would to a family member no doubt.:)

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