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Everything posted by apbremer

  1. If this old Loon Corbyn got in (God help us)with the prospect of this absurd Garden Tax, logically this would happen: House values would collapse to a level where, as the building cost is more or less stable, the site value would drop to a figure where the levy would cost about the same as the present affordable council tax, which would be abolished. Residential values typically in ED would halve to about ?450,000 ie ?50,000 X 3% garden tax =?1500 pa. Great swathes of the country would be decimated, many with massive drops in residential values. Every bank and building society would become insolvent. There would be financial Armageddon with the pound in freefall,interest rates and inflation at Weimar Republic levels, BOE printing presses rolling day and night and UK and our citizens largely bankrupt and in massive negative equity. Just like Venezuela which Corbyn so admires. Frantic general election with The Tories sweeping back into Government in their habitual role of clearing up the mess Labour always leaves.Don't forget the Labour minister of the last Socialist shambles "There's no money left".The difference this time with this crazed Marxist lot is that it will take decades to restore the economy if ever, particularly with the mass emigration of so much talent and wealth which would undoubtedly occur. Actually I think that this Tory government is also pretty clueless as to how the economy works and prosperity is created despite State interference, but is infinitely better than the useless alternative.
  2. All semantics and dodging the question. If you are now paying around ?1500 pa in Council tax this will at least double initially with massive further increases. So "We will initiate and...consider new options such as a land value tax." If you believe that this is not forthcoming under a Labour Government you will believe anything!
  3. Take the value of your house, subtract building cost equals land value. Apply initial rate of 0.85% rising to 3%, so typically ?500,000 for ED but let's be be generous and say ?400,000 = ?3,500 for first year rising to ?12,000 pa . Sounds sensible, eh? Happy with that, Helen Hayes, and subsequent collapse of housing market? Is Corbyn mad or just seriously deluded?
  4. A van crashed into the back of our car whilst we were stationery at a zebra crossing in Norbury. No one hurt. Exchanged details, they accepted blame and paid for repairs, very courteously. No police or insurance company involved. However we were then plagued by letters from "claims advisers" desperate to get us to sue for whiplash and other spurious "injuries". We sent them packing, but how did they know??
  5. It seems to me that supermarket potatoes have become increasingly tasteless as their price increases. I have just paid an extortionate sum for a tiny packet of "Jersey Royals" from a well known local supermarket which tasted of absolutely nothing, or perhaps a slight trace of soggy cotton wool. Apparently supermarkets are only interested in long shelf life to the detriment of any flavour. Can anyone recommend a green grocer if there is one left who can sell us spuds with that lovely earthy tang of bygone years?
  6. SC closed Eastbound at Croxted Road with police tapes at corner of Gallery rd. Apparently accident(?) but no sign of it.
  7. yup would love to see some pictures.
  8. I would guess 60 sq. metres
  9. I,and, I suspect, many others,am fed up with seeding or turfing bare bits of lawn each Spring(usually unsuccessfully) and all the mowing and fiddling around with moss etc.during the year. Has anyone out there any experience with artificial grass??
  10. Whilst I obviously cannot match the massive intellect and social conscience of JoeLeg, I have racked my feeble brain to try to understand why the pay of Cineworld staff, or indeed that of Sainsbury's. William Rose or any other business, should be of the slightest interest to me,or,for that matter to him or any of the other incensed individuals on this forum. Perhaps he/she could elucidate in words of very few syllables so that, in my ignorance, I can try to understand? I shall do my best but he must understand that it may well all be beyond me.
  11. Pathetic. Are we supposed to go into every business in lordship Lane and ask them what they are paying their staff?? Get a Life. None of our business.
  12. What happened to Soppy Cameron's proposal that anyone carrying a knife would automatically go down for five years? Presumably the bleeding hearts killed it off~~all society's fault, vulnerable young men blah blah.
  13. Detailed review in today's Sunday Telegraph by Keith Miller.. Liked the restaurant (7/10) but thought that Lordship Lane "retains the rumpled dignity of old newsreel footage",and "gentrification is well advanced (it's well supplied with smallish, handsome and only moderately exorbitant Victorian terrace houses; its train station zips into the City"). Bonne Bouffe " not particularly expensive" at dinner for two ?100! Thought EDF " a Paradiso of unintentional comedy.etc.." Fame indeed.
  14. Anyway, none of our business.
  15. We renovated a house a few years ago and had a water softener system installed by Fountain Softeners. I think about ?700 but well worth it. Refilling with block salt a few times a year no problem and very cheap. We forgot however to leave one kitchen tap on mains supply so now have to use bottled stuff for drinking as soft water does not taste very nice.
  16. The unelected House of Lords is a silly old anachronism that has little real power. Whilst it could still play silly games with Brexit ultimately it has to answer to the Commons which has a number of sanctions, even the ultimate one. My main gripe about Brussels, apart from open door mass migration, the crazed euro project, "ever close integration" and the enormous cost to the UK taxpayer, is that decisions are made by an unelected arrogant elite which cannot be held to account by anyone. As to wholesale corruption, The Big Boss Juncker presided for more than 20 years over Luxembourg, whose sole industry is tax avoidance, and denies even knowing anything about it. Say no more.
  17. Sorry but you miss my point totally. Brussels is hugely undemocratic, expensive and massively corrupt. The euro is just a German racket. The whole rotten edifice is tottering.
  18. It just seems extraordinary to me, a mere ignorant uneducated Leaver, that you are all exercising your democratic rights to protest to try to overturn a democratic decision by the British electorate to rid ourselves of a hugely undemocratic Brussels Juggernaut. Ironic,eh?
  19. Don't believe all this. "LEAVE" is a simple word of only one syllable which surely even the dimmest amongst us must comprehend. Which part of it do you not understand?
  20. I notice that that cheeky little elf, Yvette Cooper, is taking part in this daft exercise. I wonder if she has yet taken in the family of refugees she promised to care for a year ago??
  21. Why call the scum "lads". You make it sound like a childish prank.
  22. Has the Wretched Merkel finally won??
  23. Even if they catch the scum it'll just be a slap on the wrist. Bleeding hearts still running the asylum.
  24. apbremer


    100% if they have any sense. Back to a devalued lira and Happy days again.
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