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Capt'n Tortue Wrote:


> wing mirror smashed off by drunk

> asylum seeker

VERY strange comment. Should it be the case you had no idea who damaged your car in 2012 it's possible you go around upsetting a whole host of people with those loose comments.

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pinecone Wrote:


> was it done near barry house?

> http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5

> ,313905


Even if it was near Barry House, unless the OP has clear proof that it was an asylum seeker, "drunk" or not, who damaged her car, she should not be coming on here spreading poisonous and unfounded accusations.

ETA: I can't think such statements can be doing your "French fashion consultant" business (or whatever it is) any favours, except amongst the more right wing readers of the forum, as it's certainly put me off ever wishing to find out any more about it.

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Fair enough.

However, if you knew who it was and it had been a sober non asylum seeker, would you have thought to have mentioned that in your post?

I am not the "ED forum PC police". This has nothing to do with political correctness.

If you would have described whoever it was, then fine. However you seemed to think that the fact that it was an asylum seeker was sufficiently significant to mention, even though the crime was a year ago.

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Capt'n Tortue its an awful thing to have happened. But his status shouldn't have bared any significance in reiterating your story really. Obviously your angry and you felt it heightened your message of disgust. A drunken man would have done enough in raising your issue. A physical description would have probably been ok (?) .

If you use the forum for business probably a good idea to assess alternative view points at this stage.

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Herne Hill Rose Wrote:


> A drunken man would have done enough in raising your issue.

But is it not offensive then to point out it was a man? Or even drunk? If the OP's description was accurate, then why should she pare it down to the point where it meets the level of sexism/racism/whatever generalisation that corresponds to your own biases?

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sounds pricy to fix key damage...shame didnt see whom was.

we had our xmas fair board ripped out gate post saturday night neighbours procedded try shove it back in leaving it hanging half off poor hubby on chrutches had then hop one leg while hammering it back in.

made me feel like why bother try help herne hill do well this xmas after floods by volunteerign advertise there fair when peopledo this.

course late night to witness slight damge to gate post......think bit wood filler suffice cover that.glnegarry road we alaso had large plant pot thrown into garden damaged fence 2012 and stone at window this spring cracked glass whole pane had be replaced that did report got crime number and our houring trust used that claim money for repair window.

now tougheneded glass in case repeat.get a odd few drunk people down our road at times found by police be blame not always case though so can not assume same this time.


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Capt - you also said the scratch was 'lovely' which is an insult to anyone who's ever had their car scratched or vandalised, it's tantamount to skipping around their damaged cars going "ner, ner, ner, ner - your car is lovely when it's all bust-up. Ha, ha, ha !!". Have you no feelings ?

Shame on you.

Also you said the culprit had 'nothing better to do', which is like really insulting cos that could be construed to mean you think you have better things to do with your time than him so therefore you're better than him - he may have been on his way to collect Nobel prize for street aesthetics but no, you slag him down as if he's nowt to do but scratch cars.

Have a word with yourself, you're bang out of order.

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I think you may have loz's point backwards.

Where do you draw the line.

If any detail is considered potentially offensive we're going to end up with posts written in newspeak.

"I have experienced the removal of a non specific piece of a personal vehicle, without permission.

Previously a different piece was removed lamost certainly in contravention to certain legal proscriptions.

On a more recent occurence I have discovered an unrequested decorative mark on said vehicle.

I do wish sentient beings would refrain from such actions.

I'm expressing strong emotion."

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Though I do get why people reacted to the use of "asylum seeker", seeing how often its used by a certain news paper to drum up xenophobic indignation.

I'm sure they are no more likely to be either drunk, vandalistic or in combination than anyone else. More likely less so as avoiding the close attention of the authorities would be desirable.

My instincts on seeing key marks would be "bloody kids", bu t apparently we're demonising them to the point of marginalisation and harm.

Mind you I was a right little shit when I was 14!!

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Herne Hill Rose Wrote:


> Loz Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > But is it not offensive then to point out it was a

> > man? Or even drunk?


> Loz that's actually very true. Capt it maybe

> useful for you to consider and asses the views

> above.

Actually, Herne Hill Rose, as El Pibe pointed out, that comment was for you to 'consider and assess'. You seemed happy to describe the person as a 'drunken man' but not as a 'drunk asylum seeker'. Why is one description acceptable to you and one not?

And who is the arbiter in these politically correct rules of person description? (An often badly and over used term, but one aptly describes this situation.)

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Countrlass22 Wrote:


> we had our xmas fair board ripped out gate post

> saturday night neighbours procedded try shove it

> back in leaving it hanging half off poor hubby on

> chrutches had then hop one leg while hammering it

> back in.

I have to ask... is there any reason why you yourself were unable to get out there and fix the board, rather than making your poor, crippled husband do the work?

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Loz Wrote:


> Countrlass22 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > we had our xmas fair board ripped out gate post

> > saturday night neighbours procedded try shove

> it

> > back in leaving it hanging half off poor hubby

> on

> > chrutches had then hop one leg while hammering

> it

> > back in.


> I have to ask... is there any reason why you

> yourself were unable to get out there and fix the

> board, rather than making your poor, crippled

> husband do the work?

No, you didn't need to ask, you could have just let it slide. As it is, you're being self-righteous with someone you know nothing at all about. You don't know the lady or her partner or their lives, so let it go and don't ask her to explain herself to you. Give the benefit of the doubt. No wonder people don't post. These pointless digs are not only ugly but they're dull reading too.

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giggirl Wrote:


> Loz Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Countrlass22 Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > we had our xmas fair board ripped out gate

> post

> > > saturday night neighbours procedded try shove

> > it

> > > back in leaving it hanging half off poor

> hubby

> > on

> > > chrutches had then hop one leg while

> hammering

> > it

> > > back in.

> >

> > I have to ask... is there any reason why you

> > yourself were unable to get out there and fix

> the

> > board, rather than making your poor, crippled

> > husband do the work?



> No, you didn't need to ask, you could have just

> let it slide. As it is, you're being

> self-righteous with someone you know nothing at

> all about. You don't know the lady or her partner

> or their lives, so let it go and don't ask her to

> explain herself to you. Give the benefit of the

> doubt. No wonder people don't post. These

> pointless digs are not only ugly but they're dull

> reading too.

Hear hear.

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very unkind

and true what said dont know me.........because if must know im in flare with lupus and my joints all swollen red hot can not do any form diy...........hence my husband had to..........i made point verbally informing neighbours politley next time if something loose please fix it properly than do half job as they know we can not......been memeber here evry long time nerv had such judgemental abuse from member to my post.

very hurt to point wont come on to posts anymore......youbve no idea how rude obnocious your comment is


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Mick Mac Wrote:


> Personally Sue I think you should apologise for

> saying the OP was racist.


Eh? Where did I say the OP was racist? Asylum seekers may be of any race, surely? Of course I am not going to apologise for something I did not say!!

"asylum seeker


noun: asylum seeker; plural noun: asylum seekers


a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another."

I objected to her stating that the person who apparently scratched her car was an asylum seeker, thus reinforcing people's ideas that asylum seekers are criminals.

I wondered why it was necessary to include that fact - surely it would have been enough merely to complain that her car had been scratched, which most people would have sympathised with anyway.

At least she wasn't making an assumption in this case, but nevertheless, many people in this country seem determined enough already to exclude from it anybody needing help, without fanning the flames.

And so near Christmas, too. No room in the inn and all that :( And no, I'm not a Christian.

ETA: But I suspect that many of the people who would like to shut out all asylum seekers from this country call themselves Christians :(

And it's an absolute nonsense to say that describing a criminal's gender etc is the same as describing them as an asylum seeker. The implications are completely different in a climate where people/press/politicians with an agenda are whipping up feeling against asylum seekers.

And it's not even as if the description was for use in identifying or catching somebody who had committed a crime - the person was long caught.

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