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Everything posted by Chillaxed

  1. More bottles in the usual place this morning (corner of Crawthew and Worlingham). Presumably frozen solid. This time there were several children i.e. 500ml bottles as against the 2l parents.
  2. I have to admit I'd go a KFC on LL. Walking to Rye Lane is practically exercise, and KFC and exercise don't go together.
  3. 158F (70C) for two minutes is still going to leave your meat mooing, no?
  4. Sorry to hijack thread, but anyone with a simple idea to block an external vent (brick) please shout.
  5. Cool, good to hear, thanks James. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Chillaxed, > I have actively supported the Judith Kerr > bilingual German/English school. I've alerted them > to the Dulwich Hopsital site and other sites close > to East Dulwich including. I'm keen they decide > they want to set-up here. Currently they've not > narrowed their decision from Southwsark or Lambeth > and if Southwark whether Rotherhithe or Dulwich. > We've had numoerous emails, several phone calls > and met face to face. > > We need 2 - 3 addiitonal local schools.
  6. PM has already scuppered that woodrot. For a man who allegedly likes to 'chillax', I can't believe he's not a fan of the herbal shortcut.
  7. "Yes, children have come from further afield but that is because of local snobbery and prejudice" Genuinely interested, but how does local snobbery (which I'm sure exists) mean kids come from further afield? Do local kids not fill the available places?
  8. I agree James. I just hope your pragmatism inlcudes other free school options like the bilingual school. Have you actively encouraged them to set up in ED as you have for Harris? Thanks, Chillaxed
  9. Just want to get in a pre-emptive vote of support for ????'s answer, if he can be bothered responding.
  10. James, the 89 figure you quote is for parents who have registered their children to attend the bilingual primary next year. There are many more parents who support the school who have not registered (because their children are not yet of school age, or who are awaiting confirmation of the school's location). Chillaxed James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi northeastview, > Excellent you're one of 89 to register support for > the bilingual school so far. Do get friends and > families to add their support. The more from > Dulwich the great the chance it would be create > here. But we need 2-3 new schools.
  11. Well said. KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So Charlotte, given the option of a billion pounds > YES or NO, you'd say NO - right ? > > Most people with a billion have earned it I'd > wager. Good luck to them. > > Why look at extremes anyway, all of us (just by > living in the West) are guilty of obscene waste, > consumerism and materialism - therefore having > more than we NEED. Pointing at someone because > they have more than you doesn't get you off the > hook I'm afraid. > It's a bit like the cat calling the dog 'hairy > arse'.
  12. Why Harris, James? How will this affect the possibility of the German school adopting East Dulwich? Chillaxed
  13. Just spelling the old favourites urban stylz should do the trick: Charlz, Willyam, Fillipah, etc
  14. I agree London Mix. As is comparing the opening of a pharmacy and needle exchange with the opening of a cake shop for (I presume from the buggy reference) young parents.
  15. I bought some pies off a poster. They were excellent, but two included meat. Presume applying similar logic the sale of these pies should be banned.
  16. As part of 'everyone' ('a school aimed at everyone') I'd welcome a new, bilingual primary. Important to remember that the school's admissions policy does not discriminate in favour of German-speaking kids in any way (unlike, say, every faith school in the area who require parents to be German, speak German or at least pretend to be or speak German). This is all very confusing.
  17. I'd tell her to keep out of it as nicely as possible (and if that doesn't work, any way that's effective). My Mum is religious but she knows well enough not to try and indoctrinate my son; she's welcome to have a crack when he's old enough to make his own mind up, however. Agree with above poster that your partner should be fronting the conversation.
  18. Ha ha. There's even some debate about whether the post has been made in the right section; very EDF. Conveniently, it is the witch bottle maker who decides whether the witch bottle works. ------------------------------------------------------- > wow, there are weirder forums than this one. > > I love the quotes and derisory lower caps in The > "non-wiccan" Witch community. Splitters!!!!
  19. Thanks gstump. The ED postcode they note is the Hospital.
  20. http://www.jkps.org.uk/ It will be a bilingual school in English and German, and they've yet to confirm a location. The Hospital was defnitely looked at, however.
  21. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > On this forum I'm one of the very few people who > ARE accountable - every four years the first > Thursday in May. Good point, whatever your view of local politics and politicians. Though I guess Sue also gets held to account at every Goose Is Out gig.
  22. We've a video monitor and like it. The screen times out after a while so we don't end up watching our boy all evening. It just allows us to be lazy when we hear unusual noises or 'phase one' crying, which can often just be him groping for his dummy or getting himself more comfortable. For a glorious few weeks we even used to use the intercom to get him back to sleep - just a quick 'nighty, night' into the mic without getting off the sofa - but he soon got wise to our laziness. Ours is 'Summer' brand I think. Reception is fine in our ED-standard 3-bed terrace.
  23. Is this the quite large guy who puts his gear out on the footpath? If so, I'm not sure just walking in and taking equivalent goods is the best option.
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