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Everything posted by Santerme

  1. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Indeed, my mistake too. I didn't relise that life > is full of BS. People dying in vain throughout > history. Toture, rape, murder, humilation, war > crimes etc. Reason is treason? No profit in peace? > I guess if World War 3 happens our attitudes on > life will be very different? > > ""Military men are dumb, stupid animals to > be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry > Kissinger, 1976 Are you tending to agree with Herr Kissinger?
  2. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jesse Venture On 911, J.F.K & more. > > The guy was a USA Army Navy Seal, so he's a bit of > a badass. I'm sure he would hand out a few > backhanders if people disagreed with him? > > > You cannot be an Army Navy Seal for goodness sake. Naval Special Warfare Groups are by their nature a function of the United States Navy. And he actually wasn't a SEAL either, he was an undewater demolition expert. I am quite ambivalent about Jesse, he did great service when he creamed Elizabeth Hasselbeck on the idea of waterboarding being acceptable, then he comes out with the dumb Building 7 theory. His complete digust at anything Dick Cheney tips the balance for me in his favour though.
  3. daizie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We all know Diana was killed accidentally on > purpose by 'Them' . She would have said, if she > could .. ' I told you so' > ( if you'd read her book/s). > I always suspected the blokes dad . 'Them' in service and Whitehall parlance are the SAS, you no doubt mean the Ministry of 'Certain Things'
  4. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Wow, how did you guess that? Your right! I'm in my > mid twenties! However I did not get the whole > medieval part. You know I'm a regular guy (maybe > above average in certain things and certainly > below average in others just look at my spelling > and grammar) I won't get into the good deeds I in > do in life and I certainly won't get into the bad > things too, cause that would be too personal. But > I will say the following. > > My lifes great, I got a lovely house. I eat very > well, I got Sky+ with all the trimmings, Plamsa > TV. I've got money to go on holidays, live a cool > part of London with plenty of nice bars and places > to eat and shop. Life is very cool for me. But > sometimes I wonder, sh*t man, there's a new life > being born somewhere in the world today, with no > hope, with no future. It's life is over before it > even begins. I watch images and videos of war torn > countries that they couldn't show you on the > 9'Oclock news, because it would be too shocking > and probably cause a public outrage and I'm pretty > sure it would change the attitudes of a lot of > people on life. Why? Why? Why God? I ask. But > that's another thing all together, asking God! > > Yea, I guess Huguenot is right about me and many > other guys in their mid twenties who tend to look > at conspriacy theories looking for answers at why > there are many f**ked up things going around our > planet. Like I said, when I view these sad images > on my plush laptop with my super speed broadband, > it makes me wonder how? But once I turn my laptop > is turned off, I probably forget it for the best > part of the day. > > For sure it could be all bs. But sometimes it's > not bad to think outside box. So it is just being provocative you are aspiring to?
  5. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I totally understand, how that may of come across, > very lazy post by me. I was just making the point > that 290,600 views, which indicates a lot of > people are interested in these theories or ideas > that there is something more to it. Okay, it may > of been one of the pooriest conspiracy theory > video you've seen. Have you even seen one that > might have any truth in it? Or is it all BS? > > A cover up? to answer Santerme question, do I > believe the video facts about 9/11? I can't say I > believe in them all. Cause that would be foolish. > I also don't believe in all of the official > version we have been told by our well, news > outlets and governments. So it's a bit of both. > > But what I really love is how folk love to trash > people (not anyone on here, media wise) who have > an interest in conspriacy theroies. It's really > great, makes me laugh. I kind feel like the guy, > who said the Earth was round and not flat and > being mocked in the olden times, but I also feel > like the guy who believes in time travel. If that > makes any sense. It may not. Which part of the theory propounded do you hold to be truthful?
  6. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeybdEuf16A > > 290,600 views. > > Strange facts (or just a Rafa rant) about > september 11 attacks. Do you believe this?
  7. Easties EL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Aaron Russo : This guy has some inside information > or BS? > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nD7dbkkBIA It must be true my Godmother resigned from the Lehman board in 2007!! Less tongue in cheek....9/11 as a conspiracy, please! A conspiracy of neglect by the intelligence services perhaps!
  8. Cue shower scene....it was all a dream!
  9. Christopher Hitchens....sobering!!
  10. Marmora Man Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Santerme Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > I expect a Trafalgar class submarine is sailing > > South as we debate, with a load of Spearfish > > torpedoes and Tomahawk missiles, it kind of > tips > > the balance > > Tho' to date there have been no leaks or rumours > to that effect. For a submarine threat to be > effective you need your opponent to believe there > is one, or more, submarines in the vicinity. > During the Falklands war the submarine threat to > Argentinian ships was magnified by judicious > rumours when in fact at leSt one of the suspects > submarines was 8,000 miles away looking at an > entirely different problem. We both know how this works MM. Our military attache, probably a cavalry officer considering the country, will nip out and have a few Pimms on the Polo ground with his oppo and whisper quietly in their ear something about impending sea trials, etc, etc. Plus there are 4 Typhoons at Unpleasant, they go aloft with full armament and the 40 odd servicable Argentine reconditioned Skyhawks and Mirages fall out of the sky just off the Argentine coast. I did a staff course at the US War College with one of the Argentine Marine officer who defended Tumbledown in '82. I asked him, how in hell he managed to lose the position.....he said, 'Lack of interest'.
  11. The Argentines do not have the ability to make a landing in force, so the idea of having to hand them back is moot, especially with ?480 billion lying beneath the surface. I expect a Trafalgar class submarine is sailing South as we debate, with a load of Spearfish torpedoes and Tomahawk missiles, it kind of tips the balance
  12. giggirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > So what to do this Sunday then? Because I'm > single and when you're single on Valentines Day it > feels like every other person in the whole wide > world is madly in love. Sensible suggestions > welcome. Otherwise I might open a vein. I feel the pain, my beloved is in Fargo, North Dakota and I am in Dorchester.....but this is why God invented Blackberry's.
  13. My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch Jack Nicholson
  14. computedshorty Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ted thank you for your assumptions, I have never > pretended that a presentation was mine or included > my name to it. > The items that I posted of the Vi & Vii Bombs were > Steve's who is a member here he raised no > objection to those being used to further his > investigations, and even stated it here. > You are making unsupported remarks that are > guiding others to think your way, and act on your > belief. > I need no instruction on the use of how to use my > posts. > Might it be imagination on your part to suggest > that I am talking to myself. > Thank you for giving me credit of other members, I > do not want it. > In my very limited time using the computer things > are learnt, such as one member picking errors in > anothers posts never looking at his/her own, that > often show him as dominant, and some times a > complete fool. > If you would prefer that I did not post then say > so, as the members might agree with you, but on > the other hand may support me, and reject you. > I only carry on a subject that gets replies of > interest shown. > I have some very doubtful thoughts of members but > I do not usually respond to a personal attack. > I joined this website to find my previous > neighbours and friends but they have not responded > as I looks that they are gone. > This does with your distasteful message make me > considder Do I want to remain here? > Regards Shorty. Well, at least you did not fake your death resurrect yourself as a grieving friend and have 50 people want to fly to a Mets (Ugh) game in your honour, only to be outted as a hoax....on my only other forum, Bruce Springteen!! Perhaps, that story actually belongs on the Scumbag of the Year thread!
  15. Christopher Lawford's, Moments of Clarity Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery. It is compelling reading.. One of the Kennedy family, he is the son of Peter Lawford and Patricia Kennedy, he is a qualified lawyer and has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Harvard Med School.
  16. Best Conservative PM since Maggie
  17. It has served us well, this myth of Christ. Pope Leo X
  18. Which reminded me "Sex is like playing Bridge: if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand." Woody Allen
  19. "I firmly believe that we should not march into Baghdad. To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero. Assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war." George Bush Snr, A World Transformed, 1998
  20. Jihad is too hard! I don't want to do Jihad anymore! Unknown Taleban, Upper Sangin Valley
  21. He who lives by the sword, gets shot by someone who doesn't
  22. Oh and my brother did the same with his Australian wife.....so chin up!!!
  23. Absolutely. I met my wife, who is Canadian in the line up for a Springsteen show in London about 4 years ago. We clicked almost instantly.... We started of e-mailing and then spent hours on the phone each day.... I took three months off and went to live over with her....just to see if we could stand each other on an everyday basis! Luckily, it did not put her off me. We married about a year after we met! Because of work commitments, financial considerations and her daughter's schooling we have spent three years of our married life meeting in all kinds of wonderful places... Florida next for Spring break! Then they move here permanently this summer... I run my own business and she is a lawyer, so we are lucky we can make all the time we need to see each other....we were able to be together four months of each year at least! I can imagine it would be more difficult if the relationship was based on just calls and e-mails for much of the year.
  24. http://www.buyinghousepoland.co.uk/ I would imagine you already found this website...I found buying in France and Spain bad enough, best of luck...hope you have some Polish, seems like an essential!
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