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Winter babies club (due Dec 2014, Jan/Feb 2015)

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Hello I can do 11th but not 18th!

I'll be going to yoga at Gaia the morning of 11th too so perhaps if there are a small gaggle of us going to yoga we can all then float off to coffee afterwards, maybe the victoria like last time (which I missed?). I might be toddler-free but Victoria is good for toddlers.

I'd love to go to yogarise tuesday night yoga but i teach my own pregnancy Pilates that night so I'm a bit torn. If numbers dwindle in my preg class I'll start to go to that one too.


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Well, certainly looks like enough people to meet up on 11th Oct (as I can't make 18th, I'll leave that to someone else to make a call!). Shall we say 10.30am on 11th at Victoria Inn if that worked well last time?

Looking forward to meeting you all!

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Lovely to see other mums to be joining.

I can make both dates, and I'm happy to attend both too.

ps. Yesterday I discovered nub theory is in fact true in my case. They told me at 12 weeks I was having another girl, and yes I am! x

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Hello! Just spotted this thread. I have baby number 2 arriving, possibly on Christmas Day (extremely bad planning!!) when my son, Luke, will be 2 yrs 3 months. I am now living over in Honor Oak (an ex-East Dulwicher) but would like to meet up if there is anything further planned? Currently still working part time...
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Hello, lovely to meet everyone this morning - thanks for organising S.

I said I would post some info on the expectant mothers clinic at the BSO. They're very good there and the rate is excellent is you're willing to travel up to southwark and to be treated by students who are under supervision. I've been seeing an osteopath here since June and recommend them. They also run clinic for baby and children too when little ones arrive.


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Sorry to miss this Saturday we had an impromptu trip to Dorset to take our toddler to visit his great granny.

I have birthday drinks to go to on lordship lane this Saturday so may not make the pizza meet up either, depending on what time you're all meeting - I could pop in on my way to lordship lane. Would definitely like to come to the next one!!

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Lovely to meet everyone who made it on Saturday morning! Thanks for organising :)

It's me again: Thanks so much for that link - I'm definitely going to give them a go. Out of interest, this is the place I took my son when he was first born: http://occ.uk.com/ it's the Osteopathic Centre for Children in Wandsworth, they were really good.

Looking forward to Saturday night! What's the plan?

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Looking forward to meeting everyone and bumps. I will definitely have a look at the osteo centre, I took Maurice to a cranial osteo when he was a newborn and it really helped his various catalogue of issues so I'll definitely be taking this one as a preemptive strike early on. I've been seeing Fabiano da silva on Barry Rd who is brilliant albeit a bit pricey.

Those of you with toddlers?how are you introducing the idea of baby to your firstborn? Mine will be 3 and a half when bubs arrives, I have been talking about the baby in my belly for a while, and now that it's more of a bump generally making baby an everyday reality as far as can be and he seems to have fully grasped the concept as much as possible, but I wondered if reading books about being a sibling etc was a better route to go. He has just started nursery and is having a bit of a stressful transition which has affected his behaviour and happiness quite a lot already, he's being really upset and clingy with me and wanting me and only me in middle of the night etc, which is making me slightly concerned about how he's going to take the next major transition in his life?!

Just wondering how other mums are approaching it.

If I don't make the pizza gathering, hope to meet you all soon


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Hi AnyaJoeli,

I'm really concerned about how to introduce baby to toddler.

At the moment toddler (2.5 yrs) is very good at telling daddy: Mummy has a baby in her tummy, but beyond that i think it's going to be a HUGE shock to her. She also cries for me in the night and has been rather clingy since moving rooms at nursery. I may actually buy her a toy baby and cot and so on and try to do a bit of role play. (Does that sound bonkers!)

I'm still free to meet on Saturday night. Gotta make the most of the time without bubba! So if the group is still keen, really happy to go with the plan of pizza/ drinks at Actress.

I hope everyone is well. I heard one of my colleagues describing me to someone else as: 'Absolutely huge' yesterday. Made me chuckle!


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I've also been thinking about how to introduce the baby to my toddler. He is 2.5 yrs and seems to completely understand there is a baby in Mummy's tummy and tells EVERYONE that he's having a baby brother. We've discussed that his job will be to burp the baby (he loves to have a job), but I do think the reality of having to share Mummy and Daddy and the actual appearance of the baby will be quite a shock!

SJK - that doesn't sound bonkers at all, I was thinking about doing the same! Apparently my toddler plays with the baby dolls at nursery and puts the baby to sleep, burps it, feeds it etc. I was chatting to a Mum of five (yes five, can you believe it?!) and she was advising to get a doll and encourage him to feed his baby while I'm feeding the baby. Worth a try anyway!

AnyaJoeli - my son had a TERRIBLE time settling down at nursery, it took him 6 weeks to settle in, it was awful! But it was so worth it because he loves it so much now and is really happy. I hope that yours settles down before the baby comes - how long has he been going?

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My toddler adopted one of my old dolls, that my parents still had at the their house. He's really taken to her and pushes her in his toy buggy and pretends to change her nappy etc even sharing his beloved toy monkey with her. I'm not sure there is much that can prepare them for the reality of having a new baby in the house, it'll be hard enough for us as parents! I've got 'there's a house in mummy's tummy' book and we talk about all the things he can teach his baby brother when he arrives. I've also warned him that babies cry a lot, because they can't talk yet. He seems pretty relaxed about the whole idea so far! He has gone through a very clingy mummy stage recently, where only I can do certain things for him which worries me.

Hope Maurice settles at nursery soon. J's had some very wobbly times at nursery, but absolutely loves it now.

Sorry to have missed the last meet up and I can't make this one either as we 're away for the weekend.

Hope you're all feeling well. Heartburn is making a return for the first time this pregnancy and definitely feeling the weight of my bump already!

Hope to catch up at the next meet.

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