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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Not many - so I guess they will be exempt I think the whole thing is misguided anyway
  2. quite a lot on the Lane surely? Starting with EDT/Antic and including loads as you progress up/down - yer Franco Mancas/Meatliquors/Bishop(Greene King) etc
  3. "Who cares about "partygate", so he lied, so what, " he didn't just lie - he legislated. People were prosecuted. People didn't see their relatives die if you accept he can get away with that I have no idea why you think he is fit to handle i) Rise in inflation ii) Rise in cost of living iii) Rise in cost of gas, electricity and standing charges iv) War in Ukraine
  4. I get the purpose of the thread. But yes I do consider it a pointless question Bad people being good at comms should make us wary, not something to admire And despite people saying ?I disagree with them? the admiration is showing through
  5. Feltz. A good example of someone who people seem to like because she speaks well but by many accounts is a horrendous individual. You can find many accusations of bullying online - I had cause to interact with her twice and whilst only anecdotal can vouch for deep unpleasantness So who cares if she speaks well or not?
  6. What this country needs is a lot more substance over style Instead we have a nation of forelock-tuggers happy to go along with all kinds of dangerous nonsense if the person sounds good I genuinely don?t care either way If someone has done well for themselves. I care when people do well for the country. And gove (to take this example) has done very badly for the country Not as badly as his rival/boss. Another criminal who the country took a shine to because of the way he speaks.
  7. NATO isn't "moving" anywhere - sovereign countries might decide they want be a member (and if I was bordered by Russia I would want to be a member too) and apply to join - which is entirely legitimate, right? You keep saying I'm not answering but I am answering and you aren't listening - Putin is using NATO as an excuse to justify his behaviour - and STW are buying it and repeating it. SO they are defect supporting Putin. I'm not saying STW literally back the ware - I'm saying they are giving Putin support by agreeing with his lies
  8. but whatever the faults of NATO are what do they have to do with what's happening in Ukraine? And it's at this point where STW start to say Putin wouldn't be taking any action if it wasn't for NATO something something something - and that is why they are aligned with Putin. It's not actually true "Opposing the invasion of Iraq didn't mean you supported Hussain." of course it didn't - but again, it's not relevant here.
  9. Chick. I don?t doubt for a second you despise Putin But blaming nato or the eu (as the organisers and many supporters of STW) have argued is supporting putin?s position When uk govt embellishes reports to invade Iraq then a population protesting against its government makes some kind of sense But this situation is nothing like that. If anything our government are doing too little. But ?stop the war? messages wouldn?t work in the 40s and they aren?t going to work now
  10. "So are you all gung ho and pro war? Where is your evidence that Stop the War movement is pro Russia? It simply against war, has been since 2003. " I'm neither gung ho or "pro" war - but when a Russian dictator sends tanks in to a neighbouring country and blows innocent people to smithereens, you have to either decide you are against him or with him. Saying "stop the war" isn't going to save anyone's life. Putin is not going to listen to you - he is going to carry on until he is stopped. So when I see a stop the war movement on streets of London, waving their Russian flags and blaming the west, or NATO for what is happening (the same words as Putin) then yes, I am going to conclude they have taken Putin's side
  11. I see the stop the war clowns are protesting in London today. With their hammer and sickle flags. Ffs
  12. Of course there are reasons to swerve Ukraine/Georgia et al actually joining But the fact is they view the EU as a good thing. They aren?t calling to team up with U.K. and whatever fantasy worldview it has We can argue all day long about how much Russia/putin were actively involved in Brexit - but there is zero doubt that Brexit happening was viewed as a good thing by Putin, as it illustrates discord amongst his neighbours. But boy does uk look sillier by the day
  13. "We've done well without gas for tens of thousands of years." That's an argument that doesn't work at all surely? a) we didn't do well b) we didn't have electronic equipment for even longer but here you are c) if you do travel to Ukraine, you walking or horseback riding?
  14. I do wonder if Germany displayed even the slightest sign of beefing up their military might at any point in the last few decades, just how the UK, let by it's press, would have reacted Would the reaction have been - "fair play - about time" or would it have been "Krauts creating EU army - remember 1945!"
  15. is this meant to be a coherent question? What does it have to do with anything I've said? Are you suggesting somehow that, what, I'm pro-Putin invading Ukraine? Or are you saying that what Putin is doing is somehow justifiable? And if your question is somehow potentially interpretable as either/both maybe clarify a little?
  16. Days of condemnation from the world and this is the best Johnson comes up with tonight ?Come. Well. If you have a close family member. Otherwise, bag out of luck I guess??? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/27/uk-expected-ease-visa-restrictions-ukrainians-fleeing-war?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  17. You are the one with the big claims. How about you back them up? As a starter. With countries all around Europe, including Ireland, saying ?feck visas. Just come here. We will look after you? how is the U.K. response of ?apply for seasonal farm work? in any way world-leading?
  18. That is some weird yet cliched takes.
  19. Ukrainian calls to join the EU Hopefully EU respond in kind Where does that leave the ?I support Ukrainian but don?t like EU and think the invasions is because of NATO expansion ? crowd?
  20. Ukrainian calls to join the EU Hopefully EU respond in kind Where does that leave the ?I support Ukrainian but don?t like EU and think the invasions is because of NATO expansion ? crowd?
  21. problem Labour have on that score is that Kinnock posted a video which boiled down to not much more than the govt - are Labour simply scared of the "legitimately concerned voter" or do they share the govt view
  22. Not worrying in any way I?m sure https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/feb/27/uk-scientists-fear-brain-drain-as-brexit-rows-put-research-at-risk?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  23. As someone who has been so, erm, engaged with 4Cat in recent years I think it?s now obvious what he is. If I engage with 4Cat again, someone slap me
  24. I mean leaving personalities aside. What?s the smart, objective, neutral take when a thug like Putin invades another European country So many far left and far right commentators saying it?s the wests fault, natos fault etc etc. are just apologists for war crimes. And no amount of indignation can hide that And to have trump saying putin is smart and approving him. And to not take the opportunity to condemn that? Because? why wouldn?t you?
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