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Everything posted by snorky

  1. could make a decent Japanese with Teppiaki innit
  2. see how you assign yourself to a brand / disassociate yourself with others ? How easily we are manipulated
  3. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > snorky Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > We can condense this whole thread into 2 themes > as per other food threads in ED & environs : > > > > McDonald high fat n salt / low priced food = > bad > > EDD high fat n salt / high priced food= good > > OK, now I *know* you're taking the piss. > > Sadly I am not. Whats the difference between 250G of oak smoked organic Chorizo , made by a gnarled barely literate artisan, from the EDD & half a pound of shrink wrapped Lidl Chorizo from peckham ? Answer: About ?7. Back in the olden days, when ED was being built, Ladies of a certain class were expected to be able to tell by sight & taste whether the knif used to cut the roast was of silver of steel - this is how one was able to distinguish onself from the scruffy masses that lived off the Walworth road. How little has changed
  4. We can condense this whole thread into 2 themes as per other food threads in ED & environs : McDonald high fat n salt / low priced food = bad EDD high fat n salt / high priced food= good Hmmmm
  5. Atila Reincarnate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What about if you think U2 are mediocre at best > and have no feelings for them or the bespectacled > one? Can you still post here? No You can howoever post on the Elton John forum to your hearts content.and Huey lewis & his News one as well
  6. If it wasnt for gunshops, then I would not be able to plan with precision my postal assault on the Wm Rose Saturday AM queue
  7. PS, I havent eaten meat in about many many years ( decades ? ) , so am trying to be impartial on the Sausage question
  8. There is no "better", there is just choice - but that is hardly a level playing field is it and choice is maybe as much to do with tastebuds as with the seeping of advertising and marketing. There is of course the more quantifiable, "better for you" - but neither product is going to do you any good really
  9. Im sure that some of the prodeuce in the EDD is "healthy" but the vast majority isnt - in terms of nutrition , its up there with Chick-King (a royal delight )or its garish high street bretheren - 'cept that one is fetishised by the chattering clases, the other is a cheap staple for the masses. The olive oil line is a fallacy - its great cold or gently warmed & undoubtably has benefits, but when you start using it for cooking with it, taste apart, any benefit is lost - made with Olive oil...may taste better ( and thats hardly objective) , but will be neck and neck with a ginsters when it comes to artery furring
  10. example : greggs vs EDD both sell bad for you food, one gets slagged - guess which one ?
  11. Ive experiened a problem with the Shop Mrs Robinson - my problem is that its crap and its still in business
  12. Proles eat hi fat lo priced locally produced shite from shops with "pound" or "cutter" in name = should be banned Middle classes eat hi fat high priced imported shite from shops with a mission statement = nominated for awards How does that sit oh Guardian readers ?
  13. Oh what a let down. I though it was going to be some polticial march=>riot that I could get involved in and stick the boot into some pigs and smash a few shop windows but its about plants oh
  14. Do you mind ? if you fancy starting a " Why Chris Martin is a nice bloke behind the dull music" thread, then feel free... then I can chip in with Snorkys "why hearing Coldplay makes me want to go postal with semi automatic weapon outside William Rose's on a Saturday morning" thread. No bono bile, then dont bother posting - take your mediocrity and Guardianista views elsewhere
  15. Mr Bono Vox an anamgram ( if you add some extra letters and take some others away ) of : lectury arrogant shitehawk
  16. There is a man at my workplace who likes U2 he also has Dire Straits "Money for nothing" as his ringtone make what you want of that
  17. Its what Kidz do - and have done since they could get their hands on motorised bicycles - bantam riders did it, Fizzy riders did it, scooter riders ditto nowadays - its normal innit
  18. Yes. how dare he .I blame rap music, kids never used to take the guts out of their 50cc moped exhaust systems and skreem around the streets at 42mph, hanging on for dear life. Not ever.
  19. smash the bastions of privelige knock off their top hats the revulution begins now. make a difference, off a toff
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