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Who cycles to work from East Dulwich?


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Very happy with the service received at King's today. I have a broken bone in my wrist but the bike is ok I think - full examination tomorrow will tell. A helmet would possibly have made the impact worse in this case due to the sideways displacement of the head and neck before hitting the ground. See the CTC/Singletrck websites for big (and endless) debates on helmet wear. Basic rule is: definitely wear one off-road, but on-road is debatable.

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  • 4 months later...

I cycle from Camberwell to Willesden Junction. From Willesden I follow the Canal Way down to Paddington, cut into Hyde Park (favourite part of the ride) and across to and past Victoria Station (I change this bit a lot and still haven't really found the best route to miss all the traffic), down to and over Vauxhall Bridge, past the Oval and then I usually go various different back streets towards Denmark Hill.

When I was really fit - I could do it in about 1hr 10mins but at the moment (after having a baby and not riding this far for about a year) I'm doing it in about 1 1/2 hours. Same time as the tube - phah - I hate peak hour public transport.

When I'm feeling lazy I catch the overland from Willesden Junction to Clapham Junction and ride back from there. I can do that in 20 minutes. Door to door in an hour. Love it.

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I work at more london (by london bridge) on the river and run to and from there (live ED side of denmark hill), 4 miles each way every day keeps me pretty fit and I love doing it! (plus I dont have to pay for travel....but do have to pay for trainers). It takes me just around 25 mins with traffic lights in my favour...
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I used to cycle to work from East Dulwich into the West End until Wednesday 16 April when I slipped off my bike outside the Lord Nelson pub on the corner of Trafalgar Avenue and the Old Kent Road. I wasn't going very fast at all but my leg got caught between the bike and the ground and my ankle snapped. I dislocated my left ankle, broke my ankle bone and my tibia and fibula, and tore ligaments in my leg (a trimalleolar Weber C fracture if anyone works in orthopaedics). I was wearing a helmet as always but my head never even touched the ground. A nice man who was cycling nearby called Brian who lives on Crystal Palace Road helped me (if you happen to be reading this, a very big thank you) and I was taken by ambulance to King's (that Entonox stuff is amazing!). Eight (!) days of semi-hell in King's and I was home. Still in plaster and will be off work for god knows how long. Will maybe be able to start putting weight on my leg from next week if the x-rays look good.

So be careful out there!

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After 7 years or so of walking from ED to Liverpool Street I've just started to cycle there instead (Bellenden/Trafalgar Rd/OKR/TowerBridge). I can't believe how quick it is and I'm home by 6.00pm. Contrary to what I was expecting I find I'm normally given enough space by car drivers and don't feel too vulnerable (Tower Bridge is the exception though). I take all the quiet back roads I can (except the Burgess Park Canal path which this forum has scared me off of)

The biggest danger is the pedestrians in the City who just don't look - perhaps we are all like that though?

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Thank you Citizen,

Hopefully there'll be no permanent damage.

I would be resting with my feet up on the sofa, however, myself and my partner are moving to a new flat in Nunhead next week. The timing is exquisite....

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I'm really getting into the cycling to work thing but I feel a bit of a newbie given I am still using a mountain bike! Anyone any idea on how much it would be to get some road tyres fitted?

I'm hoping that will speed up my 40 mins to Holborn.

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I cycle Nunhead to Victoria - or London Bridge depending (freelance). I do it Amsterdam style - no helmet, no gear (ie fluorescent kit). 4 years in Amsterdam is good training for London as you have to make fast decisions because of all the other cyclists - no one stops at red lights - or even hesitates even with a kid on the front and back (liability is always with the motorist and most motorists are highly tolerant as most also cycle). Having lived in Hackney I do find the straight route along by Camberwell more challenging because of the cycle lane occupied by demonic buses.

The main thing I find challenging about London (apart from the fact no one ever looks at each other - I spent the first 6 months saying hello to other cyclists, yikes!) is the soul-destroying intolerance towards cyclists(pedestrians-drivers)- I'm a considerate cyclist (though I do go through red lights on occasions, Amsterdam style, but always let all pedestrians fully cross first) and I've been staggered at general hatred that each grouping has towards each other. It breeds intolerance, it feels hard to love ones fellow pedestrian if they moan on to you generically about their frustrations. Equally professional drivers especially are totally mental here. I think the British have an odd relationship with rules and who should observe them, and why.

The great thing is that as more people cycle the greater the possibility of tolerance as more people will know what its like, or know a cyclist. I feel that everyone should spend a weekend in Amsterdam observing how tolerant people are over there, and then come back here (good fun too).


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  • 1 month later...
Malcomio, how long does that take you? I work on Long Lane and you cycle right past my office - I've been considering cycling to work for a while and that was pretty much the route I'd worked out. I get the train at the moment and as I live next to Peckham Rye station door to door is just over 20 minutes, so I don't think I'd save too much time but the exercise would be good! I'm just very very nervous on roads after an accident (as a pedestrian) so it's taking me a long time to convince myself to cycle!
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Used to cycle to Russell Sq every day - great route, easy stress-free ride, much quicker than public transport (30 mins door-to-door). Wonderful in summer, also fine in winter.

Then spent some time in White City; cycling OK in summer but had 2 near-misses-with-speeding-white-vans on dark winter evenings which put me off. Couldn't find a route I was happy with (unlike Russell Square, which has a good route from here).

However, I'm posting to say... please please consider wearing a helmet if you don't. My brother, a very experienced cyclist, was knocked off this morning by a careless motorist and is rather bashed up, but thank god alive - his helmet was completely smashed, though, and that could have been his head. The car driver pulled out of a side road without looking carefully enough, hit him sideways on and he somersaulted over the handlebars and landed on his head/neck/back. His bike's a complete write-off, we're just so grateful that he isn't.

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Seconded on the helmet.

I came off on Monday morning around Peckham way and hurt myself quite badly but luckily not my head. I hit my head on the road hard and managed to fracture the front of my helmet seriously. Without it, I'd have had quite a headache at best.

As for the topic, I've cycle commuted into W1 for 13 years. Its the only way I'd do it.

Though I'm laid up for a while, I'll be back on ASAP.

Not looking forward to several weeks on the 176:(

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  • 2 months later...


Can anyone recommend a better route from Forest Hill Road to Pic Circus. I have tried the Surrey Canal/Old Kent Road/ E and C / Waterloo Bridge/Strand route and it's a real arse getting down the Stand in the mornings.



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