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Northcross Market to open on Sundays?

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A public consultation about whether to increase Northcross Market from 20-30 pitches and whether it should also be open on Sundays. 2,000 questionairres were distributed to homes in the area.

EDITED 4/1 - latest officer report asks to close Northcross Road between Archdale Road and Lacon Road on market days.

EDITED 5/1 - to see the council officer report http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/mgConvert2PDF.aspx?ID=3674&T=10 pages 62-68.

If you want to inform the committee then email the chairperson [email protected] and vice chairperson [email protected]

To be honest I'm amazed at the results. I never expected Sunday opening to be popular. So if you disagree and didn't respond to the consultation you need to shout NOW and email me ASAP. As things stand the committee would be minded to agree to Sunday opening.

The results are:

339 responses - 88/89 paper copies were from SE22 residents, the remainder were online - and after some nagging the IP addresses were apparently checked and are local. No weighting was given to proximity to Northcross Road ie how much pain the respondent would suffer from any opening.

92.9% stated they were residents

78.2% in favour of the extension of 20 pitches to 30 pitches.

64% in favour of adding Sunday to the Monday to Saturday designation.

58.9% didn't want the market to stay the same.

A formal report has been written up of the consultation findings and presented to a Licensing Committee 5 January 2011.

If agreed by the Licencing committee, the changes would be formally implemented from March 2011.

IF you feel Sunday opening is a bad idea EMAIL me.

If you think a good idea also please email - a farmers market would perhaps be a good focus.

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Keef Wrote:


> I think the road should be closed to traffic.



Please bear in mind those of us who live in Ulverscroft Road.

If North Cross Road is closed off completely, if our cars are facing "the wrong way" on a Sunday we will have to either reverse the length of the road, or attempt a three point turn with cars parked both sides of a very narrow road.

If you had experienced my driving you would not wish for either of these :))

I think the other roads off North Cross Road are different because they have other roads running off them, but I stand to be corrected.

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I have previously expressed th same comments as Sue above.

Drivers in Ulverscroft and Felbrigg unable to get out / Turn around.

There are Disabled Drivers in Ulverscroft Rd. That may need to use their cars.

I was not consulted. I did not get a survey.

If you happen to be facing the right way, and then leave, on return you can only enter from

Whately Road and will be facing the wrong way.

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Their are no plans to close Northcross Road - hence the small proposed increase in stallholder numbers from 20 to 30.

Closing Northcross Road between Fellbrigg and Lordship Lane would causes problems for residents on Nutfield, Archdale and Lacon.

Closing it between Lordship Lane and Nutfield would be technically feasible but no plans for this at present which would require a further full consultation - did ask for this to be included in the orignal consultation but I also asked for name and home address to be addedd to the online version of the questionairre without success.

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Have to say though, there are plenty of ways off of Felbrigg, so dont think they'd really have cause for complaint. Ulverscroft is different, although to be honest, I don't think it's too narrow for a 3 point turn. Anyway, none of it is gong to happen, was just me voicing my ideas for the market, because, as popular as it is, it always strikes me as a bit of a wasted opportunity.
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Please also bear in mind those of us who live top of Northcross in Crystal Palace Road - it is difficult to park outside my home on a Sat due to people parking and walking down Northcross. Definately not keen on a boot sale as this would cause untold parking problems.
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There is nothing sold on the stalls in North Cross Road that I need.

I have never been tempted by any of the food available. The smell just puts me off.

Must be dreadful living right on N C Rd.

On the other hand the Aroma on Lordship Lane from the Indian Rests. and the Bar-b-que pit from

the local Turkish outlet is a completely different story. Always makes me feel hungry.

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I love the second hand/vintage clothes stall. I have to say the food stalls seem really overpriced for what they're offering- like Borough market. Still, it's nice to look around and sundays seem to be particularly quiet in ED so I'd love for something to be going on in the area.
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Nice for residents

after being kept awake 'til the early hours by the victims rolling around the street as they are vomited from the LL hostelries, they get a nice sunday wakup call with the ruddy faced cheeky chappies on the market setting up stall.

An obvious no.Businesses have enough impact on residents lives already.

Vote for this and you are putting profit before the well being of the population.

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I would like to know how many of those surveyed live on the roads that run off north cross road. I live on ulverscroft rd and i didn't receive one. I personally don't think there is a need for extra days and extensions but then again i am not a fan of the market. It is over priced and caters for the newbes with more money than sense.
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Please please please - can we Northcross Road residents have one day of peace, where we have a slight chance of being able to park our cars somewhere remotely near where we live. A day where we are not having to jockey for pavement space whilst heading out to buy newspapers. I would be happy for more stalls on a Saturday if it meant some peace on Sundays.

A compromise would be a once a month farmers market- that finishes at 1pm maybe........

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mastershake Wrote:


> am totally in favour of sunday opening.


> also the parking problems could be solved if

> residents permits were introduced. would also

> solve the problems of parking near our houses for

> us dwellers in roads near the station...

Why should residents have to pay to park outside their homes

just to sponser a market.

I have a much better idea.

Why not have the market in Dulwich Village where the road is wider.

I am sure the residents there would not mind all the traffic and inconvienience .

Judging by all the 4x4's that come to North Cross Market they mostly come

from Dulwich Village anyway.

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