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Top Tips


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I have a curious mind & always searching for "Stuff"

On this journey I have discovered/ learnt some "Things" for life that work well

If you too have any then please "share"

OK, here's a simple one.


How to wire it !

1.Look at the plug with the back off

2. B L U E = Left

3. B R O W N = Right

4. The other wire stays as is

See, simple & a "Top tip"


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Can you do the graphics ( felt tips are fine ) please

Now who could present it ?

I think HonaloochieB would be my 1st choice ( there must be a song for each "Top tip" out there ) or Sean Mc, that would be funny, I can just imagine him losing patience withn the 'celebrity " guest wiring the plug

"Oh , no no not that way ....just give it here will you "

You know I do feel a series coming on ( with a book tour ) really I do



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PeckhamRose Wrote:


> If the new jar is too tight, run it under hot

> water and maybe also put on a pair of rubber

> gloves to get a better grip.>

> NEVER put lenses in or take lenses out OVER A


Or slip a knife under the rim of the lid to release suction

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*Bob* Wrote:


> "If you're having friends around for dinner.."


> Instead of serving up a grotesque and inedible

> bowl of glue - time after time - why not take

> thirty seconds to learn how to cook rice properly?


*Bob* this ones easily sorted...

"Top tip 2"

Anonymous posting method

Buy the "pre cooked in pouch" stuff ( Uncle Ben's I believe ) & post it anonymously to the hostess the day before the dreaded dinner party.

When you arrive the host will say...

"Oh look at this, someone posted this to me "anonymously"

And you say....

"Really, WOW my that's my favorite rice lets eat it TONIGHT shall we "

It does get trickier with the "anonymous posting method" if the curry is sh!te as well, but come back to me as I do have many , many brilliant solutions & "Top tips" for many, many situations like this

Really I do !


* did I say "many" too many times ?

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If you have a glut of apples in september, save any old tights and drop in an apple and then a wire tie, then another apple and a wire tie, until the tights are full then hang up and save for use.

Get some horse manure drop into a hessian sack, then suspend in the water butt, when you next need to feed the plants take a watering can and help your self to your own home-made baby bio.

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This is a cross post from the "What's the best kind of paint to use on a front door?"

Silly me but still it's....

W**FS Top Tip

This is by far the best paint ever, when I was in the trade as a shop fitter we used this http://www.sikkens.co.uk/en/Products/Alphabetical/RubbolSatura.htm as it goes on beautifully , the finish is superb & it out lasts any other brand by a long shot, it was developed in Scandinavia & they are miles ahead of everyone else in this field. If you buy the Onol express undercoat you can base coat & top coat with Rubol satura in the same day, then one more the following day.

We have it on the door at "W**F Manor" after 4 years it still looks great ( & 2 young boys )

It is not cheap

It is not available in DIY Shops

It is sold at Whites on Brockley Rise though http://www.whitestradepaints.co.uk/contactus.html See the little Irish guy in there, he's most helpful. Available in RAL, BS 4800 and NCS colour collections.

Nuff said, now get on with it

Report back on progress


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Store potatoes in brown paper or newspaper in a cool dark place; drawer or cellar if you have one. This way they don't sprout or go green which they do if you store them in plastic/daylight. Oh to have an old fashioned larder. Also, don't store your tomatoes in the fridge, keep at room temperature. Much tastier that way.
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"Top Tip" TM

If your favorite Non-Stick pan starts sticking from years of use....

Take a raw potato cut in half & while the pan is cool rub the base inside with cut face of the spud

Daa Daaa.... the pan is Non-Sticko again, repeat as nessasary


"Top Tip"TM

is a registerd trade mark of W**FEnterprisesInc All rights reserved 2009

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Declan Wrote:


> Bow wow........I need a Top Tip please. How do you

> return wine glasses or any others for that matter,

> back to their original state after they have been

> marked by too much cleaning in the dishwasher?



This will do it http://www.finishdishwashing.com/product-glass-magic-performance-booster.php

Next, please form an orderly line will you



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