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Crime in Dulwich (Lounged)


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On Saturday the boys in blue turned up in Barry Road, following an incident where some 'chancers' decided to climb scaffolding errected on a building and nicked some lead on the roof. Not contented with that property, they made their way to adjoining properties and attempted to do the same. Unfortunately they were spotted and eventually nicked.

Peckham Police officer informed me that there had been a number or burglaries in ED - some of the thieves had been caught- these were people from both the Camberwell and Peckham areas.

ED is seen to be a 'wealthy area' hence the 'tourists' see us as rich pickings.

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legalbeagle Wrote:


> HB - I have done some investigating for you and

> have discovered the chop2pot chopping board. It

> uses the latest technology in polypropylene living

> hinges, and when the handle is squeezed the board

> folds into a chute to guide chopped and diced

> ingredients into the pot. It's made by Joseph x2

> as well and costs ?14.95. Is this is the one you

> bought? Readers deserve to know!

It is indeed LB, I bought the larger of the two on offer, the smaller was 11 quid.

It's a black one and looks pretty good if I say so myself.

What I also need to share is that the a couple of weeks prior to my chop2pot board I bought a large royal blue polypropylene chopping/bread board also by the Joes.

Big solid lump of polypro it is an'all.

I'm seriously considering the colander though, it looks very handy and is probably a boon.

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Pugwash Wrote:


> On Saturday the boys in blue turned up in Barry

> Road, following an incident where some 'chancers'

> decided to climb scaffolding errected on a

> building and nicked some lead on the roof. Not

> contented with that property, they made their way

> to adjoining properties and attempted to do the

> same. Unfortunately they were spotted and

> eventually nicked.

> Peckham Police officer informed me that there had

> been a number or burglaries in ED - some of the

> thieves had been caught- these were people from

> both the Camberwell and Peckham areas.

> ED is seen to be a 'wealthy area' hence the

> 'tourists' see us as rich pickings.

I think there's lead on roofs in those areas as well.

I love these imaginary chats with police officers.

They're great for backing up any groundless assumptions one might have on the internet.

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Brendan Wrote:


> A chap misses one edition of Chopping Board

> Monthly and this is what happens.

I know I know. It seems harsh. But if you want the very latest in polypropylene living hinges you really can't afford to lose focus, even for a month.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> legalbeagle Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > HB - I have done some investigating for you and

> > have discovered the chop2pot chopping board. It

> > uses the latest technology in polypropylene

> living

> > hinges, and when the handle is squeezed the

> board

> > folds into a chute to guide chopped and diced

> > ingredients into the pot. It's made by Joseph

> x2

> > as well and costs ?14.95. Is this is the one

> you

> > bought? Readers deserve to know!


> It is indeed LB, I bought the larger of the two on

> offer, the smaller was 11 quid.

> It's a black one and looks pretty good if I say so

> myself.

> What I also need to share is that the a couple of

> weeks prior to my chop2pot board I bought a large

> royal blue polypropylene chopping/bread board also

> by the Joes.

> Big solid lump of polypro it is an'all.

> I'm seriously considering the colander though, it

> looks very handy and is probably a boon.

A boon, yes, but tread carefully HB. They do folding and square colanders. A chap could make a grave error if purchasing without due thought.

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sophiesofa Wrote:


> I was given one of those chopping boards and it's

> too soft so won't last long. I rate it 2 out of 5

> for your spreadsheet.

Excellent findings, sophiesofa. This may well make the front page of the next issue. (providing there's no massive shakeup in the chopping board world, like when they brought out the Anti-Bacterial Polyethylene range back in Aug '02 - fair few late nights THAT month, I can tell you!)

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Bluerevolution Wrote:


> The fear of crime is a tool used to control

> people. Whilst we are keeping an eye for all these

> nasty hoodies, we are not watching what the proper

> thieves and con artists at Westminster are up to

Right, kids?


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Thieves and scumbags are everywhere - how depressing! I think we should all stop worrying about it but keep our wits about us. Life is for living not worrying. I don't mean about past crimes mentioned on here, some sound horrible and nasty and I hope you all are ok and safe.

thebestnameshave gone I forgot to point out that it's also a smooth surface so slips around a lot and I'm surprised they haven't been recalled off the shelves - at least a few digits must have been accidentally sliced off. I remember aug 02 with fond memories.

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Ted Max Wrote:


> Hello Honk/Lenk/Penk, how are you? Nice to have

> you back.

(!?) Think you've got me confused.

On day 2 of the internet's existence someone made a student-politics reference to 'sheeple' and was shortly followed by someone else posting a Rik Young Ones photo. It's pretty much the rules.

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(!?) Think you've got me confused.

Hmm, not convinced. ATBNHG = Full time PR, part time DJ. Lived in Hackney and Manc. Lots of cycling stories and short thrift for crime scares = Honk - antagonistic posts about binlids.

+ Posting "Clint Eastwood in Nunhead" story on PB after seeing it on here.

Not that I'm fussed, I quite liked Honk.

(day three of the internet - low level stalking when bored. Otherwise called "reading previous posts")

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Ted Max Wrote:


> (!?) Think you've got me confused.


> Hmm, not convinced. ATBNHG = Full time PR, part

> time DJ. Lived in Hackney and Manc. Lots of

> cycling stories and short thrift for crime scares

> = Honk - antagonistic posts about binlids.


> + Posting "Clint Eastwood in Nunhead" story on PB

> after seeing it on here.


> Not that I'm fussed, I quite liked Honk.


> (day three of the internet - low level stalking

> when bored. Otherwise called "reading previous

> posts")

Blimey, do you have a file on everyone?

I really do think you have me confused with someone else though, Columbo. I've never lived in Hackney.

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thebestnameshavegone Wrote:


> Ted Max Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > (!?) Think you've got me confused.

> >

> > Hmm, not convinced. ATBNHG = Full time PR, part

> > time DJ. Lived in Hackney and Manc. Lots of

> > cycling stories and short thrift for crime

> scares

> > = Honk - antagonistic posts about binlids.

> >

> > + Posting "Clint Eastwood in Nunhead" story on

> PB

> > after seeing it on here.

> >

> > Not that I'm fussed, I quite liked Honk.

> >

> > (day three of the internet - low level stalking

> > when bored. Otherwise called "reading previous

> > posts")


> Blimey, do you have a file on everyone?


> I really do think you have me confused with

> someone else though, Columbo. I've never lived in

> Hackney.

I think we have been mixed up as we have both said we are exiles

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