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Winter babies club (due Dec 2012, Jan/Feb 2013)

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Hello Everyone. Due to have my 2nd in early Jan, have joined the fb group and will definitely be up for some weekday meet-ups, look forward to meeting you all...and if anyone knows of any second-time mum meet-ups too then please let me know/DM me.
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I'm following too! I'm a way behind you guys (9th Feb) but clearly now starting to panic about how much we still have to organise at home.....

Had our 32 week scan yesterday and baby is head down though. I'm feeling ok although I have got SPD (symphis pubis dysfunction or something!), which basically means I have too much relaxin in my pelvis which is making it painful to walk now. I'm seeing the guy at Dulwich Chiro clinic who is helping me out.

I am sending good vibes your way for your babies to make an appearance!

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Things can happen quickly but most first babies are late, but not all. I've been getting BH since 20weeks but they haven't got any different yet. Midwife tomorrow, I'm hoping the baby is no longer back to back.

I wouldn't mind Jan 1st but Jan 2nd -5th are quite depressing days. I'd hate to have a birthday on these day's.

Best get bouncing whilst eating pineapple!

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Chardale and ramble, I'm holding out for some Christmas babies in this group! You never know... I'm getting more braxton hicks but they're the same as before really, not any more intense. Apparently baby is 3/5 engaged but I'm not sure that means much. Also is back to side, so back is facing my left side and limbs my right and lots of bum shuffling going on - here's hoping they swivel round soon. I keep meaning to go swimming and give baby a nice hammock to get into!

I've been told about the dates too and I'm starting raspberry leaf capsules tomorrow (37 wks!). Curry and games night is planned for new years eve... I hadn't even thought about new years eve until a few days ago!

Ramble, did you know about the NCT forest hill bump social tonight? It's at tapatisserie from 8 on honor oak park. We may not make it unfortunately as hubby working late.

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Hey Greeners. No I didn't, unfortunately can't make it tonight. Can you keep me posted on any others that happen please.

THe babies position sounds good. I thought we wanted bum to the side? I've been meaning to swim too but couldn't face it when it was really cold. Maybe I'll go tomorrow, if I can still get into my swimming costume?!

Fingers crossed for some christmas babies.


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Yes will keep you posted, Ramble! I'm not an NCT member so don't get the emails but the meet ups get posted on the forest hill NCT website and non-members are welcome - I just need to remember to check it! Actually there seems to be tons of groups on there for when baby arrives too so I'll send you a link.

I say every day that I'm going swimming tomorrow... Have you been to the new forest hill pool yet? It's great and the lanes were almost empty when I went on a saturday! If I get up early enough I might try to go although I also need to turn up at my new GP first thing in the morning to try and get a new patient appointment.

Not sure about baby's position, the midwife said she'd like it a bit more bum forward than so much to the side and told me to get on all fours and not slouch! I've been trying hard to sit knees lower than hips and on my yoga blocks. Hope yours has turned from back To back! Xx

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Hello just crashing from spring babies ;) but here is the study (only small and merits a randomised control trial to back it up) re: eating dates and how it can help start labour, dilate you faster and avoid intervention. My son was 17 days late and despite all the tricks in the book (natural and not so natural) he was forcibly removed via the sun roof in the end :S! So this time, dates are definitely on the menu from 36 weeks, may as well give it a whirl although I agree they do tend to come (or not) when they are ready... But anything to reduce the amount of trips to the post-dates clinic is worth a go in my book, plus I rather like dates!


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Sonners Wrote:


> Can someone explain the engagement thing to me -

> my midwife told me that I was 2/5th engaged last

> week (at 34 weeks!) - does that mean I have 3/5th

> to go, or does it mean I have 2/5ths to go?

If she said 2/5th engaged then it means 3/5ths to go. Sometimes they talk about palpable rather than engaged. If they say 2/5th palpable then you are 3/5ths engaged with 2/5ths to go!!!

Does that make sense. It can be very confusing.

Unfortunately I don't think how engaged you are has a correlation with when baby will arrive. Most 1st time babies engage early but are late. 2nd time babies often don't engage until the last week or even when labour starts but are more likely to be on time.

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Thanks Greeners! I wil keep checking for NCT updates too.

So bum at the front is optimum. I've been trying not to slouch and using ball and all fours. Depressing that I might have another 3 weeks of this but it's worth it if baby moves. I don't want a back to back labour. Have you been on the spinning babies website? Lots of helpful info and positions.

Blue - thanks for the link. Going to go eat some more dates........ I like dates too. Hope this baby isn't so stubborn for you. Are you hoping for a vbac? My friend had a horrible first birth and then perfect labours for number 2 and 3.

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Yes hoping for vbac! I think labour starting spontaneously is going to be key, if not I'll go for a postdates ELCS at something like 42+3 (which is when I think I'll actually be 42 weeks but Kings disagree) I would like more than two children though so feel I must give it a really good go again this time. We shall see, labour is nothing if not unpredictable! :) x
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I am also following this thread and waiting for news of meet ups and babies! I was due on the 17th December with my 1st but she actually arrived a month ago on the 19th November so I think I may be the 1st in the group :)

Looking forward to more birth arrivals and will also join the FB group

Sally x

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Hi Salsie

Copy from Greeners reply to me when I was in the some boat as you! BTW Congrats on the birth of your little darling!

"Hi Raquel, yes it is still alive but lots have migrated over to the Facebook group Winter Club 2012/2013! Come and join us there if you like. A meet up is planned at the Plough on 27th December. X"

Hopefully see you on the 27th/Dec


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