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How to go about getting a low traffic barrier put in in East Dulwich?

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Hi there

does anyone know how to get a low traffic barrier on your road?

Since the ones went in near Lordship Lane a lot of traffic has diverted onto my road and in the morning's it's unbearable now. Longo long tailbacks from the lights. Would be good to get the road closed off at one end to stop this like other streets in the area.


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There was a broken down truck on ED Grove at the junction with Half Moon lane causing huge tailbacks this morning - the difference between school drop off this morning vs yesterday was night and day because of it.

There are just so many people driving journeys that they wouldn't have done pre pandemic.

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There was a lot more traffic this morning, even prior to the lorry breakdown at the EDG/Dulwich Village/Village Way/Red Post Hill crossroads.

JAGS & Alleyns returned today hence the increased traffic during drop off and collection times. The traffic in the area is not a problem when these schools are on holiday but as soon as they are back the traffic returns as well.

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I imagine .... something like this? You form a small group in a posh road or roads and call yourself something like ?rich people for only our children?s health? then you flatter certain Borough councillors..get on any campaign or sub-group you can, Green-wash your NIMBY ideas and also helpful if you have something like an architect or town planner who is on a council planning sub-committee ... I imagine
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I have never seen the traffic so bad as in the last few days - so by closing alot of main routes, the gridlock on the A roads are very bad, causing other routes to have to be used. It is complete and utter nonsense to assume that all the mobile tradespeople, builders vans etc are just going to disappear? Let alone people trying to get to their place of work (it now takes over an hour on the bus from penge to east dulwich due to gridlock)
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Yeah but examples like yesterday show that the already closed roads are increasing tension on alternative arteries and when those arteries are compromised, options are limited for alt. routes.

If the other roads weren?t closed this wouldn?t be happening in CPR.

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