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Great Gigs


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I'm such a hypocrite. At every gig these days you see people pointing their phones at the stage and recording rather than actually watching what's going on. Tut tut I go "stop that and watch the gig". Then when I get home I start searching for the clips on Youtube. Such a hypocrite. Anyway, moving swiftly on, here is Antony from last Friday's gig at the Barbican. Poor quality but what a performance.


Edited 'cos I just found this on youtube, which is a better recording of the song


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Saw some good reviews of that one GG

I forgot one of my pet hates at gigs these days - people yammering awayt o each other as if they were in the pub. Especially at a gig where some of the songs are so gently you can hear the singer breathe. Last night I nearly did a Tony From the Burbs and go loco at the 2 guys next to me

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Not ot mention the girls behind me, I've been guilty of talking at gigs in the past, but generally if you have Sonic Youth levels of Feedback going on.

Last night was so quiet and gentle I think the band could have heard them.

Amazed there are photos up already, hooray for people taking their cameras!


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Sympathies guys. Why do people go to gigs to talk? Why don't they go to the pub instead and give us all a break. That must have been a real killer at the Lambchop gig as they do some pretty quiet stuff. The worst offenders are often music industry people; record companies and guest list liggers. They haven?t paid to get in; it?s just another gig ? whatever ? they can be a royal pain in the arse. Being in the music industry/VIP (so called) section of an audience is not always a good thing. The seats are good but that?s about it.

Here?s a confession ? I?m not proud of this but it happened. I?m a fairly mild mannered and polite individual. I?m not argumentative and I?m certainly not physical. BUT?.. (deep breath) a few years ago I was at Madonna?s Drowned World gig at Earls Court and I was sitting next to a certain Hollywood starlet (no names no pack drill). She and her pall talked throughout the gig (and I really do mean throughout). Worse, it was just brainless chatter and everything was ?awesome?. It was near the end of the gig and the ballads started and so the valley girls became even more annoying. I leaned across to the little starlet and asked her ? and I swear to God I was so polite I could have been the Queen of England greeting a head of state ? ?would you mind please not talking blah blah blah ? thank you very much? ? sort of thing. She obviously wasn?t used to hearing ?no? so she went into a complete rant. I made the quick decision to just drop it ?.. until I heard the words ?f*c* off you fuc*ing bitch?.

I snapped like a ... snappy thing - BIG TIME. I went psycho on the bitches. Told them that if either one of them opened their mouth before the end of the gig I would put my fist so far into it I would basically be wearing them as jewellery. I really meant it too. I was deeply scary and I don?t know where all the rage suddenly came from (time of the month, man trouble, over-exposure to valley-girls, all of the above). Never ever behaved like that before or since. It worked though.

And breathe.

Also I saw Tori Amos a few years ago at Hammersmith Apollo (she does some pretty quiet stuff) and three times the Apollo?s STAFF had to be asked to quieten down by members of the audience. It?s bad when you can?t hear the artist over the help.

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Saturday night (15th) - Barbican - Tilting and Drifting - the songs of Scott Walker performed by (amongst others) Gavin Friday, Jarvis Cocker, Dot Allison and Damon Albarn

A stunning night but there is no denying it wouldn't be for everyone - hardly surpriseing given the nature of the last 2 albums - as far away from The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore as it's possible to get. Not everything worked - particularly on the theatrical side

but a 40+ orchestra in the pit, playing Farmer in the City was a force of nature. I doubt I'll ever see a gig like it again

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