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Revised new - M&S planning application to replace Iceland..

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The only way they could meet that commitment was to spend from the piggy bank.

There is rarely anything more offensive than geriatrics who have benefitted from running up a credit card that their children will have to pay off, until they get self righteous about it.

Your generation asset stripped the nation leaving a debt time bomb that your grandchildren will have to pay off through poverty. You spent everything you earned in 70 years, and then your generation spent everything that was going to be earned by your children in the next 70 years.

The 20th century generation will be famous in history for one thing - their greed.

And that, mate, means you.

Exactly right MATE.

The only way they could meet that commitment was to spend from the piggy bank.

The commitments being, bigger pensions and wages for MPs and civil servants.

My generation, I take offence to my generation being called geriatrics.

I think you need a permantly toilet roll around your neck, for the amount of crap that?s coming out of it, and if you want to take offence to that, Great get on with it.

It?s not the people that are to blame, for the mismanagement of this Country over the years, its people like you that go along with the crap that Governments and Councils give out. The Governments have been asset stripping for years to cover up their costly mistakes. That?s why the Country is in a mess, people like you, who put the blame on the people, and not the Governments, where it belongs.

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fredricketts - the people put the governments in. So if we get crap government - it's our fault.

To my lasting pride I campaigned against Tony Blair's government before 1997, didn't share the joy of hos "New Britain", loathed him from the first and am pleased that my views seem to be shared by the majority. However, he's an example of how slick dicks can con the British public.

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Huguenot, calling older people "geriatrics" is as offensive as calling black people by the "N" word, and I deeply resent it.

I get my retirement pension in a year's time, but the UK pension is very low compared to similar nations such as France and Germany, so I won't be exactly flush with money.

If you want to attack any group of people, then blame the people who have asset stripped the economy in the last thirty years - the bankers and the like. They are the people who have left this country in its present state, not a few over 60s who claim the Freedom Pass, which would not be needed if the retirement pension was at all adequate.

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Marmora Man

fredricketts - the people put the governments in. So if we get crap government - it's our fault.

To my lasting pride I campaigned against Tony Blair's government before 1997, didn't share the joy of hos "New Britain", loathed him from the first and am pleased that my views seem to be shared by the majority. However, he's an example of how slick dicks can con the British public.

Could not agree with you more.

Tony Blair is a typical MP and Priminster who tell blatant lies, and we are all conned into believing them, it?s the same with all of them, promise everything to get in, when in, do what they please for five years, except when it comes near to voting again, they change their rhetoric, and con us all again.

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The bankers have asset stripped the economy in the last thirty years have they? I'd be interested to learn more about this, please enlighten me.

Zebedee Tring Wrote:


> Huguenot, calling older people "geriatrics" is as

> offensive as calling black people by the "N" word,

> and I deeply resent it.


> I get my retirement pension in a year's time, but

> the UK pension is very low compared to similar

> nations such as France and Germany, so I won't be

> exactly flush with money.


> If you want to attack any group of people, then

> blame the people who have asset stripped the

> economy in the last thirty years - the bankers and

> the like. They are the people who have left this

> country in its present state, not a few over 60s

> who claim the Freedom Pass, which would not be

> needed if the retirement pension was at all

> adequate.

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My reference to "bankers and the like" (not just bankers) was in response to Huguenot's insulting reference to "geriatrics" when he really meant "retired people" and his attempt to blame so-called "geriatrics" for the state of the country.

I agree that the thread should have been about the M&S proposal and intended to say so in my post responding to Huguenot, but unfortunately didn't.

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"Geriatric" may be insulting you, but that is your problem. It is NOT an age-ist equivalent of the N word.

Geriatics are not nescessarily retired nor are retired people nescessarily Geriatric.

Geriatric is a term used extensively in medicine, care, Government and any number of other fields without any negative inference.

Huguenot would defend himself, but he is having his afternoon nap.

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MP, it is NOT my problem.

Huguenot said "There is rarely anything more offensive than geriatrics who have benefitted from running up a credit card that their children will have to pay off, until they get self righteous about it."

It's pretty clear that his use of the word "geriatric" was, and was meant to be, offensive. And I'm not the only poster that found it offensive.

Can we please get back to discussing M&S and that celebrated workers co-operative Iceland.

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Zebedee Tring Wrote:


> Lowlander Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Who else found geriatric offensive then?


> Fred Rickettes did, for one.


> But please let's get back to discussing M&S and

> Iceland.

Surely after 35 pages of discussion on M&S and Iceland there can't be much more to discuss....that is until the planning application goes back in and we can start again at page 1 with a debate over the merits of a ?3.50 prawn sandwich or a 99p bag of sausage rolls!

PS....and no, I haven't checked the prices are accurate as at this second!

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Actually it can be offensive, see below.

Adds hastily, but despite being in the relevant age group I wasn't personally offended. (But I'll defend the right of anybody else to be offended :)) )

geriatric [ˌdʒɛrɪˈ?trɪk]


1. (Medicine) of or relating to geriatrics or to elderly people

2. Facetious, derogatory, or offensive (of people or machines) old, obsolescent, worn out, or useless


1. (Medicine) an elderly person

2. Derogatory an older person considered as one who may be disregarded as senile or irresponsible See also psychogeriatric

[from Greek gēras old age + iatric]

And yes, surely there can be little more left to say about the Iceland / M&S thing, unless there is more actual news about what is happening to the building .....

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Nothing wrong with the French it?s M&S who have problems they opened a store in Paris it's full of ?clothing? (The French REALLY need M&S clothes) no M&S food except for a couple of gift biscuit tins so if you want baked beans or bacon or some M&S sandwich or a loaf of sliced english bread forget it!

M&S Clue&Less .

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