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Everything posted by nikki73

  1. emc just do a search with good fairy and you'll find her. or username katherines
  2. certainly not your fault nabz! so please don't blame yourself. If you are really worried u could try calling the nct breastfeeding helpline or go to the lister walk in clinic just opposite lidl on pekham high street. open 8/8 7 days a week. i personally don't think this should put you off breastfeeding but it's a very personal thing. formula is supposed to constipate more than breastmilk though. my second daughter starting having digestive problems at roughly 4 months: gas, constipation, restless, clingy etc. it was really tough as before that she'd been fine but it didn't last. just this morning I was wondering whether she was simply hungry as she's very big and filling up with air as she was trying to get more milk. but who knows. May also be something to do with teething but again who knows. good luck.
  3. I was prescribed antibiotics in pregnancy for a chest infection. Lister center near lidl in Peckham open 8 till 8 7 days a week if that helps
  4. My daughter is being raised with 3 languages, although she mostly hears/ is spoken to in 2. I had concerns about her speech development at roughly the same age. I wasnt overly worried as she seemed to undestand most of what was being said to her. my main worry was that she seemed to confuse basic words like mummy/daddy. Her bilingual friends all were/are more advanced than her. She was referred to the SLT at her 2 year check because of confusing concepts/words. The waiting list is long and she has only just been assessed however i am not sure they can or do assess earlier than 2.5, which she now is. the SLT i saw said that bilingual kids tend to speak 6 months later. My daughter recently started making progress, i'd say from about 27 months. Now at 30 months she is also starting to say the odd word in her second language. She is still behind other children and 2 year old children often speak better than her but I am confident she'll get there in her own time. All this just to say that your child being bilingual may very well be slowing things down and she might learn it all very quickly a bit later. I'd definitely ask for a referral just to get in the queue although I suspect that a gp might think 21 months a bit young for that. i think the drop in sessions are a great idea and should put your mind at ease.
  5. Souns great. Would you consider holding more of these sessions?Tue morning oesnt work for us. Afternoon activities would be fab but after 3. I realise thisdoesn't work for all so probably a long shot. Also would love to find a fun and affordable "dance" class. thanks
  6. Oooh nooo. I'd better crack the potty training before crawling starts.seriously though I think if your son wees in the potty that's already great.we are nowhere close to that. There's a book called everybody poos - lovely - which might help.
  7. Sorry no advice to offer but can commiserate.potty training eldest and weaning youngest at the moment.hmmm think I am starting to miss work!
  8. Strawbs am sure there have been threads about flights to Australia/nz before. Might be worth doing search.x
  9. I would take an umbrella fold that reclined. I have a zapp with travel bag you re welcome to borrow but it doesn't recline and I am away until Friday. Very light though.not done long haul but flights in my experience have always been better than anticipated.and there's always someone kind to help.good luck and sorry you have to travel in such circumstances.
  10. Thank you.tommee tippee is what am using.think It's the hard spout she doesn't like so will try soft one.
  11. I want to start giving my 6 month old the odd formula feed. Was thinking of skipping the bottle and going straight on to a sippy cup. But she doesn't seem to like the cup. She takes the formula off a spoon. In your experience is it worth persevering or is it too early to rely on a sippy cup for milk feeds? Doidy or bottle better? thanks n
  12. I can't even talk about it or might start sobbing... laundry toys shoes buggies bikes: too many, everywhere...
  13. Tips I've heard for adults but may help babies: airing rooms early in the day rather than later as pollen count is lower, brushing hair to get particules out. Maybe washing hair in evening? When I was pregnant and didnt want to take antihistemines I was told that applying vaseline around nostrils helped but never tried it. Not sure it would work for a baby though.
  14. Ruth you might want to double check the advice re honey. I thought that in the UK honey is not recommended for under 1s because of the risk of botulism - which is rare but very dangerous. Although I just read in a French magazine that it's a risk for babies under 6 months but it wasn't a medical journal or anything. Btw thanks for posting because my little girl has recently started displaying all these symptoms. Will look into it.
  15. We have exactly the same problem, and it's been going on for nearly 2 years. Finally asked for a referral to kings sleep clinic in Jan when i fell down the stairs going to check on screaming toddler. Had my appointment this week only to be told there is no sleep clinic in kings... Am sure there is one but make sure you get a name before asking your gp for a referral. It's so tough but I am sure there is a solution. Good luck.
  16. PM me with a description if you have and we can arrange collection. n
  17. Congratulations pommie! And sorry to hear you had such a rough time. Enjoy the cuddles and hope you get a chance to rest.x
  18. I should have mentioned that second time round my induction was much much quicker.
  19. Was induced both times so can't really compare with "natural" birth. Both times were fine. I found the waiting the hardest part. The gel never really worked on me so I was in hospital 36 hrs before they could break my waters. But both my babies were in a bad position and hadn't dropped at all. I am sure others will tell you it all went very quickly after just one gel and hopefully it will for you. Re drip I agree with Stawbs and retrospectively would go for an epidural straightaway and did second time round. At tommys you are in control of the epidural. i think at kings too so with my second labour i was able to let it wear off for the pushing stage. There are also real positives about being induced: you are really looked after and it's handy if you have another child as you know when to arrange the care. good luck. x
  20. Little one must have caught her scab on something and it's now turned into quite a big dried blood scab - sorry quite gross. My eldest's BCG has scarred badly so worried this one will too. Does anyone know of anything that can help scarring which is suitable for a baby?
  21. Aceface thanks for reviving this thread. Also very keen for the club to keep on going for all the reasons mentioned above. There are so few free activities nowadays. the club is particularly useful for me as I have 2 under 3 and it is difficult to find somewhere suitable for both kids. And if I have to pay for 2 it all adds up very quickly. Was just waiting for Renata's update before posting.
  22. i liked mama mio tummmy oil and neal yards strech mark cream/butter in a round pot
  23. Thank you all. Fuschia it started before my second pregnancy but I am sure the new baby hasn't helped. Unfortunately, she won't stay on a mattress without one of us there. I really wouldn't mind co-sleeping if she would sleep. But she doesn't: she jumps on us, screams etc She basically thinks night time is a good time to play. Hanstands we do loads of reading and cuddling but that doesn't work either. Yesterday was the worst night in weeks, her screaming then giggling for over 3 hours and baby waking every few hours because of a cold. My poor neighbours. Going to GP today, hopefully I'll get a referral. Thanks for the sleep clinic tip Monkey. Have tried bribes it hasn't worked but will try the star chart maybe that'll work better as she's really in to "twinkles". She doesn't speak yet so I have no clue whether she's scared (doesn't look like it ) or teething or just insomniac! If all of this doesn't work, I might just move her sister to her room. Maybe her presence will help. In the meantime I'll carry on with my caffeine diet...
  24. My daughter turned 2 in October. For at least a year now she wakes up nearly every night screaming her head off for attention. It'll go on until one of us goes to sleep on the floor next to her, and even then it can take a while. If we don't cave in we are usually awake from 4.30-6. For the past 3/4 months we've been giving in: second pregnancy was hell because of it, with a new baby we would have done anything for some sleep. We've tried everything: cuddles and reassurance, controlled crying, we are now on day 3 of the gro clock etc... nothing works. It's really affecting our family life. Also my daughter looks and behaves tired a lot of the time. Any ideas please? Can a GP help? I know she can sleep because she did for 10 days at my parents, and for a week after the birth of her sister. thanks
  25. Can't think of anything funny but hand cream is a must with all the hand washing, a nice lip balm for hospital.
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