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Everything posted by Ruth_Baldock

  1. Us too! No sleep! Well...a bit of sleep. Lex has been teething and seb has stopped sleeping through now. He will normally resist bedtime and make so much noise that he wakes lex up and ghrn she is up from 7-11 usually :/ we were having wake ups as often as every 25minutes up to a week ago, thabkfully since her teething necklace arrived, this has calmed down. It is utterly, bone crushingly exhausting- i totally empathise!
  2. Well...we have the triumph, which is one down from the quest, and it's fine for Lex (5mo). We have a seat liner in it though, I don't think she'd be comfy in it regardless. Sleeps LOADS in it. As does/did Seb; slept for 3.5 hours in it when we went on holiday. However, I would prefer the quest because of the seat extending and it being slightly sturdier. I have a hankering for this tbh...http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/productdisplay0_10751_-1_136568_10001
  3. It is likely that baby will still turn of his/her own accord; my second was the same- tranverse the entire pregnany, couldn't have an ecv as had a c/s first time round. I did use the spinning babies website though, so that may have helped too! She turned at about 37wks.
  4. Neither recline fully but i think the quest lies flatter than the triumph.
  5. Er, or he will get absolutely hysterical with worry if you, basically, barricade him in. I know if we did this to our toddler, he would get so, so upset.
  6. Bubbly bees on greendale is on next tuesday-10:45-11:45 Possibly bookstart on thurs at the albrighton?
  7. No advice, Seb does this, and wakes his sister up in the process. We have a stairgate, which he can open/climb over and instead of playing nicely in his room till hes tired, he just screams himself hoarse until one of us goes to him. If he has woken his sister up, though, i am usually trying to calm her down so he just gets massively hysterical. Wah!
  8. Moos, thats what happened to Lex. I was with her in the bath, lifted her up from my lap to nuzzle her (as you do with chubby babies) and she lifted her little arm up- scar burst, pus in my face. Ah, parenthood- so beauteous...
  9. Wuli wuli in SE5 is pretty outstanding, lots of veggie options!
  10. Thinking of you bee! Don't worry about all the sibling politics, it will all fall into place. Sorry winter babies; I'm a lurker on your thread- had my own winter baby two years ago. Congrats and good luck to all!
  11. Just a quickie (ooh er...) Do the free 15hrs at nursery start when a child is 2.5 or 3? A friend told me today it was 2.5. Yay! Can anyone shed any light on this? Ta!
  12. Yep. TWO GPs missed my son's aggressive RTI, he had an extremely high temperature for ten days before a paediatrician at a+e finally relented and ordered up chest x-rays.
  13. If it has been more than a month then I would certainly seek a second opinion, a different GP at the practise, maybe? For coughing, a thick layer of vicks vapour rub on the soles of the feet can help to reduce a night-time cough, as can elevating the head end of his mattress. Also, keep the warm coolish-17 degrees or so, as a cooler room alleviates a cough.
  14. Helen, oh how I wish it was possible to 'like' comments on here, ala Facebook. That is brilliant. My two also fond of baby wipes, or rather, the packets. Seb rubs them along the sofas and laughs at the sound, and Lex lies on her front, grabs them, stuff them in her mouth and looks VERY pleased with herself.
  15. Seconding Bluewater- have a John Lewis and m&S AND cath kidston shop...
  16. Oats in a muslin and/or aveeno oil. The kids' skin is okay, but I'm all scaley and flakey. SO attractive.
  17. Yak, agree, camberwell is a lovely pool, fab changing rooms but my god- its freeeeeezzziiing! Makes Seb cry :(
  18. We have a seat that reclines sligtly (for the hammerhead and bought from snowboarder ;) ) and Lex is in that with her padded snow suit. Works really well, she snoozes off in it and stays asleep for aged. Would definitely recomment. Shes 4.5mo, weighs 20lbs (oy) and outgrew the cocoon at about 8/9w. We had a horrid month of her in the maclaren reclined and seb jumping off his buggy board and screaming to be carried. Big sigh
  19. I think I've got a box which is 90%full! I use washable ones now. You're welcome to them if you'd like... Failing that, boots online?
  20. Agree with everything Belle said. Bee, naps/sleep slightly problematic for us. I used to co-sleep with seb for his two hour lunchtime nap, but can't anymore. This p*ssed him off a LOT. As a result, he cut his nap down to and hour and recently it's been a massive battle to get him to sleep and then he only naps for 20 mins. I've basically cut his naps out, he seems to be fine and it made life easier on me. Meant to say, get as much help as you can with toddler: nursery, CM, whatever! My ILs have Seb on Fridays and sometimes have him from Thursday pm (after book start) until Friday evening. It is a massive sanity saver and is good for him too- gets to be the centre of attention and doesn't have to worry about the baby. On my toddler free days, I chill with the baby, nap, basically take it easy...and I don't have to watch ceebeebies! Bliss... Seb loves tO help with Lex (not leb as the phone typo-d in my last reply). He gives me nappies/ wipes, brings her toys, comes upstairs with me when she wakes from a nap, likes to make sure she's strapped into the buggy before i strap him in etc... I'd imagine at 3, your eldest may love to help even more. I got an overwhelming feeling of absolute love and adoration for Lex the moment she was born; I was and am still utterly besotted with her, I think she's amazing. I also feel terribly guilty because I didn't get that overwhelming love with Seb until he was much older (birth trauma, shell shocked and bewildered at he new baby etc). I'm a lot more confident this time too. P
  21. Bee; what is your age difference going to be? We have 19mo between them- Seb is 2 (give or take 13 days...) and Lex is 4.5mo. Greatest challenges have been: -weird behaviour from eldest: he kept hiding under a chair and behind a houseplant. -total food refusal: as a means of control or whatever, when led was 3w old, Seb refused to eat for four sagas straight. Not even his favourite snacks. I remained calm and continued to offer food whilst inwardly worrying myself sick. He eventually realised I wasn't going to change my attitude toward him eating, and led wasnt going anywhere, and began eating again. Youngest not wanting to be put down- babywearing. Sanity saver. We also bought one of those baby swing things which soothed her too. Sleep regressions: they both went through them at the same time. Same with teething- led is getting her first ones, Seb getting his last set of molars. I got through it by moaning on Facebook and sleeping every chance I got, especially at the weekend when Mr B takes charge of Seb and I barely leave the bed. Mmmm... Jealousy: going through this now; Seb kicks and hits led. I tell him he is NOT to hurt her, and if he wants a cuddle, I'll happily do so if he asks nicely. He's just about got the message and will now ask me to put led on her play at, and then be clambers onto my lap. It's harder to deal with when we are out.U I'm lucky in that my husband is incredibly supportive and does all the cooking and cleaning now (he didn't used to...) when lex was born I basically told him to pull his finger out, or it wouldn't work.
  22. NM, it may just be luck?! Both of mine were c/s and my eldest has quite difficult to manage asthma and in the winter months last year, barely a week went by that we weren't rushing into Lings with an extremely sick child. He had three admissions as an in patient before he was 1, and one last week too. Re: elective c/s - I have no idea where I stand on them.my recent c/s was a lovely, calm experience which I could not fault- like ClareC says, the consultant also said it was relatively simple, which was reinforced by the theatre staff casually talking about good local cafes and delis and Hugh FW whilst I was having mine! Surreal yet strangely heartening. My sons birth was a spectacuarly doomed to fail homebirth, and lie the psychologically healthy person I am, I refuse to talk or think about it, full stop.
  23. All Saints Church Xmas fair- on Blenheim grove se15. 11-5. Possibly the dishy guitar man from their playgroup will be in attendance?! (sorry for lowering the tone. Again)
  24. Civilservant; for about a fortnight, I slept on the sofa whilst my husband and son had our bed. By no means ideal (by this point, my son was no longer feeding at night- when he woke at night and I tried to feed him, he wasn't interested. In the end, I was distraught and exhausted and told my husband I genuinely fel like leaving just so I could sleep. Sounds melodramatic now but at the tome I was far from sane and rational. We ended up sleep training him, but ironically, he never cried. We always thought he'd scream and shout buy when we put him in his cot and left the room, he chatted to himself and moaned slightly for 45mins before going to sleep. I'd head him in the night, stirring and having a chat before resettling. It worked for us at the tome, and we did have a great sleeper. Not so much now, such is life...
  25. Okay, fair enough, but what if you've tried all gentle approaches (co-sleeping, NCSS etc) and still no sleep? This was a dilemma I faced when I went back to work at 10mo PP. I was so exhausted that I reguarly fell asleep on the bus, waking up in Euston when the bus terminated, 30mins after I was meant to start work as I'd fallen asleep! My boss was sympathetic for the first three days but I would probably have lost my job had it continued. So what is one meant to do when the baby has no medical reasons for not sleeping and all preferred methods just do. Not. Work? I'm not being sarky, I'm genuinely interested to see what people's take is on this.
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