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Fire Works and Music!

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"the Gala event was actually used to raise bursary funds" Oh thats all right then! It was to fund poor kids going to a posh school, thus the community should be grateful for the disturbance and lack of sleep

"it was a very special night" Pity it wasnt a very special afternoon or early evening, thus allowing those who have to get up in the morning to go to work to get some sleep

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snorky Wrote:


> @#$%& off , there a good lad

Surely there's something more appropriate?

Goodnight, sweet Prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

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What's the thing with two first-time posters telling others to "grow up"? Why, it's almost as if there was some sense of superiority being expressed.

for all those labelling Alleyn's as a "dreary little prejudice-factory", the Gala event was actually used to raise bursary funds. think before you open your mouth and go on a ridiculous rant about private schools.

As the only one who labelled said school as such - I'd like to point out it wasn't a ridiculous rant about private schools, but a ridiculous rant about this particular private school, the output of which I have reason to be far too familiar with.

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dv1 Wrote:


> Oh do calm down. Perhaps you might spend a bit

> more time on getting yourself a life. This is

> simply not that big a deal.

Big enough a deal to feel the need to comment on though eh? ;-)

I'm still awaiting for the circular of an apology...

Makes me chuckle at a "fund raising" event with expensive fireworks - whether donated or not still the money would have been more appropriate.

Even more amusing is the Head's response of not realising the fireworks were of the "banging" variety - surely the school hadn't thought they were getting a few sparklers to wave around. Was a risk assessment not conducted? Do you not need authorisation from a higher power to light fireworks over a particular size and weight? Hardly something to claim you were unaware of what you were getting.


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Having been able to hear the music/fireworks so clearly on Friern Rd that we looked out towards Dunstans Road looking for where they were going off (it was only the joy of sky + that stopped me posting that night cursing missing bits of Damages!)

I can only imagine how loud and disturbing they must have been to anyone nearer and how much a nightmare it would have been to settle disturbed little 'uns back to sleep.

It shows the school as being very blinkered to their responsibilities towards those they share their immediate environment with and shortsightedness as there were numerous ways they could have alerted locals to it - poster's outside the school/local shops even having some of the first time posters on this thread could maybe have joined up a week earlier.

It is frustrating that those who (I'm guessing have links to the school) have been so defensive and lacked empathy with the complaints have given more weight to some of the arguments of what the school can be like.

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I got a very apologetic letter today from Alleyn's headmaster. It was sincere (and well constructed!) and for those two reasoons I accept it.

I suggest to all the Alleyn's supporters who, for whatever reason, attach themselves to closely to the aforesaid institution that his contrition, humility and all-round good-eggness should serve as an example to them.

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Makes me chuckle at a "fund raising" event with expensive fireworks - whether donated or not still the money would have been more appropriate.

Yes of course you are right, KK on this point. I guess its primary purpose was to celebrate the opening and the school's links with the NYT etc. The fundraising was/is a secondary issue. But, having said that, it looks like they want to genuinely now raise more money for schols for low income folks.

Not a bad thing, surely?

Even more amusing is the Head's response of not realising the fireworks were of the "banging" variety - surely the school hadn't thought they were getting a few sparklers to wave around. Was a risk assessment not conducted? Do you not need authorisation from a higher power to light fireworks over a particular size and weight? Hardly something to claim you were unaware of what you were getting.

When I talked him on this point, he maintained that they had been given a 5 point scale of noisiness and they had selected level 2, almost the quietest, which was said to include no bangs at all! Sadly the firm on the night seem to have rather done their own thing. I'd be inclined to accept his word. Others may disagree.

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Well, it may have been an honest mistake with the fireworks, but it wasn't just the bangs though, the music was blaring out loud enough to have woken people without any bangs. Or did the head not have the ability to get that turned down either??
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as someone who has enjoys early nights and has been shocked at the levels of noise that seem to emanate every single night from pubs in the surrounding area (camberwell) due to much longer opening hours i can't say i have much sympathy for the disgruntled complainers on this post. The suburban feel of dulwich often turns people into serial complainers who do not realise how lucky they are. from my perspective the school clearly made what indiepanda refers to as an 'honest mistake' and does not deserve this level of criticism for holding such a night.
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    • I'm not sure pharmacists have any discretion to alter specific medication prescriptions, although they can choose supplier where a generic is prescribed which may be offered by more than one company. This will only be for older medicines which are effectively 'out of copyright' . They can't issue alternatives on their own authority as they don't know what counter-indications there may be for specific patients. GPs may prescribe a specific supplier of a generic medicine where, for instance, they know patients have an adverse reaction to e.g. the medicine casings, so the Nottinghamshire directive to specify only generics where available may not always be helpful. 
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