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Everything posted by fractionater

  1. Yes Black Cherry is good - I've nailed a few from there!
  2. Stick it in Peckham!.....we don't want no rif-raff round 'ere!
  3. Some pesky Kids were throwing stones on Friday...one hit my Car window and Smashed it! Luckily the Dulwich Community Warden was around and left a note on my car...the kids did a runner though.....probably some runts from Peckham!
  4. errr - i'm well aware of the fact that it was a racing pool - I wasn't just treading water in there you know!
  5. And a timetable for the classes would be useful also. what style of yoga are you doing?
  6. wouldn't be suprised if there has been some deadly substance growing in those skanky swimming pool changing rooms! I stopped swimming in that place ages ago - I always used to get ear infections! shame as its the only 50m pool around for miles.
  7. interesting article in the Time today about falling house prices.... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/anatole_kaletsky/article2448868.ece
  8. fractionater

    Dog Crap

    I'd say there is a direct correlation between the recent rise in 'chav' dog ownership and the level of excrement sloshing around our streets! Blame the chav's, who are to busy looking 'ard with there pitbulls, to be bovered to pick up the offending material!
  9. get double glazing windows fitted!
  10. As a scientific man I'm surprised that Dwarkin didn't draw parallels with the Quantum Physics princinpal whereby observing an experiment can affect its outcome (I do profess now to having a very limited knowledge in this area so feel free to shoot me down!). So one could also assume that since we have no Scientific understanding of the actual Scientific processes involved during some of these alternative methods then how can we accurately measure them and draw conclusions with our current limited understanding? When it comes to therapies that manipulate the energy system of the body, I think there is definitely something in therapies like Accupuncture, EFT/TFT, Reflexology, etc... I've never tried Reiki, and am a little sceptical of this area due to the number of therapists out there (who seem to get qualified in a weekend course), but then again I don't have much of a scientific understanding of the underlying principals/Mechanics, so won't totally dismiss it. If more scientific research were carried out in these areas then we'd all be better informed. Trying to debunk something based on current understanding is wrong....just like the world used to be flat!
  11. Well I'm jetting off to Thailand this fri eve from Heathrow, and if those Pikey's casue my flight to be delayed then there will be trouble!
  12. either that or put them on hard labour!
  13. Where is the deterrent for kids carrying guns? You know what I think they should do - Bring back National service for these young offenders! And if these bad bwoys want to go shooting people up - then send them out to Iraq or Afganistan and let them shoot away on the front lines to their hearts content....and know what its like to be shot back at by a real enemy who isn't scared to 'dis 'em!
  14. I think it looks quite nice at the moment with the flowers and plants that are on it!
  15. I just found a screw embedded in the front wheel of my brand new Ducatti today - and that's not even parked on the road!
  16. Well there should be no excuse for water shortages this year!
  17. Or you could wait for the new Sony Erricson 850i(?) its got a 5megpix camera, etc (out in Sep 07 I think). I was in an Orange shop today looking at an N95 and one of the sales guys advised against it - apparently loads of software bugs and problems. The return rate is quite high for the N95 apparently.
  18. Its been very slow all afternoon too. Sometimes I can't even get in
  19. I'm with Orange and am by Goose Green. I find I get ocassional reception problems. I finally worked out that my reception breaks up when a plane flies overhead! - anyone else experience this?
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